Structure of the Australian Bureau of Statistics Ms Rebecca Cassidy Assistant Director Quality Management Team
The big picture
The Big Picture Canberra Darwin Brisbane Sydney Adelaide Melbourne Perth Sydney Adelaide Canberra Melbourne Hobart
About the ABS Australia's official statistical agency Internationally recognised as one of the top statistical agencies in the world Around 3,000 employees Headquarters in Canberra Offices in each State and Territory
Where we live new building from 2002. twin towers with atrium - weather is always good when I look out of my window change social dynamics: from 8 different wings to two big entrance/lift lobbies good cafe at shopfront, sky bridges with tables and good view people sitting with SES : they can't complain they don't see them.
ABS Functions Responsible for providing an extensive range of economic and population statistics Co-ordinating role for all government statistical services within Australia Liaise with other countries and international organisations on statistical matters Conduct and develop new surveys
Current Organisation Structure Brian Pink Australian Statistician DAS, Macroeconomics DAS, Population, Labour, Industry and Environment Statistics DAS, Social Statistics MD directly under CEO having methodologists at Head and deputy head level ensures good understanding of our roles FAS Methodology and Data Management FAS Technological Services FAS Integrated Collection and Dissemination Services FAS Corporate Services
Methodology Division Responsible for the development and application of mathematical, statistical and econometric analysis techniques Around 100 statisticians Recruit graduates with strong qualifications in mathematical statistics, econometrics, mathematics, or closely related fields
Our role Research and Development Client Support methodological research infrastructure development Client Support design of surveys implementation of methodological changes support of procedures requiring methodological knowledge: seasonal adjustment, confidentiality staff usually has both research as well as support roles
Methodology and Data Management Division Methodology and Data Management Division (Geoff Lee) Statistical Services Branch (85) Analytical Services Branch (30) Household Survey Method Business Survey Method Time Series Analysis Data Confidentiality/ Quality Operations Research Data collection method/design Data Management and Standards National Statistical Service
Statistical Services Branch (SSB) SSB is focussed on the methods used within the ABS to collect data and produce statistics. The purpose is to ensure that the statistical methodology underpinning ABS statistics is sound, defensible, & cost-effective. The day to day work involves a great deal of participation in internal boards, committees and meetings, assessing and developing proposals for surveys, statistics and statistical processes. There is also a strong focus on research and development, and liaison and cooperation with other methodologists, working in statistical agencies in other countries, or elsewhere.
Quality Management Team 2 full time staff supported by SSB staff in office for implementation of quality initiatives with clients main responsibilities: project and client management of QIS develop and management of Quality Declarations develop Quality management training courses promotion and assistance of quality initiatives to internal ABS clients
Current Quality Initiatives for ABS Implementation of Quality Gates Implementation of Quality Declarations Develop and Use of Quality Infrastructure System (QIS) for delivery of QMs Release of Quality Manual and Quality Assistant Developing an environment of focussing on early detection of quality risks and monitoring of survey processes Management Info (MI), Clearance Reports and Quality Reviews