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Defense Travel System Regional Disbursing Office- Pacific DTS Helpdesk DTS Training
Mission Initial DTS training Introduce travel policies and regulations Introduce newly appointed DTS officials and administrators with their duties and responsibilities
Agenda LDTA and the Tier II Helpdesk Basic Billet Overview Appointment Requirements Roles and Responsibilities Obligations/ Liquidations Authorizations / Vouchers Entitlements
Billets and Responsibilities
DTS Billets Tier II- Normally located in the Disbursing Office. Lead Defense Travel Administrator (LDTA) Tier II- Normally located in the Disbursing Office. Normally located in your local comptroller shop. They are the POC for DTS lines of accounting, SABR/STARS reject codes, and budget issues. Finance Defense Travel Administrator (FDTA) Organization Defense Travel Administrator (ODTA) Responsible for the management of DTS at the unit level. Authorize travel in accordance with the JTR. Approving Official Ensures funds are available to travel and that the correct LOA is used Certifying Official Assists the AO to reviewing documents for accuracy. Reviewing Official Initiates/submits the DTS Authorization/ Voucher Traveler/Unit Clerk
Helpdesk Escalation Path
LDTA and the Tier II Helpdesk Permissions 0,1,2,3,4,5,6 LDTA oversees the system management of DTS at the installation level Provide initial and refresher training for all appointed DTS personnel under DM3 and DM6160 Monitor and assign permissions Monitors DTS to prevent fraud, waste, and abuse Liaison for DTMO, TECOM, and HQMC regarding local DTS issues Compliance Tool Management
ODTA Permissions 0,1,5 Oversees the system management and daily administration of DTS at the unit level Ensure Organization and Traveler information is up to date Conduct routing list maintenance and monitor permission levels Establish a Tier 1 Help Desk to provide troubleshooting, document, and profile assistance for unit travelers Ensure ODTA reports are completed meeting MCO 4650.39A requirements Is NOT a routing official
Routing Official (RO) Permissions 0,1,2 Ensure the authorization/voucher is in compliance with the JTR, and any local travel policies. Ensure traveler provides comments to the AO when necessary (pre-audit flags) Applies the “Reviewed” Stamp Routing Officials shall never be AOs
Certifying Official (CO) Ensures funds are available to travel and that the correct LOA is used Verifies legitimacy and accuracy of expenses claimed on vouchers or local vouchers Ensures validity of supporting documents and receipts Verifies accuracy of expenses and entitlement computations Applies the “Certified” Stamp
Approving Official (AO) Directs/Authorizes official travel Ensure all foreseeable expenses are entered Approves and justifies all exceptions to normal policies Ensure substantiating records are uploaded when required Ensure the voucher is submitted to disbursing or TECOM in compliance with the JTR and local travel policies Applies the “Approve” stamp to authorizations Applies the “Authorized” stamp to local vouchers/voucher
DTS Trip Process
Updating Personal Profile Before a traveler creates their DTS authorization it is important that the following information is correct in DTS: EFT Information- Makes sure that money will go into correct account E-mail address- Ensures that you receive system-generated e-mails and notifications from CTO GTCC Information- Flights cannot be booked/ticketed if GTCC information is not up to date Time zone- Affects computation of per diem – crossing International Date Line (IDL)
GOVERNMENT CHARGE CARD Apply for a GOVCC by contacting your Agency Program Coordinator (APC). Must have GOVCC activated prior to booking through DTS. GOVCC must be used for all lodging, rental car, and commercial air expenses Website link for GTCC cards issued by Citi: /a2/gsasmartpay2/dod/docs/cardholderguide.pdf
Authorization/Orders When an authorization is approved, it authorizes a traveler to execute the TAD trip according to what was authorized in the authorization. It serves to tell the traveler what lodging and per diem rate he/she is entitled to. The traveler must have a copy of the authorization while traveling
What Constitutes Official Travel? JTR 4010 Travel to formal military schools (TECOM funded) Attendance at technical, scientific, professional, or similar meetings and conferences sponsored/arranged by non-Federal organizations Training course attendance conducted/sponsored by Gov’t agencies , or approved under department / agency regulations Assignment as an attendant to a traveler with a special need/disability when the AO determines that the traveler is incapable of traveling alone on official travel
AO Must Ensure TAD purpose is essential official business in the Gov’t’s interest TAD duration is no longer than required to complete the official business/mission Number of travelers is held to the minimum Traveler’s eligibility is based on official necessity and qualifications to best perform the mission
Pecuniary Liability DoD Directive 7000.15, "DoD Accountable Officials and Certifying Officers" Personal financial liability for fiscal irregularities of disbursing, certifying, and accountable officials as an incentive to guard against errors and theft by others, and to protect the government against errors and dishonesty by officers themselves.
Authorizations – Process Flow Traveler inputs expenses into authorization and requests Advances / Partial Payments as applicable. Traveler creates authorization Traveler makes necessary reservations Authorization routed through DMO, which ensures that CBA is properly loaded and tickets are booked in accordance w/ Govt regulations. Authorization routed through CTO for booking. Booking means “Reserved”, not “Paid for”. Traveler signs authorization Airfare is ticketed, “paid for”. GTCC must be activated prior to this, or it will reject. Does unit AO approve expenses and trip arrangements? YES Funds are obligated. Authorization routed to Unit AO. Advances and partial payments are set in motion. NO
Authorizations for trips already taken When creating your own Authorization, first, LOG IN. Select Official Travel, Authorization/Orders Authorizations for trips already taken
Once on this scree you will have two different options, you can either select the top hyperlink for the new updated itinerary screen, or you can select the bottom hyperlink for the old itinerary screen.
There are many changes on the updated itinerary screen. 1. There is no longer a search engine for the TAD Location. 2. Instead of selecting a certain time you can chose either Morning, Afternoon, or Evening. 3. Finally, there are more options to chose from when putting in your Trip Type, Trip Purpose, and Trip Description.
JTR Appendix H Selecting the correct “Trip Type” is important. If you select the wrong trip type, it could hinder you from entering information that would be necessary for your Authorization. Explanation of Trip Type/Trip Purpose. **Do not use acronyms! Select ‘Other’ for Military Air
Commercial Travel Office (CTO) It is DoD mandatory policy that travelers use available CTOs to arrange official travel Ensure your reservations are done correctly. We recommend requesting CTO assistance for the authorization. Travelers tickets will not be issued until your Authorization is approved by your AO. Ensure GTCC is activated prior to ticketing Any amendments may lead to system issue, where the document gets “stuck” at CTO SUBMIT. This can only be resolved by the Travel Assistance Center (TAC). All trouble tickets sent to TAC are resolved or addressed with in 24 hours.
Commercial Air GSA Contract Airfare should be the first choice. If there isn’t anything available, you will need to select the most cost efficient flight by moving left to right (Maradmin 617/06) To cancel flights the authorization will need to be resubmitted to CTO with a new CTO request. The authorization needs to be approved 72 hours before the trip to avoid any cancelations or additional payments Traveler must contact CTO to change any travel arrangements. Tickets purchased outside of CTO will be limited to the GTR.
Scroll Down to Request Specific Flight *ALWAYS move from left to right Scroll Down to Request Specific Flight
Individually Billed Flights must be charged to the GTCC (IBA) vice Centrally Billed Account (CBA) if traveler is a GTCC holder. If the IBA is not available, make sure the GTCC is updated in their profile and the account information has been refreshed in the authorization.
Compact Car is the standard for TAD travel Rental Vehicle Compact Car is the standard for TAD travel AO can authorize a bigger vehicle with the proper justification when a compact car does not meet mission requirements. Reimburse all legitimate costs associated with the rental vehicle. Fuel/Gas Transportation to and from rental facility Tolls and parking fees Taxes Government administrative rate supplement (GARS)
Rental Vehicle Reimbursement of prepaid or top off fuel charges by the rental car facility should not be authorized. Extra insurance is not reimbursed for CONUS TAD sites. Extra insurance is authorized when TAD at OCONUS sites TECOM will not fund rental vehicles. The rental car must be funded by the unit.
Mandatory DTS CTO Use for Lodging Reservations As of September 1, 2015, the JTR requires travelers to book lodging in DTS if available. You cannot book on base lodging using DTS, you must call the Temporary Lodging Facility (TLF) that’s operated by the Gov’t to book your reservation. If Gov’t lodging is available, make reservations and annotate daily cost. When lodging is not available in DTS, CTO will need to be contacted directly.
Per Diem Entitlements Lodging Government quarters must be directed if uniformed personnel is TAD at a military installation. Otherwise, AO will determine whether government quarters or commercial lodging will be used on authorization/orders If government quarters are not available when TAD to a government installation, the traveler needs a Certificate of Non-Availability. When TAD to a schoolhouse or formal training the Installation Commander decides whether government quarters are directed. Civilians are highly encouraged to stay in lodging but cannot be directed
Lodging cont. Can authorize up to 300% of published per diem rate if lodging could not be obtained under the ceiling rate. Must provide justification to AO. Do not reimburse if staying with relatives/ friends Taxes are paid separate from lodging when TAD CONUS through the “Other Expenses” under the “My Expenses” tab Taxes will be included under the per diem entitlements when TAD OCONUS
Meals and Incidental Expense (M&IE) Per Diem Entitlements Meals and Incidental Expense (M&IE) Meals and incidental expense are combined as one expense. The incidental amount is for miscellaneous items that may need to be purchased while TAD (JTR App A, Part 1, Section F) On the first and last day of travel the traveler rates 75% of the full Per Diem No Per Diem when: Aboard a government vessel PTAD Leave
Meal and Incidental Expense (M & IE) Per Diem Entitlements Meal and Incidental Expense (M & IE) Government Meal Rate (GMR) reimbursed when government messing facilities are available and utilized Proportional Meal Rate (PMR) reimbursed when the traveler has 1 or 2 meals provided/available Commercial Meal Rate (CMR) reimbursed when traveler has to pay for all meals consumed If occupying commercial lodging, CMR must be given unless any meals are being provided or messing is available GMR is reimbursed when government messing facility is available and utilized. PMR is reimbursed when the traveler has 1 or 2 meals provided/available. CMR is reimbursed when traveler has to pay for all meals consumed Must be occupying government quarters at the TAD installation to prescribe GMR and PMR.
Here is a look at the updated screen for all expenses and substantiating documents.
Flat Rate Applies when TAD more than 30 days in one location Authorizations must include the flat-rate per diem. On the travel day, the traveler receives up to 100% lodging per diem at the locality rate and 75% meals and incidental expenses (M&IE). For TAD that will last 31 -180 days (in a single location), the authorized flat rate is 75% of the locality rate (lodging plus M&IE) payable for each full day of TAD at that location.
Flat Rate Per Diem cont. For TAD that will last 181 days or greater, the authorized flat rate is 55%, payable for each full day of TDY the single location. Normally, TDY over 180 days is prohibited, but may be authorized by HQMC. If travelers are unable to find suitable lodging at or under the reduced per diem rate, they should contact CTO. Disbursing will require a statement from CTO/unit AO to certify that lodging was not available at the reduced rate. The AO may then authorize reimbursement for the actual lodging cost. CMR will still be paid at the flat-rate.
MARADMIN 533/14: Long Term TAD Per Diem Rates Per Diem Entitlements Flat Rate Cont’d Exemptions: 1. The flat rate per diem does not apply when government lodging or contracted government lodging is used, when contracted government lodging is provided at no cost. 2. The Government Meal Rate (GMR) and Proportional Meal Rate (PMR) are still payable based on the availability of government messing. The GMR and PMR are not prorated to either 75% or 55%. MARADMIN 533/14: Long Term TAD Per Diem Rates JTR CH 4250
Per Diem Entitlements Cont’d How to input Per Diem in DTS: Go to the “Expenses” tab and select “Per Diem Entitlements” Click “Edit” next to the day/days that need to be changed. When changing per diem for multiple days utilize the “Values Apply Through” drop down box at the top of the screen to include all of the dates Note: Per Diem entitlements are defaulted to the full rate.
Per Diem Entitlements Cont’d Under the “Per Diem Rates” section: Change the lodging rate in the manual type in box Under the “Duty Conditions” section check any box that applies to the traveler’s TAD trip Note: In order to enter GMR/PMR under Per Diem entitlements you must select “Quarters Available” under the “Duty Conditions” section.
Per Diem Entitlements Cont’d Under “Meals” section: If traveler rates CMR, select “Full Rate” If traveler rates GMR, select “Available” and select breakfast, lunch, and dinner If traveler rates PMR, select “Provided” or “Available” and what the orders state they will have available/ provided to them
Miscellaneous Expense Types Transportation in and around TAD site Transportation to and from the airport Parking fees (airport)- travelers are limited to cost of 2 taxi fares plus tip. Tolls (official business) Excess baggage- limited to mission essential items and must be justified (I.E. issued gear, K-9 crates, etc.) JTR Chapter 2 Section M or Appendix G for Miscellaneous Expense
Line of Accounting (LOA) If the trip is funded by the unit, utilize the drop down boxes under the “Accounting” tab and utilize the “Accounting Label” drop down box. If the trip is funded by another unit (cross org’d), contact unit FDTA to make that line of accounting available. If the trip is TECOM funded select your unit’s line of accounting. When the authorization/orders is signed and routed for approval, TECOM will enter their own line of accounting and allocate the expenses.
Partial Payment(s) When TAD for 45 days or more traveler rates partial payments Partial Payments are paid every 30 days to GTCC/Personal account to ensure traveler will not become delinquent The split disbursement between the GTCC/ Personal account is created by the system based off the method of reimbursements for each expense To schedule a partial payment go to the “Additional Options” tab and select the “Partial Payments” sub tab. Click the “Schedule Partial Payments” tab
MARADMIN 691/13- Elimination of Travel Advances for TAD Still possible with authorization from the commander To schedule an advance go to the “Additional Options” tab and select “Advances” sub tab Utilize the drop down box to select the correct accounting label. Advances should be limited to reflect correct entitlements. Note: The traveler’s profile must say “Authorized Advance” in order to schedule an advance.
Mandatory Statements Per the JTR, Chap 4, Paragraph U4000C2 and MCO 4650.39A travel authorizations must have the below statements included prior to the approval: Govt QTRS and messing directed if available. Objective cannot be satisfactorily accomplished less expensively by correspondence, teleconferencing, web-based communications, or other appropriate means.
Other Authorizations Click here to open the menu list. There are many options available. Use “Other” for things not listed The mandatory statement can be put in the box.
Pre- Audit A reason code must be selected for booking lodging outside of DTS and a comment must be in the box All comment boxes must be filled.
Digital Signature Use routing list that the TAD trip applies to: Organization’s routing list Funding unit’s org WWT routing list (TECOM) Usually the first one that shows in the box
Voucher Voucher: A voucher is a document that is created once TAD is finished. It should contain all reimbursable travel expenses that the traveler incurred while TAD. It must be completed from a previous authorization.
Maradmin 291/12 Mandates Finance and Disbursing offices to approve DTS vouchers (TECOM WWT excluded). Disbursing will verify GTCC balances and ensure the GTCC balance is paid off with voucher settlement funds. This does not eliminate the requirement for the unit to ensure the Govcc is being paid off in full. Traveler has 5 working days to do a voucher. Unit will review and authorize vouchers within 2 working days of receipt. Disbursing will approve vouchers within 3 working days.
Receipts Receipts are required for: To be considered a valid receipt: Lodging Rental Vehicle Commercial Air Expenses of $75 or greater It is recommended that a traveler provide receipts for every expense To be considered a valid receipt: Must contain the name of the company providing the services Date(s) of purchase or date(s) services were rendered Must indicate that the balance has been paid by the traveler Traveler’s name and method of payment Receipts in a foreign language must be accompanied by a statement in lieu
Expenses of Others The DoDFMR prohibits government traveler reimbursement for expenses incurred by or on behalf of other government personnel. Approving Officials must immediately cease approving travel voucher in which travel expenses of other personnel are claimed. These approvals expose officials to potential pecuniary liability for resultant erroneous payments. Each traveler is entitled to his/her own expenses No traveler should be directed to use his/her GTCC to pay for the expenses of others Travelers that do not have GTCC can request advances / partial payments
Lodging Must be itemized Must have a positive indication of payment
Rental Car Receipts Must be itemized Must have a positive indication of payment The rental car agreement that is issued to the traveler upon picking up the rental car is NOT acceptable In CONUS GPS, insurance, additional fuel, unjustified upgrades, and rental car damages not ICW official business are NOT reimbursable. In OCONUS GPS, insurance, additional fuel, and unjustified upgrades maybe reimbursed. The least expensive rental vehicle is required (both in terms of using the standard compact size and the least expensive vendor). If ‘compact’ is not listed on the receipt then vehicle size must be stated in the voucher.
Substantiating Records To attach supporting documents: Go to the “Expenses” tab and select “Substantiating Records” sub tab. Click the “Browse” tab and select the document from file on computer. Click “Upload”
T-Entering According to Maradmin 384/14 vouchers will only be t-entered by the NDEA when a member does not have reasonable access to a CAC- enabled computer. If Voucher is “T-entered” (signed by anyone besides the traveler), the member must provide a manually prepared and signed (written signature) paper voucher (1351-2 OR SF 1164). This will be uploaded in the substantiating records.
T-Entering Cont’d DTS does generates a 1351, but under no circumstance will this be used as substantiating documentation for a t- entered voucher. It may be used as a guideline.
How to Review/ Approve an Voucher Cont’d Verify your GOVCC balance and ensure the voucher’s split disbursements accurately reflect it will be paid in full. MARADMIN 216/13 To check the split disbursement of final settlement go to the “Additional Options” tab and select the “Payment Totals” sub tab
Subtracting Payment From GOVCC Use the following steps to reduce the split disbursement going to the GOVCC in order to increase the payment to the personal account prior to the final settlement Enter the monetary amount into the Less Prev Pmts to GOVCC (By Traveler) field. Click the “calculate” hyperlink The specified amount will be incremented to the Personal Net Distribution field
Adding Amount To the GOVCC Use the following steps to increase the split disbursement payment to the GOVCC to decrease the split disbursement to the personal account prior to the final settlement Enter the monetary amount in the “Add GOVCC ATM field. Click the “calculate” hyperlink The specified amount will be decremented from the Personal Net Distribution field
Local Voucher Used for reimbursement of expenditures on official business Traveler should receive necessary transportation expenses, when transportation is not provided If POV is used, the traveler will receive the mileage drive minus their normal commuting distance or expense
Initial Permission -DD Form 577- Billet specific appointment form -DTS (BASIC)- Travel Documents (DTS 101)- Online class located on TRAX -III MEF DTS Training- Our in-person class is designed to meet the requirements for Travel Regs, Traveler, ODTA, and AO training. If you are unable to attend this class due to your location, follow the link at the end to the test. Provide your test results of an 80% or higher to the Pacific Region DTS help desk along with your DD 577 and additional certificates. ***AO/ RO/ CO/ ODTAs must also complete*** -AO/RO- Accountable Official and Certifying Officer (COL)- TRAX ***FDTAs must also complete*** -FDTA- Budget/Lines of Accounting- TRAX Primary Role DD 577 DTS 101 III MEF CLASS COL FDTA LDTA X YES NO ODTA AO/ RO/ CO NDEA
Renewing Permissions DTS permissions expire after one year. In order to maintain your permissions, the following refresher training must be completed on an annual basis, all found on TRAX. -DTS 101 -Programs & Policies- Travel Policies -AO/RO- Accountable Official & Certifying Officer (COL) FDTAs will substitute the COL for the FDTA- Budget/Lines of Accounting class ODTAs will also be required to complete the III MEF DTS Training annually, so Tier II will be able to effectively mitigate issues at the individual unit level.
References and Resources Pacfic Region DTS Help Desk Defense Travel Management Office Joint Travel Regulations DTA Manual Travel Explorer (TraX)
CTO Point of Contact(s) Camp Foster: (315) 645-5334/3899 Camp Courtney: (315) 622-7561/ 9970 Emergency CTO: (800) 827-7777 Email Cost Comparison requests to:
Questions Hours of Operation: Monday –Friday 0730-1630 GMT Organization Mail Box (OMB): Phone Numbers: Help Desk (315) 645-3300 Debt Management 315-645-6910 AO/ RO 315-645-7484