Polis Fundamental political unit in ancient Greece AKA- City-state Made up of a city and its surrounding countryside Each had it’s own government Acropolis- where citizens gathered to discuss city government
Athens and Democracy Democracy: Rule by the people Began in Athens Education: to prepare boys to be good citizens Does our current educational system still do this?
Sparta and Military State Dedicated to: Strength of military Service to Sparta above all else “Come back with your shield or on it” Education: Designed to prepare soldiers
Persian Wars Who: Greece vs. Persian Empire Consequences: United the city-states into GREECE Athens as leader
Persians and Greeks Crash Course
Athens’ Golden Age Period of political leadership, economic growth, and cultural flourishing
Peloponnesian War Who: Athens vs. Sparta Consequences: Athens loses its empire, power, and wealth
Philosopher: “lover of wisdom”- determined to seek the truth Philosophers Philosopher: “lover of wisdom”- determined to seek the truth
Philosophers Socrates: founder of Western philosophy Taught Plato
Philosophers Plato: founder of the Academy in Athens, the first institution of higher learning in the Western World Taught Aristotle
Philosophers Aristotle: Writings constitute the first comprehensive system of Western philosophy Taught Alexander the Great
Alexander the Great Considered one of the greatest military geniuses of all time Conquered an empire that spread from Greece to modern-day Pakistan
Alexander’s Legacy Hellenistic Culture: a blend of Greek, Egyptian, Persian, and Indian Influences Alexander preserved elements of the cultures he conquered Break up of the empire- Alexander’s generals could not hold together his vast empire Split it up Governed with complete power over their subjects
Alexander the Great Crash Course
Legacy of Greece: Culture Greek Language Mythology Olympic Games Philosophers
Legacy of Greece: Science and Technology Geometry Accurate estimates of Earth’s circumference Lever, pulley, pump
Legacy of Greece: Arts Drama and Poetry Sculpture Pottery Architecture
Legacy of Greece: Government Direct Democracy Citizens bringing charges of wrongdoing Code of Laws Expansion of citizenship