Codes and Conventions of News Reports By Sam Miles
Studio News Readers The studio news readers have to read out the news to a standard of professionalism and to make sure everyone knows what they’re on about. They may also have go improvise with parts of the show if it doesn’t go to plan and is not scripted. Studio news readers do not do live field reports. They only stay in the studio and read the reports from there. They usually contribute towards the script writing as well as well as briefs for other crew members To be a studio presenter, you must dress smartly and have polite and correct grammar and mannerisms.
Field Reporters Field reporters are the people who go and report on the actual scene of the news and not inside the studio. This is to add to the situation and responses of the news article and show in hand. They have to prepare and memorise their own script in the report. They must also have a clean look to them because it makes them a lot more professional.
Link in Studios Link in Studio is the small segment and bridge between the location report and the studio report. This has to be smooth and edited well, especially if live. The studio reporter will indicate that the location report is coming up and at that point, the location reporter will give his report. After they’ve done their report, they will usually say something like “Back to you…” which’ll mean for them to cut back to the studio.
Mode of Address to Viewer The mode of Address to Viewer is the point that you should always be reporting to an audience. This means that you should never be inappropriate to your audience and not be insulting. Reporters for both studio and field work need to follow this regulation and always look straight at the camera when talking.
Interviewing Interviews are held form both types of reporters and are there just to shed facts and opinions from a certain party or opinion on the story/report in hand. They will introduce them, talk about the topic of the report, and then sign off. Interviews can be done live or pre-recorded but as long as they hold the same credibility of what an interview should be, then it wouldn’t matter.
Experts and Witnesses Experts and Witnesses are very much the same as interviews, but will often not be as extensive as an interview. They’re still very much as important as one because it adds to the story and report in hand.
Actual Footage When a report is being shown, they’ll need to show some footage of the story and report in hand. For this, they’ll usually use some stock footage if they’re not accessible to place or footage in hand. Other reports, they can go film by themselves and use that footage. This is a lot easier if it’s a local report programme as they do not have to travel.
Report Structure Piece to Camera – The studio reporter will introduce the story and give the viewers a small brief to it. This will only really show the background of the story and not much detail beyond that. Cutaway- A small segment used to link the field report and the studio report together. Voice over – This will include recorded audio playing over the report to give a little more information about the report. Interview – With a person who is experienced or qualified in the report. Vox Pops – Interview or just reported quotes form people directly involved and affected by the subject. Graphics – Graphical representations of the story which could include facts and opinions on the story.
Examples The examples of the different news shows that I have shown are between BBC and Channel 4 news. Although these two news programmes follow the same format in which to present news, they follow different styles of presenting and aesthetic of the show. I have chosen to show the same report but from the different programmes to compare how each news show does it differently or if there is actually much difference. The reports that I have decided to examine are the flooding reports which has been a problem locally and nationally.
Flooding report – BBC News This was the opening shot of the BBC news reporting about the flooding. This shot is mainly to establish what is actually happening and the intensity of it. There is also an annotation at the bottom of the news report to show who is reporting the news. Most news shows do this and it will very rarely differ between them.
Flooding report – BBC News This was a small graphic to show where the flooding happened throughout the UK and which areas it was worst. This is a good visual demonstration because it’s very easy to visualise and picture the flooding itself. This is known as an insert and they have chosen to use 3D graphics and is often used to give a good visual demonstration without it costing too much.
Flooding report – BBC News This is where they would be talking to their special expert about the topic to give us more information on the topic. This is often done so that more people have a better understanding of the situation. As you can tell, the man is dressed rather smartly which gives the BBC a smart persona to live up to. This also comes across as quite professional.
Flooding report – Channel 4 News This is the introduction to the news report. This is more or less just to show that this is the television programme you are watching and doesn’t serve much other purpose.
Flooding report – Channel 4 News This is an establish shot of the flooding to show the intensity of the situation. This is also good because it’s a very easy cutaway to the report on the flooding. They have not added a annotation in this yet because they have not introduced the reporter but once they do, they will most likely add an annotation saying who the reporter is or the reporter will say it themselves.
Flooding report – Channel 4 News This is the field reporter talking about the flooding and where he is. By the looks of it, he is by the seaside where the flooding and weather warnings will be worse. The fact that he is reporting on location will allow you to see how bad the weather actually is and not just talking about it. You can tell that he has gotten wet and that he is finding it hard to report in these conditions. There is no annotation under him but this could be because he has already said his name and job position.