ProCES INDICATORS Overview 5/13/2018 Tempus CBRC project – “Capacity Building for Research in Croatia” Univesity of Zadar Darko Frleta , Bc.Sc. ProCES INDICATORS Overview
Project Goals General: 5/13/2018 Project Goals General: To enable Croatian universities to participate in Framework Programs concerted research activities and prepare to full integration in the European Research Area.
Progress indicators Overview period: year 2007. 5/13/2018 Progress indicators Overview period: year 2007. Activity 1.1 - Appointment of staff Activity 1.2 - Research strategy Activity 2.1: Training workshops Activity 2.2 - Language training Activity 3.1 - Information leaflets Activity 3.3 - Web pages Work plan of the Research office for 2008
Progress indicators Activity 1.1 - Appointment of staff 5/13/2018 Progress indicators Activity 1.1 - Appointment of staff Due do the fact that University of Zadar went through changes in Management in the middle of the year, Research Office has been established in November of 2007. New person for administrative purpose has been appointed and started with training. Research Office: Vladimir Skračić Vice-Rector for Science and Development Darko Frleta, Science Manager
Progress indicators Activity 1.1 - Appointment of staff 5/13/2018 Progress indicators Activity 1.1 - Appointment of staff Research Committee: Vladimir Skračić, Vice-Rector for Science and Development Tatjana Aparac-Jelušić. Library science Emil Hilje, History of Art Zvjezdan Penezić, Psychology Leonardo Marušić, Marine Engineering Nikola Vuletić, French Language and Literature UNIZD: NOV 2007 Start: SEP 2006 End: JAN 2007 Research Office activities: Coordination and support in development and mobility of Scientists. Support in application of new international science projects. On-track Behind
Progress indicators Activity 1.2 - Research strategy 5/13/2018 Progress indicators Activity 1.2 - Research strategy Research Committee has drafted the first version of “Research Strategy” (SWOT analysis and university priorities). Academic staff and Management team have discussed the Research Strategy. Planed activities: Fine tuning and approval by the Senate are expected in April or May. UNIZD start: NOV 2007 UNIZD end: JUL 2008 Start: SEP 2006 End: JUL 2007 On-track Behind
Progress indicators Activity 2.1: Training workshops 5/13/2018 Progress indicators Activity 2.1: Training workshops Research office staff – administrative, participated in few workshops organized by the University of Zagreb and University of Split. One workshop was held in Zadar in April of 2007 – Development of Research Strategy. The plan is to continue with workshops and include all RO staff – academic and administrative. Start: DEC 2006 End: JAN 2009 On-track Behind
Progress indicators Activity 2.2 - Language training 5/13/2018 Progress indicators Activity 2.2 - Language training Research office staff – new members Training courses for developing language skills is planed with a language school in Zadar and will be held during Martch-April of 2008. Needs for high level English language coursess still have to be defined. Start: DEC 2006 End: JAN 2009 On-track Behind
Progress indicators Activity 3.1 - Information leaflets 5/13/2018 Progress indicators Activity 3.1 - Information leaflets There was no activity on this point in 2007. This activity is planed for April 2008 by Research Office. Start: APR 2007 End: OCT 2007 On-track Behind
Progress indicators Activity 3.3 - Web pages 5/13/2018 Progress indicators Activity 3.3 - Web pages Web-pages of Research Office at University of Zadar are not established yet. Pages concept and content are defined and under construction. This is to be done as soon as possible and pages will soon be available for use. Start: JAN 2007 End: JUL 2008 On-track Behind
Schedule Work plan of the Research office for 2008 5/13/2018 Schedule Work plan of the Research office for 2008 To increase efforts in achieving planed activities. To establish the Research Strategy as soon as possible and continue with implementation. To provide language training as defined. To establish new web pages of RO
OVERVIEW Activity 1.1 - Appointment of staff 5/13/2018 OVERVIEW Activity 1.1 - Appointment of staff Activity 1.2 - Research strategy Activity 2.1: Training workshops Activity 2.2 - Language training Activity 3.1 - Information leaflets Activity 3.3 - Web pages Work plan of the Research office for 2008