Texas Woman’s University Special Procurements October 14, 2016
What makes these special Additional steps are required We need supporting documentation Additional time must be allotted Various reasons State compliance Internal controls Standardization Safety
Advertisements for Recruitment Must be approved by Human Resources Department Tear sheets must be sent to A/P with invoices or included in your Pcard supporting documentation An email approval from them is fine – but we need something showing that HR approved the ad A tear sheet is the actual ad that ran in the magazine or paper – it has to match the ad approved by HR
Computer & Related Equipment Quote must come from OoT Departments are required to involve OoT and send documentation with requisition in early phases of projects involving: Information technology service contract purchases Applications software purchases Hardware purchases Hardware may not be purchased with a pcard because it requires a tracking tag and needs to be in the fixed asset system Purchases of computers and computer-related equipment, software, and services are processed following guidelines provided by the State of Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR) and TWU policy 9.19. All purchases are consistent with the short- and long-term strategies for information technology services.
Food Food Purchase Justification form is required for all food purchases Can be found on Procurement Services website under “Forms and Instructions” Exceptions are food purchased: Consumption by animals Research purposes in a lab or classroom
Furniture Once your department has identified a need, contact Design Services to schedule an appointment to discuss scope and budget Contact information: sandrus@twu.edu General Ordering Timeline Budget estimate request 1 week turnaround Vendor visit and generation of ‘plan’ Generation of formal quote 2-3 days after approval Issuance of PO 3-4 days after requisition approved The website has not been updated with the full process yet – but they are working on it. We will also be updating our website with the new requirements Bottom line – it takes quite a while to get furniture – the above timeline does not include the actual delivery and setup.
Office Supplies Summus is the preferred vendor Why Contract pricing through a cooperative Rebate program for based on volume Mentor/Protégé program with Staples HUB vendor Those of you that use other vendors – and trust me – we know who you are – are doing so without receiving any approved contract pricing
Public Identity Printing Business cards, letter head, envelopes Competitively bid and dually awarded vendors: Alphagrahics Marfield Ordering process: Requisition PCard Order through Printing Services – Carrie Gartman An additional charge will be added Both Alphagraphics and Marfield are developing websites that will facilitate the ordering process – i.e. you go on line and input the information you want on the card and it shows you a graphic of what that card with look like