Let’s introduce ourselves… Welcome to 3rd Grade! Please find your child’s desk if they are in Ms. Garrison’s homeroom. If they are in Ms. Coleman’s homeroom, find any seat. You will get to go over there after the presentation! Let’s introduce ourselves…
Communication Email: School phone number: 919-233-4300 kgarrison@wcpss.net ccoleman@wcpss.net School phone number: 919-233-4300 Feel free to call or email or send a letter in with your child when you have a question or concern. Agendas should be signed nightly (Monday through Thursday). A great way to communicate! Classroom and grade level newsletters are sent home every other week in Friday Folders and/or through email.
Classroom Website We have two classroom websites… Kmgarrison.weebly.com Mscolemansleaders.weebly.com Please check it for updates, announcements, and lots of other information. There are links to websites that student’s can use to practice skills. Parent information will be added to Garrison’s in regards to math concepts
Class Mission Statement Our mission is to learn every day, show GRIT, and be a kind friend while having fun!
Behavior Management Positive Reinforcement is the core. PBIS—LEAD Classroom Economy Students earn Dojo credits and debits throughout the day for their behavior and when they are “caught being Covey”. www.classdojo.com Students are able to purchase coupons and prizes at our grade level store every month. We need prizes!! PBIS—LEAD Classrooms earn deposits and earn celebrations each time we earn 100. We have already earned about 50!
Departmentalization Math and Science are taught by Ms. Garrison Literacy and Social Studies taught by Ms. Coleman
End of Grade Testing Third Grade is where EOG testing begins. Students are tested in math and reading towards the end of May. We are committed to getting each student ready for the test by talking about it very casually throughout the year. Math Problem of the Day, clipboard math and TenMarks Discussing test taking as a genre of reading
Report Cards and Conferences Report cards are distributed at the end of every quarter (October/November, January, March/April, June). Parent/teacher conferences are held after the end of the first quarter. In order to keep you informed in all content areas, conferences will be scheduled with both of your child’s teachers.
Homework Our goal for homework is to be meaningful and it should reinforce new concepts that we have learned or be a review. Nothing should be new! Monday through Thursday nights 30-50 minutes total Math Completed nightly Practice math facts Reading/Writing Writing about reading Letter to teacher Practice with skills being taught
Volunteering We love to have parent volunteers in the classroom, especially during math and reading workshop. Please let us know if you would like to volunteer and have not already signed up. We will be contacting everyone very shortly about volunteering. Please make sure to register through the WCPSS database. You may do this any day in the library (or any WCPSS school) through October 31st. After that day, it will only be available on Mondays. Has to be updated EVERY year
Book Orders Book orders will be sent home monthly. If you wish to order books, please fill out the Scholastic form and send in a check. Or you can order them online by going to http://www.scholastic.com/bookclubs Our classroom activation codes Ms. Coleman: NH3GR Ms. Garrison: GWTNJ The books make great gifts and the more orders we have, the more books we receive for our classroom library!
Keys to Success in 3rd Grade Get a good night’s sleep! Eat a healthy breakfast in the morning and pack a snack. Lunch is at 12:45pm. Arrive at school on time (before 8:30am). Close parent/teacher communication. Complete homework nightly. Be positive! Let them see your positive attitude about school!
We are looking forward to a wonderful year We are looking forward to a wonderful year! Thank you for sharing your child with us and working with us to equip your child with keys to learning! Thank you for coming!
In your child’s homeroom, please… Make sure you sign in Write your child a letter back Check the wish list Write one responsibility per post-it note (horseshoe table) Blue: Student Pink: parent Yellow: teacher Take the mint & homework pass (our little thank you!)