Municipal Wastewater Infrastructure Rehabilitation
Sherwin Williams Murray Heywood – Water & Wastewater Business Development Manager Eastern North America 34 Years Coating Industry Experience NACE Level 3 Coating Inspector SSPC- Protective Coating Specialist NACE CIP Instructor MPI- Architectural Coating Specialist Chair- SSPC Ontario Chapter
Learning Objectives Causes of Deterioration of Concrete in Municipal Infrastructure Stopping Inflow & Infiltration Structural Rehabilitation Materials Chemical Resistant Coatings and Linings
Causes of Deterioration Structural Fatigue Corrosive Gases Microbial Induced Corrosion (MIC) Old Age
Causes of Deterioration Infrastructure Now Reaching Its Intended Life Cycle Of 50 Years Sewage Has Become More Septic Due to Longer Dwell Times Poor or Poorly Placed Concrete More Industrial Waste Entering Stream Different Organic Components
Structural Fatigue Manholes Caused by: Traffic Loading Freeze/Thaw Cycling Soil Movement Erosion or Cavitation
Corrosive Gases Hydrogen Sulfide – H2S Corrosive to metal and concrete Reduces the pH level Converts to sulfuric acid when it comes in contact with Sulfur Reducing Bacteria (SRB’s)
Corrosive Gases Carbon Dioxide Slow deterioration of the substrate Naturally occurring Acts to reduce pH of the substrate Carbonated concrete
Microbial Induced Corrosion Sulfur reducing bacteria (SRB) break down sulfates in the waste stream and produce hydrogen sulfide (H2 S) and carbon dioxide CO2. The acidic gases H2S and CO2 act to reduce the pH of concrete from approximately 12 to as low as 9.
Microbial Induced Corrosion Sulfur oxidizing bacteria (SOB’s) attach to the surface as sulfates are produced. The SOB’s are known as Thiobacillus Thioxidans. They consume H2S and discharge sulfuric acid H2SO4 The pH continues to drop and microbial growth accelerates creating more H2SO4 Eventual structural failure
Stopping Inflow & Infiltration Purpose: Lower the cost of wastewater being treated at the plant. Lower the cost of equipment maintenance associated with abrasive soils in the waste stream. Protect the environment for Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSO’s)
Stopping Inflow & Infiltration Process Treated through trenchless technology applications Utilizing polyurethane grout injection Sherwin Williams Partners with Avanti International for all grouting products
Typical Manhole Rehabilitation Program 1- Correct All I&I Issues 2- Determine Level Of Deterioration of Concrete 3- Determine Areas of High H2S 4- Develop a Budget 5- Develop a Rehabilitation Plan
Typical Manhole Rehabilitation Program Rehabilitation Plan While manholes properly repaired with mortar and properly lined with Epoxy will typically have a 50 year life span not all municipalities have the budget to use a full mortar and lining system for all manholes. Sherwin Williams Can Help Develop a Manhole Rehabilitation Plan
Typical Manhole Rehabilitation Program Rehabilitation Plan (After All I&I Stopped) Lift Station/Force Main and next 4-5 Holes- Repair Mortar Lined With 125 mils of Epoxy Next Consecutive 4-5 Holes - Calcium Aluminate Mortar Lining – ½”-4” Nominal Thickness. Next Consecutive Holes to Next Lift Station- Microsilica Mortar Lining - ½”-4” Nominal Thickness Then Re-Start Process at Next Lift Station. * Approximate Plan Must Be Customized
Structural Rehabilitation Materials Cementitious Repair Mortars Portland Cement with Admixtures or Calcium Aluminates Sprayed or trowel applied New product mixes allow radial spray with no entry into manhole Will degrade as the original surface did
Structural Rehabilitation Materials Portland Cement This is the most commonly used cement during the precasting and/or cast-in-place production of today’s wastewater components. Relatively Inexpensive Easily Located Susceptible to MIC Long cure times before top coating
Structural Rehabilitation Materials Microsilica Repair Mortars Microsilica repair mortars utilize Portland cement to create the cement paste but also contain a fumed silica admixture to create a more dense substrate. Chemical Resistant / Lower Permeability Can be used as a stand-alone liner in a mild H2S environments. Faster cure times for top coating Susceptible to MIC Lower cost than Calcium Aluminate Mortars
Structural Rehabilitation Materials Calcium Aluminate Repair Mortars The principle behind Calcium Aluminates is that they maintain a higher pH that prevents they colonization of the Thiobacillus bacteria. Offer an improved life cycle over other repair mortars Susceptible to MIC but a reduced rate Can be used as a stand-alone liner in moderate H2S environments.
Chemical Resistant Coatings & Linings Protect the surrounding environment Provide a longer life cycle for the substrate they are protecting Provide an excellent infiltration barrier Available chemistries include: Epoxy Polyurethane Polyurea
Chemical Resistant Coatings & Linings All 3 Chemistries (Epoxy, Polyurethane & Polyurea) have a place in Lining Wastewater Structures and Tanks Sherwin Williams Has Developed Our Manhole Rehabilitation Program Around Epoxy Technology
Manhole Rehabilitation Chemical Resistant Linings Competitive Manhole Lining Products in the market Include; Epoxy Technology Polyurethane Technology Polyurea Technology What's The Difference ????
Manhole Rehabilitation Chemical Resistant Linings Polyurethane Products Require a Primer For SSD Conditions Isocyanate Will Blister In The Presence of Moisture During Application Very Poor Bond When Directly Applied To Concrete Most Products Are Actually Free Floating In the Manhole and Not Physically Attached to Walls I&I Can Occur Between Lining an Wall and No One Would Know. Mostly Small to Medium Sized Regional Manufacturers with Protected Territories.
Manhole Rehabilitation Chemical Resistant Linings Polyurea Products Require a Primer For SSD Conditions Isocyanate Will Blister In The Presence of Moisture During Application Very Poor Bond When Directly Applied To Concrete Often Applied Over Foam Which Has Little To No Structural Integrity. Application Equipment Very Bulky Surface Preparation Must Be Perfect for Success. Mostly Small to Medium Sized Regional Manufacturers with Protected Territories.
Manhole Rehabilitation Chemical Resistant Linings Epoxy Products High Bond Strength to Prepared Concrete Most Can Be Applied to SSD Substrate Amine Epoxy provides High Chemical Resistance High Build Characteristics Ease of Application Beware of Claims that Epoxy Can be Directly Applied To Brick Manholes Without Mortar Repairs. Mostly Small to Medium Sized Regional Manufacturers Some Have Protected Territories.
Manhole Rehabilitation Chemical Resistant Linings Why The Sherwin Williams Manhole Program? Tried and True Technology- SW Chose Epoxy As The Liner of Choice Because It Makes Sense!! Only True National Company in The Manhole Market Single Source Supplier-Partnerships with Avanti (Chemical Grouts) A.W Cook (Repair Mortars) With All Testing Completed Allowing Sherwin Williams to Offer Complete Warranty. On Site Technical Support
Manhole Rehabilitation Chemical Resistant Linings Why The Sherwin Williams Manhole Program? Multiple Levels of Support for Contractors & Owners Local Representatives & Project Development Managers Support of National Wastewater Specialists Largest Manufacturer of Protective Coatings in North America 4000 Stores Across North America ISO Quality Control
Manhole Rehabilitation Chemical Resistant Linings Sherwin-Williams Duraplate 5900 Epoxy Corrosion Protection Coating 100% Solids, Amine Cured Epoxy, Capable of being applied @ 60 – 125 mils DFT in a single coat. Maybe applied to a Surface Saturated Dry (SSD) Substrate. The product offers well balanced physical performance characteristics for use in municipal wastewater streams and wastewater treatment facilities. Also Available In An Epoxy Mortar Abrasion Resistance – 5 mg loss; Tensile Strength – 2,440 psi; Elongation – 530%; Tear Strength 52 pli; 20% Sulfuric Acid – No Effect Application – Packaged by V.O. Baker into 600 ml X 600 ml cartridges
Manhole Rehabilitation Chemical Resistant Linings Sherwin-Williams Duraplate 6100 Epoxy Corrosion Protection Coating 100% Solids, Amine Cured Epoxy, Capable of being applied @ 125 – 250 mils DFT in a single coat. Maybe applied to a Surface Saturated Dry (SSD) Substrate. “Next Generation” of Epoxy- Higher Build and Higher Chemical Resistance Dry to Touch in 2 Hrs Put Back in Service in 5-6 Hrs (Temperature & RH Dependent) Abrasion Resistance – 5 mg loss; Tensile Strength – 2,440 psi; Elongation – 530%; Tear Strength 52 pli; 20% Sulfuric Acid – No Effect Application – Packaged by V.O. Baker into 600 ml X 600 ml cartridges
Chemical Resistant Coatings & Linings Sherwin-Williams Envirolastic AR 530 Brush Grade Polyurea Chimney Seal 100% Solids, Aromatic, Pure Polyurea, Capable of being applied up to 250 Mils DFT in a single coat. Primer required for application to concrete and steel and application to a Surface Saturated Dry (SSD) substrate. The product offers a flexible liner capable of bridging a 1/8” crack. It will withstand severe traffic loading and is packaged in a side by side plural component cartridges for pneumatic application. Abrasion Resistance – 5 mg loss; Tensile Strength – 2,440 psi; Elongation – 530%; Tear Strength 52 pli; 20% Sulfuric Acid – No Effect Application – Packaged by V.O. Baker into 600 ml X 600 ml cartridges
Municipal Wastewater Infrastructure Rehabilitation Sherwin-Williams offers a complete line of products through our manufacture and distribution for the rehabilitation of all of your municipal wastewater infrastructure rehabilitation.
Thank You Questions?
Sherwin Williams Contacts Murray Heywood – Water & Wastewater Business Development Manager Eastern North America Mobile- 905-259-8246 Email- Chris Hamilton – Protective & Marine Coating Specialist Eastern PA Mobile- 717-753-0653 Email- Tim Bauman- Project Development Manager – PA Mobile – 724-714-1047 Email-