Case Studies
The Sharing Universe
Resource Implications Promotional Case Study Reporting that a project exists, what it is trying to do or what results have achieved. What is it? One page document, magazine article, video/audio/ blog. Suggested Format One day interview and write-up Resource Implications Interviews, quotes, review documents, review results Getting the info
Resource Implications Best Practice Case Study What is it? Demonstrating new approaches that have led to improvement. Understanding what worked and how it can be shared with others Suggested Format 3 page document, magazine article, video case study with interviews Resource Implications 1-2 days of interviews and two days write up; 1-2 days filming plus editing; Journalist to write an article Getting the info Interviews with people who implemented the approach and those it has been used with (eg a coach and their athletes)
Resource Implications Case Study Process Understanding what lessons have been learnt from running a project/programme What is it? 3-5 page document, accompanied by interview video/audio footage Suggested Format Two days interviews and three days write up Resource Implications Getting the info Interviews with people who planned, implemented and benefited from programme (eg: coach development manager, coach, participants)
Resource Implications Case Study Impact Comprehensive evaluation focussing on the long-term effects of a programme (eg change of behaviour or lasting impact) What is it? Research report; could be accompanied by interview video/audio footage Suggested Format Long term, resource intensive Resource Implications Interviews with people who planned implemented and the programme; long term analysis of participants via survey / interview Getting the info