The European Lift Industry in Global Context Roberto Zappa Vice President, ELA
The European Lift Industry in Secretary-General, ELA Global Context Robert Wright Secretary-General, ELA
European Industry – Global Context Table of contents A picture of the world Megatrends impacting our industry Norms, Standards and Directives Key ELA Priorities
European Industry – Global Context Table of contents A picture of the world Megatrends impacting our industry Norms, Standards and Directives Some Key ELA priorities
Global Markets – E&E units in operation Estimated worldwide market = 13,5 Mio units (2015) 9% 43% China 28% 9% Japan & South-Korea EMEA 7% 4% Rest of A-P
Global Markets – New E&E units Estimated worldwide market = 840 000 units (2015) 3% China 20% 63% 4% EMEA Japan & South-Korea 8% 2% Rest of A-P
European Industry – Global Context Table of contents A picture of the world Megatrends impacting our industry Norms, Standards and Directives Some Key ELA priorities
Global Megatrends Urbanization Demographics Increasing Consumer spend Internet of things 1900: 15% 2050: 67% Urban population Two factors drive growth in this area. Population and density of elevators in service. Forecasted to rise exponentially in the next 35 years. Increasing Consumer Class to increase elevator density outside of Western World. 4 Billion Connected People $4 Trillion in Revenue 25 Million Apps 50 Trillion Gigabytes of Data The Internet of things will accelerate people’s expectation on technology and accelerate market change. 8
Growing needs for sustainable and smart urban living Affordable, accessible vertical housing Safe, reliable, efficient infrastructure Improving living standards and convenience Eco- efficiency and sustainability Growing building intelligence Well being and happiness
Technology has permanently upgraded customers’ and users’ expectations Anywhere, anytime Customers and users are more aware and have more power than ever before Everything And everyone is connected Open and transparent IoT The things happening on the left side give us the opportunities on the right hand side. Rapid technological advancements in connectivity, mobility, and computing power are changing many aspects of our lives People are learning new ways to manage their everyday lives and expect speed, transparency, and convenience Increasing automation, artificial intelligence and new digital tools are changing the nature of work Companies that take advantage of new opportunities to address customer needs can transform entire industries Responsive, Proactive and predictive
EU Lift Industry Table of contents A picture of the world Megatrends impacting our industry Norms, Standards and Directives Some Key ELA priorities
Global code development roadmap (Ver. M_2015-10-27) - This Roadmap is subject to regular review, based on progress of the activities. EN 81-20/-50 -> ISO X/-Y: Towards full harmonisation! Single global standard made available! Dec. 2014* Dec. 2017 Dec. 2020 Dec. 2023 Dec. 2026 Phase 1: Identical adoption of EN 81-20/-50 as ISO X/Y and creation of a regional TS Z Phase 2: First amendment to ISO X/Y (CEN Lead) and creation of EN ISO X/Y Phase 3: Regular (every 3 years) revisions and incorporation of regional TS Z Preparation Final result Main deliverables Approval of the roadmap by all stakeholders Related resolutions and decisions in CEN and ISO Main deliverables ISO X and ISO Y standards, identical to EN 81-20 and EN 81- 50 Addressing the current regional differences in a separate document, ISO/TS Z Main deliverables Amended ISO X and ISO Y European adoption of ISO standards as EN ISO X and EN ISO Y and withdrawal of EN 81- 20 and EN 81-50 Main deliverables Amended (EN) ISO X and (EN) ISO Y Reduction of the regional differences Main deliverables Amended (EN) ISO X and (EN) ISO Y Removal of the regional differences * Completion date Status The EN 81-20/-50 -> ISO X/-Y Roadmap has been approved by CEN/TC 10 and ISO/TC 178 (all positive except Spain) CEN /TC 10 approved “offering” EN 81-20/-50 to ISO/TC 178 (100% positive) ISO/TC 178/WG4/TFC has prepared the draft for the ISO X/-Y identical to EN 81-20/-50 ISO/TC 178/WG4/TFC is preparing draft of ISO TS Z The whole project is on schedule!
EU Lift Industry Table of contents A picture of the world Megatrends impacting our industry Norms, Standards and Directives Some Key ELA priorities
Upcoming projects – ELA Codes and Standards ISO 8100-1&2, ISO TS 8100-3: Progress report, NWI, Public enquiry & formal vote Revision of EN 50518 (Requirements for call centres) – Follow up Follow-up on Draft Guide of Application of LD 2014/33/EU ELA proposal to EC on Reporting to national authorities ELA Q&A on LD 2014/33/EU Next Revision of Lifts Directive & Machinery Directive Traceability of Safety components by means of bar codes/other means SNEE WG: proposal of recommendation to the Board Tele-alarm WG: Updated White Paper for approval
Ongoing projects – ELA Codes and Standards Reporting to national authorities SNEE WG: proposal of recommendation to the Board Tele-alarm WG: Updated White Paper for approval Radio Equipment Directive Analysis of the consequences of revised EN 50518 on call centres ELA/NB-L Joint Task Force
European Union initiatives : focus on Environment & Sustainability Energy Efficiency Labelling (2016 – out) Ecodesign (Working Plan III) EPBD, Lifts included in scope? Circular Economy Conflict Minerals PCR – LCA – EPD
Upcoming Priorities – Energy and Ecology Circular Economy, Clean Energy Transition, EcoDesign & EPBD Clear up the big picture, including impact assessment on the industry Define strategy and position accordingly (round tables with EFESME and ELCA) Define communication and lobbying actions PCR/LCA/EPD Impact assessment on the industry Define strategy for new developments of PCR
Upcoming Priorities – Energy and Ecology Collection of Eco Data Go/No go decision Conflict Minerals Define the mandate (content) Safety Continue actions to promote safety for workers Develop a package to promote safety of users Sustainability Define the scope