SPS IT Support We are Angie, Lila and Sylvia Room B07, CMB Email: sps.support@ed.ac.uk Instant IT Help and Guidance: https://uoe.sharepoint.com/sites/hss/sps/itservices/handc/_layouts/15/start.aspx#/SitePages/Home.aspx
Log on with EASE EASE is the University's reduced-sign-on service, providing access to various restricted applications and resources. Your Universal Username (UUN) and password will have been provided to you in your acceptance letter. This can be used to log on to University workstations Log on and change the password
MyEd Portal MyEd is the University of Edinburgh's web portal It is a gateway to web-based services within and beyond the University and offers a personalised set of content with single sign on to key University services such as Learn and Office365
MyEd Portal
Access your Office 365 account Make sure you have activated your Office365 email account. This is the primary way the university will contact you during your time here. Log in via the following link or through MyEd: https://www.office365.ed.ac.uk/ Click the green Activate button Enter your UUN & password (twice) Your Office 365 account also features a calendar, cloud storage on the OneDrive, Skype for Business and free access to Microsoft Office software.
Set up your wi-fi service 1. Activate your Office 365 account https://www.ease.ed.ac.uk/emailactivation/ You MUST do this in order to use the wi-fi service 2. Set up your wi-fi service https://vpnreg.ucs.ed.ac.uk/ease/wifiusead.cgi You MUST do this to set your Office 365 password to be the one used for your wi-fi.
Connecting up wi-fi service The Univerity wi-fi service is EDUROAM Click "eduroam" Click "Connect" In the window that pops up, enter your UUN in the form of: UUN@ed.ac.uk Enter your wireless password Click "OK
Printing in SSPS Start > Computer or Windows key & E The School of Social and Political Sciences uses a different printing set-up than the rest of the University If using a LAB, SecurePrint will already be added If using your own device: Start > Computer or Windows key & E Type: \\ssps-uf-app.ssps.ed.ac.uk\ <Return> If you are prompted to login, your user name should be in the following format - ed\UUN (May have to click: Use another account' option) Double-click on SSPS-SecurePrint to install
ELMA All assignments submissions are done in ELMA Go to ELMA (https://elma.sps.ed.ac.uk) Select the course that you want to submit to Select the component of assessment within the course Follow the steps to browse and upload your document All feedback is returned electronically to ELMA Help documentation can be found on the SPS IT Wiki under the ELMA section https://www.wiki.ed.ac.uk/display/SPSITWiki/SPS+IT+Wiki+Home
Printing in SSPS - Apple Intructions to add Secure Printing for Mac devices can be found here: https://uoe.sharepoint.com/sites/hss/sps/itservices/handc/SPS%20Help%20%20Consultancy%20Wiki/Apple%20Printing.aspx
Applications - “Anyware Access” The School of Social and Political Science uses the Anyware service to deliver some specialist applications from https://remote-access.hss.ed.ac.uk STATA 14 MPlus MLwin RStudio SPSS 22 UCINET 6 Matlab Email sps.support@ed.ac.uk to request access
SSPS IT Support Self Help https://uoe.sharepoint.com/sites/hss/sps/itservices/handc/_layouts/15/start.aspx#/SitePages/Home.aspx
Additional 'Getting Connected' Help There are additional University run sessions available: http://www.ed.ac.uk/information-services/computing/get-connected Welcome Week - Ground floor concourse, Main Library Mon-Fri 10am-6pm Sat 12pm-6pm Sun 12pm-7pm Wed 12pm - 3pm - Moray House Library Week 1 - Ground floor concourse, Main Library Mon-Fri 10am-6pm and Wed 10am-8pm