Culture and Religion in SOUTH ASIA


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Presentation transcript:

Culture and Religion in SOUTH ASIA 1

CULTURE OF SOUTH ASIA A culturally fragmented region Religious and linguistic diversity Religions Islam is predominant in Pakistan and Bangladesh (165 million in India). Hinduism is predominant in India. Buddhism is predominant in Sri Lanka. Sikhism thrives in northern India. 2

Islam swept through central India from the 8th -10th centuries AD Hinduism emerged from the beliefs and practices brought to India by the Aryans. (Before 1500BC) Buddhism emerged during the 6th century BC; made the state religion of India in 3rd century BC Islam swept through central India from the 8th -10th centuries AD Sikhism founded during the 15th century AD. Combines Islam and Hinduism 3

HINDUISM One of the world’s oldest religions. Not just a religion; also a culture in itself. 4

THREE BASIC PRACTICES Puja or worship Cremation of the dead Regulations of the caste system 5

CASTE SYSTEM 1) Brahmans, the priestly and learned class; 2) Kshatriyas, the warriors and rulers; 3) Vaisyas, farmers and merchants; 4) Sudras, peasants & laborers. 5) Panchamas/Pariahs, “the untouchables” who performed the most menial tasks. 6

Three main ideas of Hinduism Reincarnation Karma Dharma 7

REINCARNATION Every living thing has a soul. When a living thing dies, its soul moves into another living creature. Souls are reborn in a newly created life. 8

KARMA Every action brings about certain results. There is no escaping the consequences of one’s actions. Good behavior is rewarded when the soul is reborn into a higher ranking living creature. 9

DHARMA A set of rules that must be followed by all living things if they wish to work their way up the ladder of reincarnation. Each person’s dharma is different. 10

RELIGIOUS CONTRASTS ISLAM HINDUISM Monotheistic Polytheistic No idols One sacred book Koran/Qur’an Uniform dogma - 5 pillars Intolerant (of other religions) Eat beef/Sacrifice cows Eating Pork is Forbidden Bury Dead Social Equality (in theory) Theocratic society Founded by Muhammad HINDUISM Polytheistic Many idols Various sacred writings Varying beliefs Absorbed other religions Venerate cows Burn dead (& alive) Caste separation “State” of secondary importance 11

BUDDHISM Focuses on knowledge, especially self-knowledge As much a philosophy as a religion Founded by: Siddhartha Gautama (563 - 483 B.C.) Focuses on knowledge, especially self-knowledge Elimination of worldly desires, determination not to hurt or kill people or animals 12

FOUR NOBLE TRUTHS Sorrow and suffering are part of all life. People suffer because they desire things they cannot have. The way to escape suffering is to end desire. To end desire, follow the “middle path.” 13

EIGHTFOLD PATH TO THE MIDDLE WAY Right understanding Right purpose Right speech Right conduct Right means of earning a living Right effort Right awareness Right meditation 14

SIKHISM Founded during the 15th century, by Guru Nanak Monotheistic religion The principal beliefs are faith & justice Balance work, worship, and charity, and should defend the rights of all creatures Sacred Text is the Guru Granth Sahib Belief in reincarnation Combines principles of Islam and Hinduism

Religious prohibitions in Sikhism: Cutting hair: Cutting hair is strictly forbidden. Intoxication: alcohol, drugs, tobacco, & other intoxicants are not allowed. Adultery: Spouses must be physically faithful to one another. Blind spirituality: Superstitions & rituals should not be observed or followed Material obsession: Obsession with material wealth is not encouraged Sacrifice of creatures: The practice of sati (widows throwing themselves on the funeral pyre of their husbands), or ritual animal sacrifice to celebrate etc. are forbidden. Non-family-oriented living: A Sikh is encouraged NOT to live as a recluse, beggar, yogi, monk/nun. Sikhs are to live as saint-soldiers. Worthless talk: Bragging, lying, slander, "back-stabbing", etc. not permitted. Priestly class: Sikhism does not have priests. Eating meat killed in a ritualistic manner: Sikhs are strictly prohibited from eating meat killed in a ritualistic manner Having premarital or extramarital sexual relations is forbidden

The 5 Kakaars Kesh – uncut hair. Kanga - a wooden comb. Kara - a metal bracelet. Kachera – a specific style of cotton underwear. Kirpan – a strapped curved sword.