Data eXchange Coordination Ongoing Meetings with project engineers and experiments Compilation of summary report (EDMS 772011) Coordination of cabling Coordination of deployment of H/W Now under approval 9 October 2006 LEADE/ D. Swoboda
WP documentation EDMS 772011 v.3 Summary Report LHC MACHINE AND EXPERIMENT DATA EXCHANGE SYSTEMS IMPLEMENTDATION Prepared by D. Swoboda Checked by : Ralph Assmann Roger Bailey Philippe Baudrenghien Nick Ellis Rhodri Jones Marco Oriunno Wayne Salter Alasdair Smith Wesley Smith Emmanuel Tsesmelis Approved by : Austin Ball Jean-Jacques Blaising Paul Collier Chris Fabjan Alain Hervé Robin Lauckner Lars Leistam Steve Myers Marzio Nessi Ernst Radermacher Takashi Sako Werner Witzeling Approval List Sophie Baron, Enrico Bravin, Bernd Dehning, David Evans Philippe Farthouat, Per Grafström, Christoph Ilgner, Richard Jacobsson, Daniela Macina, Thilo Pauly, Bruno Puccio, Javier Serrano, Rudiger Schmidt, Walter Snoeys, Jan Troska, Ray Veness, Jorg Wenninger 9 October 2006 LEADE/ D. Swoboda
Comments to 772011 Thilo PAULY on 2006-10-02, 15:44 said: Accept Generally OK, but I have two major comments. Pages 4 - 5 - 7 - 10 - 5 Typo in caption for Table 2. 7 I'm confused about the number of fibres for TTC+BST, and it seems that the spares are not treated consistently in this document. 3.3: TTC = 5 signals + 1 spare 4.1: 6 TTC + 2 BST + 1 spare 4.2: Table 8: TTC 5 + 2 spares 10 First two bullets under status: Isn't the full VME crate requested by all experiments, in order to receive the safe beam TTL levels? To my knowledge ATLAS so far differs from other experiments that they have additionally requested (and received) a PCI-card (CTRP) for the GPS time-stamp. Jorg WENNINGER on 2006-09-30, 11:03 said: Accept Ok - except that I'm not in charge of supplying the mode (or even impleneting it). That is more a general LHC Control System issue. Daniela MACINA on 2006-10-02, 10:05 said: Accept The functional specifications about the experimental interlocks (EDMS 653932) say that the movable devices can move from their garage position when beam is STABLE or UNSTABLE. In addition, during UNSTABLE beam the near detectors are supposed to move as fast as they can to their garage position. It is not clear to me that the GMT system provides to the experiments the SAFE information about UNSTABLE beam (it provides it only on STABLE beam). This issue should be clarified as soon as possible since it is fundamental for the operation of the movable detectors. Pages 4 - 5 - 4 I am not anymore the link person for TOTEM. The new linkperson is Walter Snoeys. 5 Line 4: harwired injection inhibit is also present on the position of the movable devices since the interlock on the position fully exploits the functions of the BIC. 9 October 2006 LEADE/ D. Swoboda
EXPERIMENT BEAM INTERLOCKS Beam abort and injection inhibit signals can be generated by each detector and each experimental magnet. Beam abort requests are transmitted over hardwired links to the beam interlock system. A hardwired injection inhibit is presently only foreseen for the ALICE ZDC acting on beam 1. All other injection inhibit requests use the DIP system links. Id Supplier Project Eng Scope of supply 1 Experiments E. Sbrissa Exp. Magnet interlock – cabling from MSS to BIS. PH-DT1 (E. Sbrissa). Application. Only Alice & Lhcb dipole magnets concerned. 2 Link persons Beam abort. Cabling to BIS (CIBU, BIC),. provide a coherent signal 3 Injection inhibit. All S/W flags over DIP except for ALICE ZDC H/W contact. 4 Confirmation flag over DIP for Rdy for adjust/Rdy for dump. Table 3: interlock signals from Experiments 9 October 2006 LEADE/ D. Swoboda
TTC instrumentation analog version: 2 Rx/TX per VME module, ALICE, ATLAS, LHCb, TTC lab 5 signals/fibres available + 2 spares 3/4 AB/RF optical receiver modules (3 Digital or 4 Analog) analog version: 2 Rx/TX per VME module, digital version: 3 Rx/TX per VME module 9 October 2006 LEADE/ D. Swoboda
BPTX beam collision timing Item Type Supplier From To Date Cabling Signal & coms cables TS-EL LHC IF Exp. IF (O-scope) Under way BRAN beam collision rate Resolution @ 450 GeV/c ? 9 October 2006 LEADE/ D. Swoboda
BIS beam interlock system BIC cabling provided to patch panel in rack specified by experiment (FoC). CIBU installed by AB-CO in rack specified by experiment (FoC). Cabling CIBU patch panel tb provided by experiment. Connector and grounding specified by AB-CO. Cabling BICpatch-panel has been requested (DIC). TS-EL defined cabling campaign. CIBU available 1Q07. Installation and commissioning tbd between AB-CO and experiment DSS. Patch-panel space required 1U/channel. Question: is UPS required for CIBU? Are PPs needed? Totem CIBU location? 9 October 2006 LEADE/ D. Swoboda
BIS cabling in Experiments 9 October 2006 LEADE/ D. Swoboda
DIP naming scheme * Defined domains are: ACC – Accelerator Domain TS – Technical Services Domain ALICE – ALICE Experiment Domain ATLAS – ATLAS Experiment Domain CMS – CMS Experiment Domain LHCB – LHCb Experiment Domain 1st level of possible sub-domains could be as follows technical services domain: VENT – ventilation COOL – cooling ELEC – electrical distribution ACC – access control GAS – primary gas SAFETY – CERN Safety Systems experiment domains: DSS – Detector Safety System GCS – Gas Control System MCS – Magnet Control System accelerator domain: PS – PS machine complex SPS – SPS machine LHC – LHC machine CRYO – cryogenics VAC – vacuum * LHC Data Interchange Working Group (LDIWG) Phase 2 – Final Report 9 October 2006 LEADE/ D. Swoboda
Naming of Data published by experiments via the DIP * Measurement Units Production Volume (Bytes) Production Interval (sec) Data Rate (Bytes/sec) Total luminosity Expmt\Beam\LumTot cm-²s-¹ 4 1 Average rates Expmt\Beam\RateAvg Hz 12 Luminosity per bunch Expmt\Beam\LumBunch 14256 60 238 Rates for individual bunches Expmt\Beam\RateBunch 42768 713 Position and size of luminous region (average over all bunches) Expmt\Beam\LumRegion\Pos Expmt\Beam\LumRegion\Size cm 24 600 0.04 * Naming scheme proposal for LHC experiment data in work by C. Kostro 9 October 2006 LEADE/ D. Swoboda
Machine to experiments Measurement DIP item name Publication contact Data contact Volume Bytes Freq Estimated availability Total beam intensity dip/LHC/Class/Property/Device K. Kostro AB/BI 8 1 sec Jan 2007 Individual bunch intensities 28 512 1 min Average 2D beam size 1 Average bunch length AB/RF Luminosity 10 sec Average Beam Loss 16 HOR & VER Positions 128 64 Total longitudinal distribution 285.120 9 October 2006 LEADE/ D. Swoboda
status of data exchange systems Instrumentation Eqmt. LHC Side Eqmt. XP Side Appl. LHC Side Appl. XP Side Cabling TTC Sep06 Proto ≥Oct 06 product. 1Q07 fibres installed, reserved by TS/EL team BST available In TTC end 06 GMT Available On request ok requested BPTX Pt8 ok Pt1 L ok follows LHC installation Analog signal Under way BRAN In production Pt 1,5 1st Q07 Pt 2,8 2nd Q07 DIP done BIS 1st H 07 DIC ok MCS/MSS 9 October 2006 LEADE/ D. Swoboda
cable end point in experiments System ALICE ATLAS CMS LHCb Totem TTC SR2 (2275) - UX25/C26/36/6 (5+3) 4Y.03-02.A1 (5+2) USC55 (3524) S1E03 (5+2)[1] UX85/3B09 Sharing CMS BST SR2 (2275) (2) UX25/C26/36/6 (2) 4Y.03-02.A1 (2) S1E03 (4)[2] GMT C28/35 - DCS 4Y.03-02.A1 Y.15-02A1 for R. Spiwoks S2B16 ??? BPTX UX25/C28 (4x) 4Y.03-02.A1 (4x) S1E08 (4x) na BRAN BIS UX25/C28 S1E08 MCS/MSS Magnet Zone, rack tbd [1] TTC Fibres for CMS go directly via the Machine Tunnel from Point 4 to Point 5, they do not pass the CCC/R as for the others [2] BST Fibres are two per ring 9 October 2006 LEADE/ D. Swoboda
data exchange H/W in experiments System ALICE ATLAS CMS LHCb Totem TTC (5+3) 4Y.03-02.A1 (5+2) BST (2) 4Y.03-02.A1 (2*BOBR) 2x fanout ODIN GMT[1] 1U pp/12lemo 1 VME/CTRV ???(CTRP) CTRI BPTX BRAN DIP BIS UX25/C28 (1 +1 pp) 1+1 CIBU (2+1 pp) 2+1 CIBU USC55 (3524) S1E08 (1 pp) 1CIBU – XP UX85/3B09 (2 pp) 2 CIBU S1E08 (1 pp) 1 CIBU – XP 1 CIBU – Beam1/Beam2 MCS/MSS (1 pp) 1 CIBU 1 CIBU – Magnet[3] [1] Cabling type VH4 launched at all XP sites.Termination through 1U pp with 12 Lemo or Canon 9p. [3] Original arrangement between B. Puccio (AB/CO) and E. Sbrissa (PH/DT1) was that E. Sbrissa would install the correct cable between the BIC and his CIBU. E. Sbrissa is ok with someone doing it for him, however, and will supply the final rack location ASAP. 9 October 2006 LEADE/ D. Swoboda
cost of data exchange systems for experiments Eqmt. LHC side Eqmt. XP Side Appl. XP Side cabling TTC foC Di: 1.3 kCHF/ch An: 8.5 kCHF/ch[1] NN foC except: Splitting & conx. BST In TTC GMT xx kCHF (VME fully equipped) < 1kCHF CTR PCB On request foC in surface bldg. Cu cable to XP rack BPTX na BRAN BIS BIC to pp/CIBU = foC MCS/MSS [1] Computed prices including the price of the transmitters from SR4 to experiments 9 October 2006 LEADE/ D. Swoboda
cabling planning in experiments System ALICE ATLAS CMS LHCb Totem TTC Ok/splitting pending Ok Sharing CMS BST GMT 11/06 Y.15-02A1 pour Ralph Spiwoks ok ≥03/07 10/06 ??? BPTX[1] ok BRAN na BIS tbd MCS/MSS Cable test 02/07 01/07 [1] Cable type CMC50 replaced by CMA50. 9 October 2006 LEADE/ D. Swoboda
LHC exchange Action Items Each Experiment to determine what is missing Agree with suppliers to get commitment on scope and time Organize missing issues 9 October 2006 LEADE/ D. Swoboda
Contact persons LHC: BIS/SLP: GMT: TTC: BST: BPTX: BRAN: DIP: Timber: Cables: ALICE: ATLAS: CMS: LHCb: Totem: 9 October 2006 LEADE/ D. Swoboda
GMT features GMT exclusive parameters: GMT parameters also included in BST frame: Circulating beam type/ring RF parameters Next injection parameters Safe Beam Parameters Beam energy/ring Beam present flag/ring Safe Beam flag/ring Safe collimator flag Post mortem 40 MHz PLL clock Beam intensity/ring LHC machine mode Fill number Particle type/ring Official request by Atlas. Other experiments need to submit request. CTRV modules will be installed on request only. Experiments need to specify precise requirements, i.e. triggers , post mortem, etc. Fanout from CRTV << 100 m. Cost (CRTV + crate) ~ 20 kCHF. AB-CO will provide cabling to rack specified by experiment. 9 October 2006 LEADE/ D. Swoboda