Super Foods & Organic Food
What is a Super Food? A nutrient-rich food considered to be especially beneficial for health and well being
Super Foods VS Non-Super Foods Kiwis Quinoa Blueberries Spinach Beans Nuts Potato Chips Cookies Candy(Unless all natural dark chocolate) Ice Cream JUNK FOOD!!!!!
Organic Food Foods that are produced using methods of organic farming No use of synthetic fertilizers No use of synthetic pesticides
Organic Foods VS Conventional Foods Apply natural fertilizers, such as manure, to feed soil and plants. Spray pesticides from natural sources; use beneficial insects and birds, mating disruption or traps to reduce pests and disease. Use environmentally-generated plant-killing compounds; rotate crops, till, hand weed or mulch to manage weeds. Give animals organic feed and allow them access to the outdoors. Use preventive measures — such as rotational grazing, a balanced diet and clean housing — to help minimize disease.
Organic Foods VS Conventional Foods Apply chemical fertilizers to promote plant growth Spray synthetic insecticides to reduce pests and disease. Use synthetic herbicides to manage weeds. Give animals antibiotics and growth hormones
Foods You Should Always Eat Organic Apples Strawberries Grapes Celery Tomatoes Cucumbers Spinach Potatoes Peaches Bell Peppers WHY??? These foods have the highest pesticide loads. When grown conventionally these foods contain organophosphate insecticides which EWG characterizes as very or highly toxic.
Cost of Organic Food VS Conventional Food 2% Milk (half gallon): $4.09 Cereal (12-ounce box): $2.59 (Toasted Oats Cereal) Eggs (1 dozen): $3.47 Romaine Lettuce (1 head): $3.54 Tomatoes(1lb): $4.05 2% Milk (half gallon): $2.99 Cereal (12-ounce box): $3.19 (Cheerios) Eggs (1 dozen): $1.69 Romaine Lettuce (1 head): $1.78 Tomatoes(1lb): $2.82
ACTIVITY INSTRUCTIONS Take out a piece of notebook paper Rip it in half, hamburger bun style (wide way) Label one half Left and Label the other half Right When a picture of a food comes up on the screen Hold up one of your Labels guessing which side is ORGANIC. APPLY WHAT WE LEARNED IN CLASS.
Right apple is Organic
Left Egg is Organic
Right Chicken is organic
Right Strawberry is organic
Left Peach is organic
Right Grapes are organic
Right Yellow Squash is Organic
Left Egg is Organic
Left Steak is Organic
Left Corn is Organic
Right Berry is Organic
Right Tomato is Organic