WATER FOOTPRINT PRODUCTS CHOCOLATE I’ll start with Chocolate. Most people like chocolate. Especially children. They eat it all the time. But when you or I are eating a lovely bar of chocolate we’re not thinking of the water that’s used and wasted to make this, we’re just thinking of how nice it is. THAT HAS TO STOP! We have to stop water wastage. That’s why we’re educating people in Kilkishen about Product Water Footprints. Chocolate: Chocolate uses around 24,000 litres of water just for 1kilogram of Chocolate. That’s a lot don’t you think.
WATER FOOTPRINT PRODUCTS COCA COLA Next I’m onto Coke. Coke is a fizzy drink. It’s full of sugar and caffeine and loads of people like it. Some people can’t have it, others can. It doesn’t matter. It’s still being made. So the next time you're drinking a lovely can or bottle of coke you should just think that you are wasting loads of water. Think about this: Coke uses 132 gallons of water to make just a 2 litre bottle of coke and also it uses 15 litres of water to only make a pet bottle of coca cola.
WATER FOOTPRINT PRODUCTS RICE Rice. Lots of people like rice too. It’s easy for babies to eat as well. But if you think that it doesn’t use that much water you’re wrong. Just think you have to boil the water and use loads of water just to cook it. Then think that it takes 229 gallons of water just to make a pound of processed rice. Rice may be lovely and delicious but just think that water is a main resource of our lives and if products are using loads of water, that water could be gone.
WATER FOOTPRINT PRODUCTS TOMATOES Tomatoes. Lots of people like tomatoes but lots of kids don’t. There are lots of tomato products like tomato sauce, bolognaise sauce and lots more. The more processed the product is, the more water used. Tomatoes use 8 gallons of water for just 4.3oz of tomatoes.
WATER FOOTPRINT PRODUCTS TEA Tea. Lots of people like tea, lots of people drink tea. I love tea. You see people drinking tea in the movies, it says it in books, you see people walking in streets with tea but tea uses loads of water. Tea uses 108 gallons of water per gallon of brewed tea and some people put milk in their tea which is even more water. Then, think about it, you boil the kettle as well which uses more water. That’s a lot of water for one cup of tea.
WATER FOOTPRINT PRODUCTS COFFEE Coffee. Coffee is full of caffeine and it gives people energy or wakes them up from their sleep. You see coffee everywhere, especially in movies but coffee uses a lot of water too. Coffee uses 1,056 gallons of water per gallon of brewed coffee. Again that is a lot of water
WATER FOOTPRINT PRODUCTS MILK Milk. Milk is used for a lot of stuff, such as, cereal, tea, cakes, pancakes, loads of things. I can’t even name them all. Milk comes from cows which farmers use and sell. But no one thinks about how much water is in milk. Milk uses about 144 gallons to make only one gallon of milk and it uses 48 gallons for 8 fl.oz. That is loads.
WATER FOOTPRINT PRODUCTS CAR TIRES Car tires. In 2010 there were more than one billion motor vehicles in use in the world excluding off-road vehicles and heavy construction equipment. So if you multiply that by 4 that is a lot and car wheels are being made all the time. Now think about this. For just one car tire 518 gallons of water is used so if you multiply one billion times four it is 164000000000 and then if you times that by five hundred and eighteen it is 8.4952×10¹³. So that is loads of water and I mean loads and loads. So when your driving in your car just think about how much water went into making every part of it.
WATER FOOTPRINT PRODUCTS PAINT Paint. Paint is great, lots of people use it. There are loads of different colours too. We all use paint for our houses, sheds, cars anything. Paint is used a lot of the time but did anyone ever think about how much water is used to make this paint! But when we’re painting a wall or a picture or anything we’re probably not thinking about how much water is in this lovely coloured liquid tin. Paint uses 13 gallons for only one gallon of paint. That is a lot too. So the next time you or I are painting a wall or a picture or anything we will hopefully think about and appreciate how much water is used to make it.
WATER FOOTPRINT PRODUCTS JEANS Jeans. Lots of people wear jeans. Babies, girls, boys, women, men! Why are they so popular? I don’t know. I think they shouldn’t be. Jeans use 1,800 gallons for just a pair of jeans. Again that is loads. So the next time you’re or anyone else is buying jeans they should think about climate change. Certain products are using TOO MUCH WATER! We wish this would change.
WATER FOOTPRINT PRODUCTS This presentation is by Julie Murphy and Clara Madden (Proud members of The Water Squad)