Lakes Region Planning Commission TAC Meeting April 6, 2016 Doug Gosling, NHDOT Bridge Maintenance Engineer
NHDOT Bureau of Bridge Maintenance
What Does Bridge Maintenance Do? Maintains the 2160 State owned bridges (there are an additional 1687 Town Bridges for a total of 3847 bridges) FY 2015 Expenditures - $9,787,746 (includes $1,741,704 for Lift Bridge Operations) Maintains and Operates the States 4 Lift Bridges 12 Repair Crews Including Our Portsmouth Lift Bridge Crew And Our Turnpike Crew 6 or 7 Person Crews About 200 Bridges per Crew Capital Program repairs/replaces about 2 bridges per crew
Crew Areas
Work Effort by Program
Bridge Preservation Bridge Cleaning and Sealing Expansion Joint Repairs
Bearing Repairs
Invert Maintenance
Deck Patching and Membrane
Deck Crack Sealing
Scour Repairs
Bridge Rehabilitation 2015 Removed 10 of 18 Bridges Taken off the Red List
Deck Replacements
Bridge Rehabilitation
Lift Bridge Operations
Lift Bridge Operations - 4 Lift Bridges: Sarah Mildred Long Bridge, Portsmouth Memorial Bridge, Portsmouth Hampton River Bridge Little Harbor (Wentworth Hotel), Rye-Newcastle - Portsmouth Bridges are manned 24/7/365 - 21 Full Time Positions and 20+- Part Time Positions
Emergency Response Tropical Storm Irene washed out US302 bridge
US 302 reopened in 17 days
Special Services District Repairs
State Rail Road Bridges
Municipal Bridges * Phasing This Out
Bridge Washing and Sealing
Procedure: Sweep the bridge Clear away any brush or debris around the bridge Wash the splash zones
Finger Joints often need cleaning Annually
With Adequate Funding This Bridge Will be Repaired
With Reduced Funding Weight Limits Restrict: School Buses Oil Trucks Fire Trucks Delivery Trucks