COMPUTERS AND THE LAW Contract Law Copyright Law Trademark Law Patent Law Tort Law Computer Crime Constitutional Law Utility Law or Telecommunications Law
Privacy Versus Freedom of Information There are three main issues and areas of concern: The first is how much other people may access our own personal information. Another is how much we should have access to our own private information that other people hold, and The last, how much access we should have to “public” information
Privacy is the interest that individuals have in sustaining a 'personal space', free from interference by other people and organizations Information Privacy is the interest an individual has in controlling, or at least significantly influencing, the handling of data about themselves. Privacy Protection is a process of finding appropriate balances between privacy and multiple competing interests.
Comparison of privacy of information versus the freedom of information Privacy stands for the needs of the individuals in protecting some information. While, the freedom of information stands for the demand of the society in getting the information. The Privacy stands for the interest that individuals have in sustaining personal information free from interference by other people and organizations. The freedom of information stands for the interest that people in society in having the information about an individual, an organization or about a process freely.
Employment And Unemployment Computer in present time is used in each and every sector It is the best tool to do the works efficiently and orderly A computer is so much efficient that if it is programmed well, it could deliver close to zero percent error. computer in many countries in the present time is creating the most number of jobs than any other sector.
How computer has created more Jobs? Computer Operator Computer Programmer System Analyst Database Administrator (DBA) Network Administrator S/W Engineer H/W Engineer Website Developer Animation Developer S/W maintenance Engineer IT - Marketing Professional
Computer has created Unemployment in the following ways Office Work Retail Work Automated Return & Issue System Print Industry Media Hospitals