REMINDERS: This week in 2nd Grade… Sept. 5th – Sept. 8th REMINDERS: Please be sure to visit our class webpage to see photos from our fun-filled days! Community Central Password: THINKBIG1718 This week in 2nd Grade… Wow! What an amazing week. It was great to see you all at the Get-to-Know-You conferences. We really enjoyed learning more about your children. In math this week, we reviewed the hundreds chart, and coins. We looked at patterns in numbers, focused on making 10, and played a game called Fishing for 10. In Writing Workshop, we focused on stretching out a small moment and one-on-one conferencing with students. In Reading Workshop, we practiced how to stop and jot using sticky notes and began our center rotations. Students worked at a listening center, a writing center, Words Their Way centers, and partner reading. We also continued to focus on the virtue and value of curiosity. In social studies we focused on our family unit with ongoing discussions about why our family is special and what makes a family. We also did our movie read of our best friend book Fireflies by Julie Brinckloe. Important Dates Plugged In Parents talk 9/25 at 7pm. Book Buddies September 27th 7:00-9:00pm JDRF Walk 10/29 at 10am. Next week in 2nd Grade… We will practice telling our stories across five fingers in Writing Workshop. In Reading Workshop, we will learn how to tackle challenging words. In math we are moving on to reviewing even and odd patterns, skip counting, and comparing numbers. Our grammar focus will be on the digraphs ch, sh. wh. th. In social studies, we will send home the student interview packet for our community research project. This will be due back on Oct. 9th.