INTRODUCTION TO THE ELPAC English Language Proficiency Assessments for California All slides have been modified from slides provided by CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF BILINGUAL EDUCATION
ELPAC General Overview All items aligned with the 2012 California ELD standards Tests all four language domains Paper- pencil assessment Proposed testing window is from February 1 through May 31 Grades/ grade spans: K, 1, 2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-10, 11-12 At this time, investigating possibility of computer based assessment. Not adaptive Testing window should be Feb. 1- May 31
CELDT and ELPAC: Similarities and Differences Both are paper based ELPAC is aligned with a more challenging set of standards Speaking items are administered to individual students at all grades ELPAC task types are set within a communicative context (e.g., a classroom) Group administrations for Listening, Reading, and Writing at grades 2-12 Some task types involve integrated skills (e.g., speaking & reading, speaking & listening, and writing & reading.)
CELDT and ELPAC: Similarities and Differences Both have exit points for students at the lowest level of proficiency The most complex/ challenging CELDT task types become mid-range ELPAC task types (there will be new, higher level task types, as well) The initial assessment will be shorter and contain fewer task types than the summative (a subset of the summative)
CELDT and ELPAC: Listening Similarities Differences ELPAC will have items similar to the CELDT Extended Listening Comprehension Recorded audio will be used to deliver Listening items at grades 3-12 Audio available through TOMS All items will be single- selection multiple choice Extended Listening Comprehension is now Listen to an Oral Presentation (more academic in nature) Both include Speech Functions (grades 2-12; previously, CELDT had this K-12) New task types: Listen to a Short Exchange Listen to a Classroom Conversation Listen to a Speaker Support an Opinion
CELDT and ELPAC: Speaking Similarities Differences The examiner will administer the items to individual students and score student responses “in the moment” Greater variety of task types; some integrated tasks, such as: Present and Discuss Information (Speaking with Reading) Summarize an Academic Presentation (Speaking with Listening) Items target the following standards: Exchanging Information and Ideas (P1. A.1) Listening Actively (P1. B. 5) Evaluating language choices (P1.B.7) Rubrics Holistic Relate to Part 1 and Part 2 of the CA ELD Standards
CELDT and ELPAC: Reading Similarities Differences ELPAC will have task types similar to CELDT Reading and Comprehension Reading Comprehension is now: Read a Literary Passage Read an Informational Passage Read a Student Essay All items will be single-selection multiple choice Items linked to passages target: Reading/ viewing closely (P1.B.6) Evaluating language choices (P1.B.7) Analyzing language choices (P1.B.8) Understanding text structure (P11.A.1) Understanding cohesion (P11.A.2) Plus other Part 11 CA ELD Standards “read along” tasks- concepts of print K is different test than 1st 1st impressions- Kinder test is appropriate for this time of year. Everything in context. Nothing isolated…
CELDT and ELPAC: Writing Similarities Differences ELPAC will have items similar to CELDT Short Compositions Grades K-12: expectations at a higher level than CELDT All items are constructed response Greater variety of tasks; some integrating reading and writing; more reading with writing. Write about Academic Information (6-12) Justify an Opinion requires two paragraphs to earn full credit Rubrics: Holistic Related to Part 1 and Part 11 CA ELD Standards Some “short composition” prompts are based on personal experience in a school setting. Be able to use info from a graphic organizer or “infographic”to write a summary
Math/ Science & Engineering Practices Practices: Behaviors that students should increasingly use when engaging with content Task types are coded to: Math practices from the California Common Core State Standards: Mathematics Science practices from the Next Generation Science Standards for California Public Schools, Kindergarten through Grade Twelve ELPAC items assess the language needed to perform the practices- not knowledge of math and science content.
Math Practices MP1: Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them MP3: Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others MP6: Attend to precision From Standards for Mathematica Pactie. CDE (2014) California Common Core State Standards: Mathematics. Sacramento, CA pp.6-8
Science and Engineering Practices (SEPs) SEP1: Ask questions and define problems SEP3: Plan and carry out investigations SEP4: Analyze and interpret data SEP6: Construct explanations and design solutions SEP7: Engage in argument from evidence SEP8: Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information From Appendix F: Science and Engineering Practices in the NGSS. CDE (2013) Next Generation Science Standards for California Public Schools, Kindergarten through grade twelve. Sacramento, CA
ELPAC Timeline Consists of separate Initial and Summative Assessments 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 ELPAC Pilot Testing December 2015 Field Test Administrations (No scores reported) ELPAC Summative (Spring 2017) Operational Administrations (Scores reported) CELDT (Initial Only) ELPAC (Summative) Spring 2018 ELPAC Initial (July 1, 2018) ELPAC Operational (Initial and Summative) Consists of separate Initial and Summative Assessments The Initial Assessment will be shorter than the Summative Assessment
Estimated Times for ELPAC Field Test Administration Grade Level/ Span Approximate Time Kindergarten 65 minutes 1st grade 70 minutes 2nd grade 80- 95 minutes 3rd- 5th grades 100- 170 minutes 6th- 8th grades 115- 180 minutes 9th & 10th grades 11th & 12th grades