Chancellor Pam Shockley-Zalabak Year in Review April 29 & 30, 2015 Chancellor Pam Shockley-Zalabak
“Look to your roots in order to reclaim your future “Look to your roots in order to reclaim your future.” ~Ghanaian proverb
Our Roots: 1965 Multitude of pictures appearing– will run automatically
Our Roots: 1965 Multitude of pictures appearing– will run automatically David Packard (front left) pictured here with UCCS Engineering Faculty in 1990
Growth Multitude of pictures appearing– will run automatically
Today: 11,200 Not including online students
Total Minority Population 3,096 Undergraduate Pell Grant Recipients 3,039 32% Total Population First Generation 2,835 30% Total Population Total Minority Population 3,096
Quality Growth with Quality UCCS Peers Graduation rates slightly exceed our 31 national peers UCCS Peers Test scores continue to lead the state No achievement gap
Our People
Faculty and Staff Regular Faculty 436 Clinical Faculty 5 Research Faculty 30 Other Faculty (Lecturers, Visiting etc.) 327 Professional Exempt Staff 471 Classified Staff 218 Total 1,487
Our Budget
All Funds Budget $210.0 million $ 20.5 million in state funds $ 3.2 state financial aid
Our Economic Impact
Our Economic Impact UCCS is one of the largest employers in southern Colorado and is now responsible for generating more than 6,200 jobs in El Paso County UCCS contributes $450 million annually to the Colorado Springs economy. UCCS students, faculty and staff generate $5.6 million annually in local taxes Estimated student enrollment by 2020: 15,000+ Estimated impact by 2020: over $856,000,000
Our Economic Impact
Our Economic Impact
Our Economic Impact
Athletics Cyber Security Wellness
New Degree Programs Bachelor of Arts in Inclusive Elementary Education Bachelor of Science in Engineering Education- BSEEd Master of Science in Accounting- MAcc Master of Science in Athletic Training- MSAT
Research Funding 107 proposals submitted for a total of $25,675,402 requested to date for 2015-2016 year Received 50 awards this year which is greater than last year (43 last year) Received number of dollars has increased over last year $7,217,804 vs. $4,521,355
Mountain Lion Research Day Key note speaker: Thomas Duening Featured speakers: Matt Metzger, Tom Pyszczynski, Jane Rigler 118 projects: 52% undergraduates; 44% graduates; 4% faculty (as first authors; many more faculty as co authors with their students) All academic colleges were represented as well as Biofrontiers and Trauma, Health and Hazards Center. 11 students gave a presentation (beyond the poster sessions that most students do).
Our First Named College
Our Future
Growth in Facilities
Academic Office Building Summer 2014
Alpine Parking Garage/ Recreation Field
Housing Village Expansion
Recreation Center Click again to reveal dark overlay with details
Ground Breaking for Visual and Performing Arts Complex
By 2020 we will…… Have 2,000 online-only students, and 7,000 students taking courses online
By 2020 we will…… Double use of evening and weekend classes and have settled on an appropriate use of hybrid and other new forms of course delivery
By 2020 we will…… Have the largest student population of veterans, active duty military members and families among Colorado four-year institutions
By 2020 we will…… Have 12 new degree programs: 7 new Baccalaureates 4 new Master’s 1 new Doctoral
By 2020 we will…… Enroll 2,400 new first-time freshmen annually Enroll 3,000 new transfers annually Enroll 600 new graduate students annually
By 2020 we will…… Increase international student body to 750
By 2020 we will…… Have a total on-campus enrollment of 15,000 students 13,000 undergraduate or certificate seeking students 2,000 graduate students
A University Built by Community
Our Community
Our Partners Kane Family Foundation Reisher Scholarship Fund The Colorado Health Foundation The Lyda Hill Foundation El Pomar Foundation The Denver Foundation John E. Lane & Margaret L. Lane Foundation Daniels Fund American Endowment Foundation Judith E. Price Fund Foundation for Colorado Springs’ Future The Balsells Foundation Caring for Colorado Foundation Ent Federal Credit Union Yeungjin College Reisher Scholarship Fund George C. Marshall Center
Our Partners Inasmuch Foundation The Anschutz Foundation Atmel Corporation Agilent Technologies The Penrose-St. Francis Health Services Centura Health- Penrose Hospital Helen K. & Arthur E. Johnson Foundation National Semiconductor Colorado Springs Urban Renewal Authority Kaiser Permanente The Searle Freedom Trust Kwangwoon University JPMorgan Chase & Co. Nor’wood Foundation dpiX, LLC Colo Springs Orthopaedic Group National Geographic Society ERC, Inc. El Paso County Board of County Commissioners
Our Partners The Harris Foundation Boettcher Foundation Institute for Justice Northrop Grumman Medical Auxiliary Loan Foundation North Nevada Retail Ventures, LLC The Palisades-UCCS Foundation Fund Peter B. Teets Foundation Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund IBM Corporation Nat Benefits Community Entrepreneurs Vescent Photonics, Inc. Walter Kidde Portable Equipment, Inc. E.L. & Thelma Gaylord Foundation Pikes Peak Area Council of Governments Micron Technology Foundation, Inc. Woodford Foundation For Limited Government
Claim Our Future