RESULTS FROM THE SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRES (The Project - Re-CVET: Comprehensive policy frameworks for continuing VET – Reform of Continuing Vocational Education and Training System) Nijolė Daujotienė Qualifications and VET development centre methodologist 2016-06-10
CVET Participants. Identification of existing incentives for mobilising employers to invest in CVET Answers to questions 12, 13, 22, 23 of the questionnaire tell us about Incentives. According to the answers: the content of the curriculum correlates to the needs of the labour market; CVET learners acquire specialized knowledge and skills and improved their personal development and general position in the labour market; the professional world and society has a positive perception of CVET Institutions
CVET Participants. Identification of existing incentives or information for CVET participants Answers to questions 11, 14, 15, 19 of the questionnaire tells about the incentives. According to the answers: plenty of CVET participants are pleased with the content of the CVET Programs; CVET participants believes that they will frequently use knowledge and skills gained from the participation in the training program; The most important elements for CVET participants - possibility to acquire knowledge, good specialty, occupation and new possibilities to turn to work; acquire or improve skills; gain new experience. They also talks about flexible learning schedule; good communication and cooperation with staff; teacher‘s competence; acquired diligence, punctuality; available incomes according the time of practice; short time of learning and training; possibilities to work at home; possibilities to say opinion about quality assurance.
CVET Participants. Overall impression of CVET is undertaken/considered for improvement Answers to questions 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19, 22, 23 of the questionnaire tell us: CVET learners acquire special knowledge and skills, new experience and new occupation in a shorter time; very important things are: flexible learning schedule, competence of teachers, possibility to work at home after you gained occupation and their involvement to the process of quality assurance; CVET increase their possibilities and positions in labour market
CVET Participants. Recommendations for improvement - To arrange new programmes, which correspond with labour market. - To deliver the information about CVET in different channels. - To cooperate closely among all the sides which have an interest of development of CVET (eg., join projects and other initiatives).
CVET Institutions. Identification of existing incentives for mobilising employers to invest in CVET Answers to questions 1, 2, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 17 of the questionnaire tell us about incentives. According to the answers: preparation or development of CVET prorammes are always in process. The programmes are added with new specializations; the public get an information about provided programmes by different channels; CVET Institutions wish to implement an employment monitoring system of graduates. the content of CVET curriculum correlates to the needs of the labour market; the training programmes offered in line with the specifications of the relevant National Qualifications Framework (NQF), satisfies the objectives of the European policies (Europe 2020) and the objectives of the National Strategy for Lifelong Learning.
CVET Institutions. Identification of existing incentives or information for CVET participants Answers to questions 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 18 of the questionnaire tell us about the incentives. According to the answers: CVET programs are improved with new relevant for labour market specializations and they complies with European VET policy (2020), life long learning strategy and ISO standard requirements. the information about CVET programs is accessible through a variety of measures (eg., CVET institutions consultant's help, TV and radio, newspapers, magazines and brochures, Internet, Labour Exchange, information by e-mail, the Ministry of Education information, by knowledge of family and friends, the professional and employer's organizations, from exhibitions and other events and etc.); there are satisfaction with: the curriculum content and structure, literature for practice works, for general or technical subjects; opportunities for practice; teacher's qualification; appropriate training conditions
CVET Institutions. Overall impression of CVET is undertaken/considered for improvement Answers to questions 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 17, 18, 20 of the questionnaire tell us about overall impression for improvement. According to the answers: CVET programs with new additional specializations are constantly on development and they complies with European VET policy (2020), lifelong learning strategy and Lithuanian Qualifications Framework requirements; program’s content is relevant to labour market needs; employers and the public are informed about the CVET programs through various measures and information about such programs is easily accessible; CVET institutions intend to introduce graduates employment monitoring system; CVET quality management system complies with ISO standards
CVET Institutions. Recommendations for improvement - To install the monitoring system of CVET graduates employment. - To analyze the information about availability of CVET and to enhance such information dissemination process. - To improve, upgrade, develop new CVET programs on purpose to meet the needs of the labour market constantly. - To develop CVET cooperation projects between all sides, which have an interest of CVET development.
CVET Authorities. Identification of existing incentives for mobilising employers to invest in CVET Answers to questions 1, 2, 3, 4, 6,7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19, 20, 22, 24 of the questionnaire tell us about such existing incentives: the current CVET programs meet labour market needs; respondents are involved in providing advices to the development / validation of CVET programs; CVET program's graduates are very useful for business; CVET program's graduates preparation is good enough for the separate sectors of the economy (eg., transportation, beauty services, fisheries, construction, manufacturing); CVET programs can be strengthen with new specializations; CVET programs can sufficiently enhance students knowledge and skills; graduates of CVET programs may quickly ( within 6 - 12 months) to adapt to the labour market and work without direct leadership; CVET programs useful to people, because they can acquire professional skills and qualification by short time and it makes them possibilities to find work;
CVET Authorities. Identification of existing incentives or information for CVET participants Answers to questions 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19, 20, 24 of the questionnaire tell us such incentives: - the current CVET programs meets labour market needs; consultations between CVET institutions and employers concerned the development / validation of CVET programs are going constantly; business world recognizes the usefulness of the CVET program's graduates; - CVET programs were added with new specializations; CVET program's can enhance students knowledge and skills within a relatively short time; enough quick adaptation of CVET program's graduates in the labor market (they are able to work without direct leadership after short time); CVET programs designed in respond to the Lithuanian Qualifications Framework, the requirements of European vocational training policy (2020) and the Lifelong Learning Strategy; CVET programs allows for people to acquire necessary for labour market skills and qualifications, they creates the opportunity to find a job or develop their own business.
CVET Authorities. Overall impression of CVET is undertaken/considered for improvement Answers to questions 1, 2, 3, 4, 6,7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19, 20, 22, 24 of the questionnaire tell us about overall impression for improvement: CVET programs are developed specifically in order to meet labor market needs; the business world provides advices on the development / validation of the CVET programs; was named the need to strengthen the CVET programs with additional specializations for the purpose that graduates could acquire the relevant skills and qualifications; was defined the operating mechanisms / activities, how to improve the CVET programs for graduates in the working market (close cooperation between CVET providers and employers; support by State for the employers taking learners to practice; relevance of modular CVET programs; relevance of timely renewal programs with new specializations; information about CVET popularization and dissemination); was named important of improving of student's assessment, specializations, assess and recognition non-formal way acquired competences and non-formal CVET programs, reducing number of irrelevant programs - proposes for to strengthen CVET.
CVET Authorities. Recommendations for improvement To implement or develop the measures, which are enable to increase the number of CVET students (close cooperation between CVET providers, employers and CVET participants; State's support to employers who participated in CVET; constant preparation of new modular programs with new specializations and their timely updating; dissemination of information about the CVET. To implement or develop measures, which can make CVET more attractive to women: creation of flexible working and learning conditions, development of training programs with relevant specializations, flexible learning schedules and development of opportunities to learn from a distance. To implement or develop measures, which can make CVET more attractive to the professional world: timely updating CVET programs accordingly to the labour market needs; introduction of new specialties; development of cooperation mechanisms; popularization of CVET. - To implement and develop measures for strengthening of CVET in general - improve student's assessment (identification and validation of acquired competencies by non-formal way), preparation of new specializations and non-formal CVET programs and their assessment, reducing number of irrelevant programs.
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