The beautiful Africa by Daksh and Bryce
Point 1 Timbuktu We will take an airplane from U.S.A to Timbuktu. We will go owl watching and camel riding. You should pack some shorts, t-shirts, camera, binoculars, water, food and a hat. Then we will take a plane to the pyramids.
Point 2 Great Pyramids of Giza and Sphinx After we arrive We will visit the Pyramids and Sphinx. Also you should pack light colored shorts and t-shirts, camera, LOTS OF WATER and food, a tent and a hat. Then we will take camels to the Nile River.
Point 3 Nile river We will stay on our camels and look at the crocodiles and the beautiful river. We will pack light colored shorts and t-shirts, lots of water, food, hat and a camera. We will take a plane to Mount Kilimanjaro.
Point 4 Mount Kilimanjaro We will arrive and then go hiking in nature. We will pack shorts, t-shirts, bug spray, camera, hat, food and water. We will take a air plane to south Africa.
Point 5 Safari We will arrive and see awesome animals. We will pack shorts t-shirts, binoculars, camera, food, water and a hat. We will take a jeep to The Congo Caves.
Point 6 Congo Caves We will explore the caves and have fun. You should pack a flashlight, pants, long sleeve shirts, camera, bug spray, food and water. Then we will take a airplane back to U.S.A
I think the trip was awesome because we went around Africa to see awesome stuff in Africa