Creativity - Using pictures T&L HUB MEETING 5th May 2015 Creativity - Using pictures
Objectives of the session Demonstrate techniques that can be used to encourage creativity with the use of pictures Plan your own activities Follow up
Caption Round Exercises at the Duracell bunnies retirement home Hugh Heffner's search for an Apprentice continues... Suspicion grew that Mr and Mrs Bunny had deliberately ignored the One Child Policy.
Caption Round "26 December - job centre"
Why use pictures? The majority of people are visual learners. Pictures stick. Pictures can accelerate understanding. Creativity can flourish A bit of fun for students! According to research, 65% of the human population is visual learners. That’s two out of every three people you will communicate with today. An even greater percentage thinks using pictures. If I were to say the word “elephant” to a crowd of listeners, most would picture a big gray animal, not the letters “E-L-E-P-H-A-N-T.” Approximately nine out of ten brains work this way. This is a simple reminder that people think using imagery. So if our message is to penetrate, this is how we must communicate. Teaching this way is organic. Aristotle said it best: “The soul does not think without a picture.” Visual aids in the classroom improve learning by 400%. We like to see a picture, not just hear a word. We remember pictures long after words have left us. We retain the stories in speeches more than the words. We remember scenarios. Faces. Colors. Why? They paint a picture in a crowded world of content. Our society is a world saturated with data. People process approximately 1,000 messages a day, digitally and personally. The only hope we have of our message sticking is to insure it contains pictures. The pictures make concepts memorable and employable. When you use an image to represent a timeless principle, comprehension deepens and accelerates. There is significant impact on the learner when a visual aid is connected to a verbal explanation. It actually speeds up the learning process. According to research, the brain processes visual information 60,000 times faster than text. People comprehend (in their head) faster when they form a picture in their heart. The entire brain is engaged. This means images can accelerate both learning important concepts and applying them to life.
1. Describe what this picture is showing. 2. What do you think will happen next? 3. Write down at least two questions that you can ask about this picture
Get Nosey! What questions would you ask about this picture?
Add Change Develop Challenge Students given questions, write questions/statements then swap and give a magenta principle
Challenge — to ask questions WHO WHAT WHERE WHEN WHY HOW Add — to add a brand new idea Develop — to take something that is already there and make it better (this might be through adding awesome words or a more detailed explanation) Change — to take something that is already there and make it clearer so it makes sense (improve SPAG!)
What links these pictures? Is there an odd one out?
Making Links Subject 1 Subject 3 Subject 2 What is specific only to subject 1 What is specific only to subject 2 What do subject 1 and 2 have in common What do subject 1 and 3 have in common What do they all have in common What is specific only to subject 3 Subject 3 Subject 2 What do subject 2 and 3 have in common 12
Plays an individual Sport Only woman Professional Sportsmen Not brilliant at their chosen careers! British Celebrities Only blond person Married Couple 13
Only one with 2 equal sides Isosceles Triangle Only one with 2 equal sides Only one with 5 sides One line of symmetry Angles add up to 180° Only one with all different sides All polygons At least one right angle Right Angled Triangle Pentagon 14
Seven Monkeys This activity works on the principle that different students learn in different ways (V, A, K etc). This will enable you to answer your exam questions in the second half of the lesson.
Q) Explain the processes of convection in a liquid or gas Read and remember 2. Explain to partner 3. Draw 4. Decode pictures to partner Q) Explain the processes of convection in a liquid or gas (10 marks). 5. Sequence key phrases 6. Answer exam question again 7. Mark and make corrections
Q) Explain the processes of convection in a liquid or gas Read and remember 2. Explain to partner 3. Draw 4. Decode pictures to partner Q) Explain the processes of convection in a liquid or gas (10 marks). 5. Sequence key phrases 6. Answer exam question again 7. Mark and make corrections
Pick this part out! 3. Draw 3. Draw 4. Decode pictures to partner
Plan your own activity using pictures Music – Ukulele & Chords Y7 / Musicals Y8 / Popular Music Y9 PE – Rounders English – Poetry Science – Classification & Taxonomy History – Black death in Medieval England Y7/ Black people & slavery Y8 Spanish – House & Bedroom / Daily Routine Art – Colour & Pattern Y7 / Mondrian Y8 / Women in Art Y9 Faith & Ethics – Spirited Arts French – Food & Healthy Living Technology – Materials
Next Steps Take your idea to discuss at your next department meeting on Monday 18th May. Share ideas across subjects at our upcoming THW Teach Meet on 18th June. Hub Leaders – who could lead the teachmeet?