MEGOLDON By: Brennan Pecorino jnbbblhikhkbhkjbkulb 1) Type the name of your animal 2) type your name 3) include a picture of your animal 4) change fonts and colors to personalize. By: Brennan Pecorino
Animal Facts Description The colors of it is white, gray, and black. The height of it is 50 feet long . The length is 100 feet long.It weighs 50 tons. It is covered by scales. A special feature is fitting a T-rex’s head in it’s mouth Diet The megoldon’s type is a carnivore it eats mostly whales or other good big juicy animals Movement it moves super fast though water.2 of it’s fins make it steady when moving. The 2 other fins make it move super fast. 1) Type a description of your animal 2) Type whether your animal is an herbivore, omnivore, or carnivore and what does it eat? 3) text telling how your animal moves 4) pic showing your animal 5)change fonts and colors to personalize.
Habitat It lives in almost every ocean except the Atlantic ocean and the arctic ocean. It stays in the daytime zone and the twilight zone to get pray. 3) it has gills to breath and scales so it has no trouble swimming. 1) Map showing where your animal lives 2) pic of your animal in its habitat. 3) text telling where your animal lives, description of habitat, and any adaptations animal has to live in habitat 4) change fonts and colors to personalize.
Life Cycle e It came from eggs 1 egg at a time. It takes a megoldon about 11 months to hatch. It looks super scary and It has no special names. Adults live by them selves and do not live in groups. Adults look always like kid megoldon. It lives about 20-40 years. 1) Info about when animal a baby 2) pic of your animal as baby or when young 3) text telling about animal changes as growing into an adult 4) pic of your animal as an adult 5) change fonts and colors to personalize.
Prey is whales any kind of them other kind of animals Animal Interactions It dose not need to protect it self but beware animals the megoldon is the number 1 preorder. The megoldon does not exactly commute with other animals because it is a foe to all animals no literally a bad guy to every living thing. Pic of animal adaptation that allows it to protect itself Prey is whales any kind of them other kind of animals It has no preorders because it is the number 1 preorder. it has no friends because it is a preorder to every living thing. How sad. 1) Info about animal adaptation that protects your animal 2) pic and caption of an adaptation 3) text telling about another animal interaction (enemy, predator, prey, etc) 4) pic and caption of enemy, predator, prey, etc. 5) change fonts and colors to personalize.
Interesting Facts Rare shark This shark is super rare because only the teeth where found and scientist are only starting to crack the case! Giant teeth This giant shark has gigantic teeth! About the size of 13.5 inches just imagine if you had teeth that size! A pic to accompany fact #2 Whale fish To a megoldon whales are fish! Pretty cool right! No literally I mean it! 1) Fact #1 and picture 2) fact #2 and picture 3) fact #3 and picture 4) change fonts and colors to personalize. A pic to accompany fact #1 A pic to accompany fact #3