MALAWI BUREAU OF STANDARDS Promoting Standardization and Quality Assurance in Malawi Update on ISO Standards on Improved Cookstoves and Clean Cooking Solutions Presented at the Clean Cookstove Camp, Sol Farm, Lilongwe 8th June 2017 NATIONAL COMMISSION FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY `A nation with scientifically and technologically led sustainable growth and development’ E-mail:
Outline of Presentation Introduction Overview of ISO TC 285 Working Groups and Task Groups ISO TC 285 Deliverables Projects in Progress What Next
Introduction Previously Cookstove Standards were being developed under another National Technical Committee (TC) which covered mainly water heaters only. Malawi became full member of ISO in January 2014. TC on Cookstoves and clean-cooking technologies was created after ISO TC 285 and adopted the name of ISO TC. Currently Malawi is actively participating in ISO/TC 285 on Cook stoves and Clean Cooking Solutions through the TC. TC wears two faces i.e. as a National Technical Committee and also as an ISO TC 285 Mirror Committee.
Introduction……. TC membership was established using international standardisation principles where key stakeholders interest have to be represented. The TC is chaired by Polytechnic while MBS is just a secretariat. Malawi established its first Mirror Committee of ISO/TC 285 in 2014 and it had the first meeting in September 2014. The Committee also convened in Feb, then in June 2015 and it has mirror WGs and TGs as in ISO TC 285.
Introduction……… The TC has Four Working Groups and Three Task Groups. Each group has a convener. Malawi has National Standards on Cookstoves BUT the challenge has been the implementation of the standards. Through participation in the International Standards we have learnt a lot with regards to challenges commonly faced by countries in implementing Cookstoves standards especially biomass stoves due to numerous factors that could affect the performance of the stove.
Overview of ISO TC 285 Launched in 2014 Business plan: Scope: Standardization in the field of cookstoves and clean cooking solutions Co-Secretariats: Ms. Sally Seitz (ANSI) Mr. Zacharia Lukorito (KEBS) ISO Technical Program Manager: Mr. José Alcorta Chairperson (until end 2019): Dr. Ranyee Chiang
Membership of ISO TC 285
Standards Development Work
Working Groups and Task Groups The ISO/ TC 285 has four working workings Working Group 1: A conceptual framework for cookstove testing protocols and performance indicators Working Group 2: Harmonized laboratory test protocols Working Group 3: Guidance of field testing methods for cookstoves Working Group 4: Guidance for social impact assessment Each Group – Convener and Project Leader,
Working Groups and Task Groups Three Task Groups (Provide support to the Working Groups) Task Group 1: Communication Task Group 2: Review of existing standards on fuels Task Group 3: Title and Scope of the standards
Working Groups and Task Groups ISO TC 285 Meetings In-person meetings Kenya (2014) Guatemala (2014) Next ISO TC Meeting will be in Ghana from 3-6 November 2015 Next meeting in Nepal (Oct./ Nov, 2017) b) WebEx Meetings Regularly scheduled WebEx meetings for Working Groups (monthly, weekly and as when necessary)
ISO/ TC 285 Deliverables Standard (4 documents in progress) Rules, guidelines or characteristics for activities or for their results. Includes product standards, test methods, codes of practice, guideline standards and management systems standards. Must pass Committee Draft (CD) and Draft International Standard (DIS) ballots to be published
ISO/ TC 285 Deliverables Technical Report (2 documents in progress) May include data obtained from a survey, for example, or from an informative report, or information of the perceived “state of the art ” Must pass a single TC 285 ballot to be published The details in the deliverables are for the stakeholders to determine through their contributions!
Work in Progress Working Group 1 Scope for WG1: A conceptual framework for the development of cookstove testing protocols and performance indicators Establishment of a framework for evaluating test protocols in the laboratory and field that assess key characteristics of cookstoves and cooking systems, and for evaluating the relevance of those protocols for various contexts. Thus, the group provides guidelines for evaluating the suitability of various assessment methods through the following activities.
Working Group 1 Projects for WG1 ISO/NP 19868 (WG 1) Conceptual framework for cookstove. testing protocols and performance indicators. Undertook a stakeholder survey WG developing draft for CD Once the draft is completed – It will be put for a ballot for period of 3 months Upon close of Ballot WG 1 will review comments Produce draft for the DIS to vote.
Working Group 1 Projects for WG1 b) ISO/PDTR 20276 (WG 1) Terms and definitions. WG almost completed draft to submit for TR vote.
Working Group 2 Scope of WG2: ISO 19867: Clean cookstoves and clean cooking solutions–Harmonized laboratory test protocols: This standard provides measurement, recording and analytical methods to be employed when conducting a sequence of stove operations that reflect an anticipated context of use. Part 1: Standard Test Sequence for Emissions and Performance, Safety, and Durability Part 2: Contextual Testing of the Emissions and Performance of Domestic Cooking and Space Heating Appliances (However this is not within the scope of this work)
Projects for WG 2 ISO/DIS 19867-1: Harmonized laboratory test protocols – Part 1: General laboratory test sequence. Passed CD vote in Mar 2016; Reviewed comments WG prepared document for DIS vote. b) ISO/PWI 19867-2: Harmonized laboratory test protocols – Part 2: Contextual laboratory test sequences Approved as Preliminary Work Item in Nov 2015; Timeline paused for PWI
Working Group 3 ISO/CD 19869 (WG 3) Guidance on field testing methods for cookstoves. This standard is intended to: Provide quantitative measurements of cooking system performance. Guidance is provided for evaluation of adoption rates, fuel consumption, power, emissions, safety, and durability. These measurements can be obtained from uncontrolled and controlled cooking tests. Provide methods for measurements of indoor air pollution and personal exposure to PM2.5 and CO.
ISO/CD 19869 (WG 3) Guidance on field testing methods for cookstoves. 3) Provide guidance for field assessments that compare cooking system performance metrics to defined performance levels, or to a counterfactual, which assesses if the new cooking system is improved compared to what would have been observed without the implementation of a new cooking system. Passed CD vote in Mar 2017; WG began discussing comments Produce draft for DIS
Working Group 4 Project for WG 4: ISO/PDTR 19915 (WG 4) Guidelines for social impact assessment. This Technical Report (TR) provides guidance and orientation for assessing social impacts. It illustrates social impacts deriving from improved cooking and inspires the implementation of such assessments. The TR is not exclusive and comprehensive, but provides a solid basis for an assessment. It is supposed to be updated based on new findings and methodologies established and accepted in the cooking energy sector.
Working Group 4 It is important to note that these guidelines are limited by the fact that social impact assessments have been carried out over limited time and in limited number. Therefore the guidelines should be considered as an evolving orientation. WG developing draft for TR
Task Groups (Convener and Experts) TG1: Ongoing communications; Developing newsletter article for TC 285 participants; Future plan to adapt article for external audiences TG 2: Developed database of fuel standards; Periodic review of standards to maintain database; Providing expertise to WGs TG 3: TG proposed and approved in Nov 2015 for experts interested in discussing and proposing new Title and Scope for TC 285; No meetings held.
What happens next? Current projects Continue progress, according to target dates For projects with stalled progress’ ongoing communication between WG leaders and ISO, co-secretariats, TC 285 chairperson to avoid expiration and deletion Encourage countries to review drafts & nominate experts Working Groups & Task Group Meetings to continue ISO/TC 285 Plenary meeting and Working and Task Group meetings will take place 30 October – 3 November 2017 in Kathmandu, Nepal.
What happens next? After publication Publish the best possible document now, living with some disagreement and research gaps The ISO process is designed as an ongoing and iterative process International Standards must be reviewed every 5 years Technical reports are recommended to be regularly reviewed
Thank You for Your Attention