Choosing Modules for the Second and Third Year Summer 2017 School of Humanities (American Studies, English, Film, History, MCC, Music, and Music Tech)
Choosing modules Module selection starts in July for returning Level 5 and Level 6 students (years 2 and 3). Before then, you can use this powerpoint to plan your selection and even to start preparing over the summer if want to.
What can I choose? On the electives homepage ( click on ‘Look what you can choose…’
Example: Level 5 (2nd year) DH American Studies and Film Studies Select your level of study and degree – let’s use DH American Studies and Film Studies year 2 as an example.
What do you have to do? Compulsory core modules are listed. In this case there are two modules you must do (this will vary by programme).
What can you choose to do (1) ‘Optional core modules’ make up the minimum requirements – in this case you need 1 more from Film and 3 from AmStudies.
What can you choose to do (2) The ‘Electives’ make up the remainder – in this example, the student has 30 credits left to choose from: (i) programme approved electives…
What can you choose to do (3) (ii) a long list of free-standing electives …
What you can choose to do (4) … and (iii) a list of Language Centre modules which also count as free-standing electives
Credit rules Your degree in total is 360 credits (3 x 120 per year). At the end of their final year, SH students need at least 255 credits in their principal subject, i.e. 17 out of 24 modules, so you can do up to 7 free standing. DH students need at least 120 credits in each principal subject, i.e. 240, so have up to 8 modules as free standing. At least 45 credits (3 of these 8 modules) must be taken at level 5 and at least 45 credits must be taken at level 6. Major/minor students need 225 credits in the Major subject and 90 in the minor (with 45 in the Minor from year 2).
Final year students You must do at least one ISP (independent study project), usually a Dissertation in Humanities subjects. This is (usually) worth 30 credits and runs the full year, so it is a ‘double’ module. If you have any doubts about it, write to your personal tutor or the dissertation convenor.
Module details (1) To find out about individual modules, click on the module code …
Module details (2) … to take you to the module page where you can see details of the module such as aims, learning outcomes, a description of the content, and the nature of the assessment
Module catalogue In addition, you can see details of modules in your programme(s) in the Module Catalogue:
To read about the modules Choose the right route and then ‘Further details’
Further information If you want to discuss your choice of modules further, please email your personal tutor, the module convenor, or the relevant programme director. Please be aware that staff may be on annual leave or research trips over the summer, and so email communication may be a little slower than during semesters.