Alcohol Vocabulary & Terms
ALCOHOL Alcohol – a drug that is produced by a chemical reaction in fruits, vegetables & grains. Classified as a depressant (slows down central nervous system – brain and spinal cord) and stimulant (increases heart-rate, blood pressure) Over 17 million Americans have physical, social & psychological problems related to alcohol. Causes short-term and long-term problems in the body.
ALCOHOL ABUSE Alcohol Abuse – Drinking more alcohol than is socially, psychologically or physically healthy. Many accidental deaths are the cause of alcohol abuse. Usually cause financial & personal problems for the drinker.
ALCOHOLISM Alcoholism – a pattern of alcohol abuse characterized by emotional & physical dependence on alcohol. Develops in 3 stages over a period of time: Stage 1 – Alcohol is used to relieve stress & to relax. Alcohol is used to cope with daily pressures of life. Drinker begins to make excuses. Stage 2 – Body develops a need for more & more alcohol. Drinker often denies there is a problem. Drinker is absent from school or work. Stage 3 – Problem is clear to other people. Drinker is strongly addicted & they are now out of control. TREATMENT IS AVAILABLE FOR ALCOHOLICS!!!
ALCOHOL – VOCABULARY & TERMS Enabler – people close to the drinker unintentionally support the behaviors by denying a problem exists. Denial – Alcoholics believe they do not have a problem with alcohol resulting in their failure to seek treatment. Addiction – a physical or psychological need for a drug or other substances. 2 Types: Physical Dependence – the body’s need for a drug, may have withdrawal & could cause pain. Psychological Dependence – mind sends message to body for the need of a drug ALCOHOL CAUSES BOTH!!!!
ALCOHOL VOCABULARY & TERMS Proof – twice the percentage of alcohol by concentration Example – 100 proof alcohol = 50% alcohol Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) – the amount of alcohol in a person’s bloodstream expressed by a percent. Factors affecting BAC: How much and how fast consumed Body Weight Food – slow down absorption Gender – females have more body fat and water than males. This causes alcohol to dissolve slower than males. Mood Other drugs IN N.J. THE LIMIT A PERSON IS CONSIDERED LEGALLY DRUNK IS 0.08%. THE HIGHER THE BAC, THE MORE THE BODY IS AFFECTED.
ALCOHOL VOCABULARY & TERMS Tolerance – a condition that occurs when a person’s body becomes use to a drug. Withdrawal – the occurrence of unpleasant & recognizable symptoms when a drug is discontinued. Delirium Tremens – a symptom of alcohol withdrawal that includes confusion, agitation, delusions, sleep problems & hallucinations. USUALLY REQUIRES MEDICAL ATTENTION!!!
ALCOHOL VOCABULARY & TERMS Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) – birth defects observed in children of women who drink alcohol during pregnancy. Liver – chemical factory of the body & acts as a cleansing station to rid body of poisons. Has many functions: Removes poisons Promotes blood clotting Aids body in absorbing fats & cholesterol EXCESS ALCOHOL DESTROYS THE LIVER’S ABILITY TO FUNCTION PROPERLY. Oxidation – break down of alcohol by the liver into carbon dixoide & water. OXIDATION OCCURS AT A CONSTANT UNCHANGEABLE RATE OF ½ OUNCE OF ALCOHOL PER HOUR