RMWEA - LIFT Affiliate Presentation Water Environment & Reuse Foundation December 7, 2016
Water Technology Collaboration Manager Speakers Fidan Karimova Water Technology Collaboration Manager fkarimova@werf.org
LIFT LIFT is a WEF/WE&RF initiative to encourage and support innovation in water
LIFT MA Toolbox
LIFT Affiliate LIFT Affiliates are WEF Member Associations (MAs) that act as local LIFT partners to help accelerate innovation LIFT Affiliates are well positioned to understand local needs, serving as hubs to connect local innovation interests, activities, and resources with LIFT Current WEF MA’s: RMWEA, Israel Water Association, Illinois Water Environment Association SEE IT Scholarships LIFT Link Technology Scans Forums to Present and Discuss/ Focus Groups Academic Utility Connection MA Toolbox Test Bed Network
RMWEA is the now the first recognized affiliate of LIFT through RMWEA’s Innovative Wastewater Technologies (IWT) Committee see www.rmwea.org > RMWEA Committees > Innovative Technologies The Innovative Wastewater Technologies Committee provides an open forum for anybody interested in discussing, evaluating, and testing new innovated technologies and other approaches to make facilities in the RMWEA more cost-effective and sustainable, while meeting ever tighter discharge regulations. Committee Initiatives and Objectives - Foster the exchange of knowledge and experiences related to innovation within the Rocky Mountain Region - Connect with relevant national and international groups involved in wastewater innovation - Facilitate better communication between local and regional facilities when field-testing new technologies - Initiate dialogue with regulators to create administrative procedures that welcome technological innovation - Improve the collaboration of utilities, vendors, and consultants with local universities through student internships and collaborative research projects
Where to get involved Facilitating Utility – Innovation Matching Facility Capacity Building Regional Pilot Test Experience Sharing Academic / Utility Collaborations 2017 Seminar Series
Contact Bryan Coday (bcoday@Carollo.com) Upcoming IWT Meetings Bi-monthly in person: January / March / May, etc. Broader Denver area second Wednesday of the month Subcommittee coordination January 11, 2016 4:00 to 6:00 PM Location - TBD Contact Bryan Coday (bcoday@Carollo.com) for further details
Participate in Technology Scans Looking for innovative technologies that bring: LIFT Affiliates are encouraged to help identify promising technologies and to participate on review teams. Value (money, performance, environment), Advancement, Chance of Success If you are interested In joining please come up to me after. 70% that apply have been accepted
Technology Scans
80 Technologies 76 Companies Hydrotorr Systems
Engage through http://liftlink.werf.org Discover Collaborate Connect
Connect with Test Beds www.werf.org/testbednetwork
Test Bed Directory 60 Facilities Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 www.werf.org/testbeddirectory
Facility Details www.werf.org/testbeddirectory
Foster Innovation within Water Utilities LIFT Affiliates are encouraged to implement activities that foster innovation within water utilities (e.g., utility-utility mentorship, staff exchange, etc.) Guidance is being developed as part of WE&RF/WRF project "Fostering Innovation within Water Utilities” (ends April 2017) Affiliates can also take part in national LIFT efforts such as: Technology Scan Presentation Series In-person Meetings/Workshops (e.g., IR^2 Forum August 10-12, 2017) Water Technology Survey LIFT SEE IT
2016 Water Technology Survey http://www.surveygizmo.com/s3/2952785/LIFT-Water-Tech-Survey-2016 Understand industry priorities and connect interested parties Due: Dec. 20, 2016
LIFT SEE IT Scholarship Exchange Experience for Innovation and Technology WEF, NACWA, WE&RF Partnership Visit technologies of interest at implementing utilities $30,000 in Travel Scholarship Funds Apply: http://bit.ly/liftseeit Applications due: Dec 12, 2016* *Deadline Extended
Link Universities and Utilities LIFT Affiliates can help foster utility-university partnerships and activities Embed Students at Utilities Targeted RDD&D Workforce Training Faculty sabbaticals at utilities WE&RF is developing guidance on how to implement
Fidan Karimova, fkarimova@werf.org Thank You Fidan Karimova, fkarimova@werf.org www.werf.org/lift