Capacity Building Skilled statisticians Survey training Interviewers Data collection & processing systems Experience/Practice in doing Guidelines/sourcebooks Research program
Research Program Assess research needs Assess skills required to address research needs. May include management & field operations statisticians & operations researchers survey methodologists & social scientists geographers/cartographers computer programming/information systems expertise in agriculture, economics, demography
Research Program (cont’d) Examine how to get skill set Training Hiring Outside expertise Objective is to integrate expertise with knowledge of local environment and desired program
Design Research Literature review Develop methods and statistical editing, processing, tabulating, & disclosure systems Pilot tests to address unresolved issues & obtain baseline knowledge of success of approach Make corrections to survey design
Design Research (cont’d) Design field test Must test operation May have experimental components Refine survey & implement Conduct theoretical & applied research to address continuing issues/problems
Potential Research Needs Development of sampling frames whether survey or administrate record based Technology implementation GIS systems CAPI implementation Estimation research Estimator for data/nonresponse & cov. Adj. Small area output
Research Requirements Innovative – methods from developed countries may not be replicable Frame issues for lists or segments or administrative records Data collection may have specific requirements Different estimation requirements Low cost – funding is issue Integration of household and business statistical program requirements