Welcome to Second Grade!
What Can We Expect in 2nd Grade? Students are given numerical grades. 100 – 90 = A 89 – 80 = B 79 – 75 = C 74 – 70 = D Below 70 is not passing. Students must earn a 70 average or above in LA and Math to pass 2nd Grade. Their overall average must also be above 70.
Increased Expectations Students are progressing from learning to read to reading to learn. Knowing how to read will be vital to success. On the Fountas and Pinnell scale students should be reading at a level J and leaving at level M independently. Students will use critical thinking skills and problem solving strategies. We expect higher level thinking. Students will need to develop the stamina to attend to work for greater periods of time. (This is where Reader’s Workshop will come in to play in the classroom. )
Our Schedule 8:10 Doors open and breakfast begins. If your child is eating breakfast and you are bringing them to school they need to be here early to eat. Not arriving at 8:25 to eat. 8:25-8:45 Read to Self/ Announcements 8:45-10:35 Reading/Writing 10:35-11:05 Science/ Social Studies 11:05-11:35 Recess 11:35-12:05 Lunch 12:05-12:15 Restroom 12:15-1:10 Specials 1:10-1:35 Reading/Writing 1:35-2:35 Math 2:35-3:05 Math Intervention 3:05-3:45 Science/Social Studies **Computer lab on Thursday 9:45-10:45 **Library on Tuesday 10:00-10:30 ** Book Buddies Friday 9:00-9:30
Attendance Daily attendance is vital to your child’s success. All day, Every day!! We start our day immediately after announcements. To support our campus attendance goals, please plan family vacations around school. Students will be rewarded for perfect attendance each month. Our goal for attendance is 98%! Let’s do it!!
Graded Assignments Assignments with circled grades will be recorded in grade book. Report card averages come from 50% daily work and 50% assessments, projects, or major grades. Writing, and spelling are combined into one grade. Please sign and return any assignment under 70%.
Homework Homework reinforces learning in the classroom. The assignments are given on Monday and are due Friday. No homework will be given Thanksgiving week, during Winter break or Spring break. Reading nightly is vital and considered part of the student’s homework. Please sign the reading log to acknowledge that your child read that evening. Check my website for a list of weekly spelling words. Your weekly question will also be there. Homework consists of spelling, reading, math, and science or social studies writing. Students who turn all homework in for each nine week period will earn $20 Cougar Bucks.
Classroom Behavior Our Cougar Commitments: The school and classroom rules and procedures are designed to be positive and promote a successful learning environment. Our Cougar Commitments: Respect yourself. Respect others. Respect Property. We model, discuss, and practice procedures frequently so students know the expected behaviors for every situation.
Positive Behavior Incentives Students can earn… Compliment ring on the chain if the whole class is caught being good. Positive Dojo points- one point equals 1 Cougar buck for the Cougar Buck Store. Good phone calls or emails. Treasure box Special Passes-Stinky Feet, Stuffed Animal, etc.
Classroom Behavior Second grade is using the Class DOJO as a way to keep track of the behaviors in the classroom. It is based on earned positives and earned negatives. The students are given their own avatar and daily receive positives for great behavior. They also can earn a negative for inappropriate behavior as well. When a child receives a negative in one certain behavior then a conduct mark is recorded on the child’s conduct card. We are following the “Three Strikes and You’re out” motto but a physical respect others mark is automatic.
Library We check out books on Wednesday. Students must take books home daily and return them daily. Check out two books – one on level AR book and one of their choice. Students are expected to take at least one AR test per week. (more on this from Mrs. Russell)
Snack Students are welcome to bring a nutritious snack to eat in the afternoon. Students are expected to eat snack as they continue to work. Please do not send candy, highly sugared or messy snacks and only water to drink.
Lunch Please use parent tables to eat lunch with your child. You may not invite other children to sit with you. You may only eat with your own child. Please check online at www.parentonline.net for your child’s cafeteria balance. Students may charge meals up to the value of two breakfasts and two lunches ($7.20). When a negative balance appears on a student’s account, an automated phone call and email is activated to inform you of the account balance. If a student reaches the charge limit, an alternate meal is provided until the negative balance is paid. A la Carte items are not available for charging.
Birthdays We want to celebrate your child’s birthday! You may bring in store bought cupcakes or you may purchase ice cream passes for the class. If you have summer birthdays please consider a half birthday celebration. Please do NOT bring cakes, cookie cakes, cookies, or donuts.
Communication Conduct cards are in Homework folders-No news is GREAT news! Graded work will be sent home every Wednesday in Wednesday folders. Subscribe to my edlio and class page. Add dojo app to your phone Follow me on twitter @counselorpinto
Other Important Notes Transportation changes must be sent in writing by 3pm. Phone calls and emails will not be acceptable. Without written notification, your child will be sent home the way they normally go home.
Let’s Have a Great Year!