Preparing a Grant for the Pennsylvania Developmental Disabilities Council Fall 2016.


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Presentation transcript:

Preparing a Grant for the Pennsylvania Developmental Disabilities Council Fall 2016

The DD Council Federally Funded & Mandated Independence, Productivity, Integration, Inclusion and Self Determination Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act of 2000 Public Law 106-402 DD Councils Protection & Advocacy Agencies University Centers of Excellence on DD

Mission Statement The Council engages in advocacy, systems change and capacity building for people with disabilities and their families in order to: Support people with disabilities in taking control of their own lives Ensure access to goods, services and supports Build inclusive communities Pursue a cross disability agenda, and Change negative societal attitudes toward people with disabilities In so doing we will bring about benefits to individuals with disabilities other than developmental disabilities and, indeed, to all people.

Vision Statement We envision a Commonwealth comprised of inclusive communities where all people with disabilities are valued and thrive.

Statement of Values Generic Change Systems Change Natural Part of the Human Condition Inclusion Cross-Disability Cultural Competence Empowerment

Developmental Disability “Developmental disability" means a severe, chronic disability: mental or physical impairment or combination of; manifested before age 22; substantial functional limitations in 3 or more major life activities: Self-care Receptive and expressive language Learning Mobility Self-direction Capacity for independent living Economic self-sufficiency; and need for life-long individualized supports.

Began as Council Grants Attendant Care Governor’s Advisory Committee Statewide Adoption & Permanency Network Independent Monitoring for Quality PA Business Leadership Network Shared Ride Transportation Policy Information Exchange

The 2017-2021 Plan First Request for Proposals (RFPs) issued Fall 2016 Second RFP book scheduled to issue Fall of 2017 Third RFP book in subsequent years Grassroots grants are on a separate schedule

Fall 2016 Requests for Proposals Civic Engagement Community Opportunities for Younger Parents Cross Systems Navigator Fitness and Health Generic Technology Home & Community Based Services Final Rule Managed Care Meaningful Day Transitions Peer Support Person Directed Housing & Services Advocacy

Fall 2016 RFPs continued… Person Directed Housing & Services Demonstration Rural Mobile Resources School Culture School to Prison Pipeline School to Prison Pipeline- Re-Entry Self-Advocacy Support Stigma Veterans Support Volunteer Rural Transportation Cooperatives

What’s New for 2017-2021 Systems Change Meaningful Participation Disparate Impact Generic Social Change

Systems Change The Council expects projects to address issues of system change in a broad range of social and cultural, privately-funded and government-funded systems. The Route to Success Matrix, developed through a Council grant, is a resource with strategies linked to successful system change. Proposals must answer such questions as: How is this a better way to do something? How will your work connect with other current activities and projects in this area? How does your work generalize to statewide systemic change?

Meaningful Participation The Council believes that diversity and inclusion strengthen the impact of our grant projects, and encourage our grantees to pursue such meaningful participation through: Hiring and employment practices Genuine involvement in the work of the grant through participation and completion of activities Leadership in evaluation and fulfillment of the project Proposals must include a meaningful participation explanation: How will people with developmental disabilities actively participate and lead in the work of the project? NO TOKENISM! To what extent does your organization employ people with developmental disabilities? What approaches does your organization take to create a diversity-friendly workplace culture?

Disparate Impact Targeted group Strategies Identify an unserved/underserved population disproportionately affected by the RFP issue. Targeted groups may be identified based on race and ethnic backgrounds, sexual identity or orientation, economic disadvantage, geography or disability. Identify strategies to ameliorate disparate impact on this group. The goals of the strategies: Lessen the disparity experienced Engage the group as integral allies and partners in the work of the project

Generic Social Change The Council expects projects to focus on creating Generic Social Change, so that the systems and supports available to the community in general are made equally available, with appropriate accommodation, to Pennsylvanians with disabilities. Each proposal must describe your proposed efforts to influence Generic Social Change as applicable to the RFP.

Mandatory Requirements The explanations in your proposal around Disparate Impact, Generic Social Change, Systems Change and Meaningful Participation must connect to specific activities and strategies in your PERT chart. Failure to include these RFP requirements in your proposal will result in immediate disqualification of your proposal. If awarded funding, you will be required to report the success of your activities and strategies in your quarterly reports.

Other Mandatory Requirements In addition, all applicants must adhere to the following procedural mandatory requirements. No exceptions, modifications, or qualifications of these requirements are permitted, and failure to comply with the RFP requirements will result in immediate disqualification of your proposal.

What Are These Mandatory Requirements? Your proposal must be received on time, on or before 2:00 pm, on the date noted at the end of each Objective Statement. Late proposals will not be accepted for any reason.

Mandatory Requirements – Submission and Mailing You must submit your proposal in hard-copy, printed form. Faxed proposals will not be accepted. Scanned & emailed proposals will not be accepted. Your proposal must be mailed to the correct office: Department of Human Services Rm 402 Health & Welfare Bldg. Commonwealth Ave. & Forster St. Harrisburg, PA 17105-2675 A mailing label will be provided in the RFP book.

Mandatory Requirements- Format & Copies Your proposal package must be submitted with a signed-original proposal and seven (7) additional copies. (8 documents total) The proposal must be prepared in the format and include all of the Parts described in the RFP book. You must use the Title Page form. Signing this will meet a number of other mandatory requirements.

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Each proposal must begin with a brief, one page Executive Summary. This summary should succinctly describe the nature of the problem being addressed and what you intend to do about it. Sandy- do we need to add something about the Route to Success per Parts 1-3?

Part One- What Do You Propose To Do? Include narrative for first two years of project: How will you address the problem? How will your effort contribute to systems change? Why will your approach succeed? AND PERT Chart Activities, responsible personnel, time frames, and expected outcomes Sandy- is there anything else new to include here?

Remember to Include in Part One… Mandatory Requirements: Systems Change Meaningful Participation Disparate Impact Generic Social Change Brief narrative description of expected work in potential additional years (years 3-5) of the project

Part Two- What Outcomes Do You Expect? Describe exactly what your project will achieve. Provide a concise list of outcomes you plan to achieve. Build on, rather than simply repeat, the expected outcomes from the Objective Statements. Identify specific outcomes relative to the Mandatory Requirements - Disparate Impact, Generic Social Change, Systems Change and Meaningful Participation.

Part Three- Who Will Do The Work? Describe the organization and staff who will work on this project. Describe how organizations and staff are qualified to do this particular work. Staff qualifications and experiences may be formal or informal. If staff will be hired after the grant is awarded, describe what qualifications and experiences you will look for in recruiting personnel. Organizations should describe successful experience in doing similar work. Identify past and current collaborations and partnerships.

Part Four- Budget Prepare budget and budget narrative for first two years unless otherwise noted. Budget: All grants are subject to the availability of federal funds Be sure that your budget is added correctly (cross check all rows and columns) Budget narrative: You must provide a budget narrative that details, by line item, how money will be spent in each line item and how you arrived at a given cost for that item

Budget – Local Match Share All Council grants require a local match contribution. This is your portion of the grant and is generally based on 25% of your total budget. The Local Match Share consists of 'in‑kind' value and/or non‑federal cash contributions. NOTE: To calculate the local match share for the 25% required match, divide the amount of your federal dollar request by three.

Budget- Supplanting & Indirect Costs Council funds cannot be used to ‘supplant’ other funds. If you want to apply a percentage amount to your budget to cover administrative costs, you have two options: Provide a copy of your approved Federal Indirect Cost Rate as an attachment to your application. Provide a calculation of an indirect cost rate using the example in the RFP Book.

Additional Considerations Stick to our Mission, Vision and Statement of Values We cannot fund services and supports other than for short term demonstrations of new and innovative approaches We don’t fund purchasing of large office equipment. Equipment purchased becomes property of the Council at the end of the grant Grants may be extended beyond the initial, normal two-year period for up to a total of five years or as otherwise noted No computers

Things To Remember Things We Like: Collaboration Creativity Clearly connecting the dots Things We Don’t Like: Non-specific outputs & outcomes Unexplained technical language Using language that excludes any part of our diverse review group from understanding and appreciating your proposal

How To Contact Us Harrisburg Office Pittsburgh Office 8500 Brooktree Road Suite 100 Wexford, PA 15090 Phone: 724-933-1655 Room 561 Forum Building 605 South Dr. Harrisburg, PA 17120 Phone: 717-787-6057 Toll Free: 1-877-685-4452 Fax: 717-772-0738 711 for Telecommunications Relay Service E-mail: Internet:

Thank you! Thank you for your participation today. We look forward to reading your proposals.