#DigitalLives cgest.asu.edu/DigitalLives
Key Finding #1 #DigitalLives cgest.asu.edu/DigitalLives African American youth use computers frequently, enjoy using them a lot, and are confident about their computer related skills. Percent of African American youth who: Rideout, V.J., Scott, K.A., Clark, K.A. (2016, October 19). The Digital Lives of African American Tweens, Teens, and Parents: Innovating and Learning with Technology. Retrieved from https://cgest.asu.edu/sites/default/files/digital_lives_report.pdf #DigitalLives cgest.asu.edu/DigitalLives
Key Finding #2 #DigitalLives cgest.asu.edu/DigitalLives Many African American youth have engaged in innovative and creative activities on computers. Percent of African American youth who have: Rideout, V.J., Scott, K.A., Clark, K.A. (2016, October 19). The Digital Lives of African American Tweens, Teens, and Parents: Innovating and Learning with Technology. Retrieved from https://cgest.asu.edu/sites/default/files/digital_lives_report.pdf #DigitalLives cgest.asu.edu/DigitalLives
Key Finding #3 #DigitalLives cgest.asu.edu/DigitalLives Relatively few African American youth have engaged in more technical activities on computers. Percent of African American youth who have: Rideout, V.J., Scott, K.A., Clark, K.A. (2016, October 19). The Digital Lives of African American Tweens, Teens, and Parents: Innovating and Learning with Technology. Retrieved from https://cgest.asu.edu/sites/default/files/digital_lives_report.pdf #DigitalLives cgest.asu.edu/DigitalLives
Key Finding #4 #DigitalLives cgest.asu.edu/DigitalLives Many African American youth are interested in learning much more about computers. Percent of African American youth who want to learn how to: Rideout, V.J., Scott, K.A., Clark, K.A. (2016, October 19). The Digital Lives of African American Tweens, Teens, and Parents: Innovating and Learning with Technology. Retrieved from https://cgest.asu.edu/sites/default/files/digital_lives_report.pdf #DigitalLives cgest.asu.edu/DigitalLives
Key Finding #5 #DigitalLives cgest.asu.edu/DigitalLives Interest in coding is highest among tweens. Percent of African American youth who have not coded, but want to learn how: Rideout, V.J., Scott, K.A., Clark, K.A. (2016, October 19). The Digital Lives of African American Tweens, Teens, and Parents: Innovating and Learning with Technology. Retrieved from https://cgest.asu.edu/sites/default/files/digital_lives_report.pdf #DigitalLives cgest.asu.edu/DigitalLives
Key Finding #6 #DigitalLives cgest.asu.edu/DigitalLives Interest in learning how to code is higher among boys than girls. Percent of African American youth who have not coded, but want to learn how: Rideout, V.J., Scott, K.A., Clark, K.A. (2016, October 19). The Digital Lives of African American Tweens, Teens, and Parents: Innovating and Learning with Technology. Retrieved from https://cgest.asu.edu/sites/default/files/digital_lives_report.pdf #DigitalLives cgest.asu.edu/DigitalLives
Key Finding #7 #DigitalLives cgest.asu.edu/DigitalLives Parents are more likely to limit girls’ than boys’ online activities. Percent of parents who say they are more likely to encourage or limit children’s online activities, by child’s gender: Rideout, V.J., Scott, K.A., Clark, K.A. (2016, October 19). The Digital Lives of African American Tweens, Teens, and Parents: Innovating and Learning with Technology. Retrieved from https://cgest.asu.edu/sites/default/files/digital_lives_report.pdf #DigitalLives cgest.asu.edu/DigitalLives
Key Finding #8 #DigitalLives cgest.asu.edu/DigitalLives African American youth from lower SES homes are less likely to learn about computers from informal sources. Rideout, V.J., Scott, K.A., Clark, K.A. (2016, October 19). The Digital Lives of African American Tweens, Teens, and Parents: Innovating and Learning with Technology. Retrieved from https://cgest.asu.edu/sites/default/files/digital_lives_report.pdf #DigitalLives cgest.asu.edu/DigitalLives
Key Finding #9 #DigitalLives cgest.asu.edu/DigitalLives Most African American youth prefer using a computer to a phone for important functions. Percent of youth who prefer a computer to a phone for: *Among 13- to 17-year-olds Rideout, V.J., Scott, K.A., Clark, K.A. (2016, October 19). The Digital Lives of African American Tweens, Teens, and Parents: Innovating and Learning with Technology. Retrieved from https://cgest.asu.edu/sites/default/files/digital_lives_report.pdf #DigitalLives cgest.asu.edu/DigitalLives
Key Finding #10 #DigitalLives cgest.asu.edu/DigitalLives African American youth recognize the importance of computers to their future, and don’t adhere to negative racial or gender stereotypes about computer users. Percent of African American youth who say: Rideout, V.J., Scott, K.A., Clark, K.A. (2016, October 19). The Digital Lives of African American Tweens, Teens, and Parents: Innovating and Learning with Technology. Retrieved from https://cgest.asu.edu/sites/default/files/digital_lives_report.pdf #DigitalLives cgest.asu.edu/DigitalLives
Key Finding #11 #DigitalLives cgest.asu.edu/DigitalLives Many African American youth frequently encounter content online that is disrespectful to women and Black people. Percent of African American youth who say they: Rideout, V.J., Scott, K.A., Clark, K.A. (2016, October 19). The Digital Lives of African American Tweens, Teens, and Parents: Innovating and Learning with Technology. Retrieved from https://cgest.asu.edu/sites/default/files/digital_lives_report.pdf #DigitalLives cgest.asu.edu/DigitalLives
Key Finding #12 #DigitalLives cgest.asu.edu/DigitalLives African American youth attitudes about and use of computers are strongly related to those of their parents. Among youth whose parents: Rideout, V.J., Scott, K.A., Clark, K.A. (2016, October 19). The Digital Lives of African American Tweens, Teens, and Parents: Innovating and Learning with Technology. Retrieved from https://cgest.asu.edu/sites/default/files/digital_lives_report.pdf #DigitalLives cgest.asu.edu/DigitalLives