DIGITAL PARTICIPATION FOR OLDER PEOPLE – A STEP CHANGE Older People in Social Housing most likely to be digitally excluded Address barriers -connectivity, capability and affordability Move digital participation from a need to a want Outcome – connected customers, connected business
DIGITAL PARTICIPATION FOR OLDER PEOPLE – demonstrating digital Shop around Keep customers informed Provide a free test period Use communal spaces Keep it simple Onsite staff take the lead in engagement Learn from others
DIGITAL PARTICIPATION FOR OLDER PEOPLE – community investment Wi-Fi enable all sheltered housing developments by March 2017 646 properties across 15 sites £120k capital infrastructure investment over 2 years Connectivity investment for 1 year Staff upskilling Partnerships and collaborations
DIGITAL PARTICIPATION FOR OLDER PEOPLE – business as usual Wi-fi built in to new developments for older people (fibre not copper) Rent point to recover the ongoing costs Digital sessions in communal spaces for as long as needed Continue to invest in the digital skills of our people E-Services delivery