Historical Investigation Plan of Investigation and the List of Sources
Requirements for the Plan of Investigation Identify the aim of your research: Your thesis/research question. Introduce the subject of the investigation: Historical context Identifies the scope Includes the methods Try to stay in the word limit (100-150 words)
The Scope Includes stating your research question (thesis), and addressing why your topic deserves research. “Research of this kind is important because many historian’s continue to question whether the United States was a cooperative and diplomatic “good neighbor” to Latin America or if the were satisfying neo-colonial motivations.”
The Methods Explain what exactly you will be looking for in your research, and what resources (and types of resources, you will use. To answer this question, the investigation will first examine__________. Then _________will be addressed using _______. Finally, the interpretations of ______ and ________ historians will be evaluated in order to answer this question.”
Example Plan of Investigation When Herbert Hoover was faced with the onset of the Great Depression in 1929, his response was tepid, as he believed that too much government action would interfere with free market forces and just make the economy worse. Hoover was widely blamed for doing nothing, leading to Franklin D. Roosevelt’s election in 1932 and his much more energetic New Deal policies. Many free market economists still question whether Hoover’s policies were not a better long-term response than those of Roosevelt. The aim of this investigation is to find out if a continuation of Hoover’s polices would have led to a more rapid recovery from the Great Depression than the policies of Roosevelt. To answer this questions the investigation will first examine the causes of the Great Depression. The policies of both Hoover and Roosevelt will then be addressed and the economic effects of their policies evaluated. Finally, the interpretations of various historians and economists will be evaluated, including both Keynesian and free market perspectives, in order to answer the question.
Plan of Investigation Rubric Marks Descriptor There is no plan of investigation, or it is inappropriate 1 The research question, method and scope of the investigation are not clearly stated. 2 The research question is clearly stated. The method and scope of the investigation are outlined and related to the research question. 3 The research question is clearly stated. The method and scope of the investigation are fully developed and closely focused on the research question.
Requirements for the List of Sources This is not counted in the word count Includes a bibliography or list of sources. The title of this section however is “List of Sources” NOT “Bibliography” or “Works Cited” Must use (MLA) consistently and correctly If your historical investigation is under or over the word limit, you will not receive any credit for this section.
Advice for the List of Sources You must list all sources consulted. You may not use Wikipedia, Encarta, Worldbook, Groliers, Facts on File, or other non-scholarly encyclopedias All internet sources must be approved by Mrs. Pestich or Mr. Donley. Include your word count, at the bottom of your list of sources No good paper can be written without referencing and research at least 8 sources. Of these, you should have at least 2 primary sources, at least 2 opposing Historical Interpretations.
Advice for List of Sources List sources in alphabetical order, by the author’s last name DO NOT USE BULLET POINTS!! The second line of each citation should be indented. No need to double space between entries. The above indentation shows that it is a new entry.
Rubric: List of Sources Marks Descriptor A list of sources is not included or the investigation is not within the word limit 1 A list of sources is included but these are limited or one standard method is not used consistently or the word count is not clearly and accurately stated on the title page. 2 A list of sources using one standard method is included and the investigation is within the word limit 3 An appropriate list of sources, using one standard method is included. The investigation is within the word limit.