bc1 complex Stuart Rose
Goal of this presentation: Function of bc1 complex Overall Structure Structural Details Related to Function
bc1 complex function Cytochrome bc1 complex or ubiquinol:cytochrome c oxidoreductase “Proton pump”: proton translocation coupled to electron transfer FOR MORE INFO... Prof. Crofts’ bc1 Complex Site http://www.life.uiuc.edu/crofts/bc-complex_site/
Full Dimer Two monomers with two fold symmetry. Shown here generally colored by chain designation and axis of symmetry located along a vertical line the image plane.
Functional Highlights: Qo Site Qo site: oxidation of quinol, QH2,to quinone, Q Conformation of site: Liganding of Q within pocket and Liganding of different inhibitor types within pocket Movement of Reiske Iron Sulfer Protein (ISP) between two domains: oxidation of quinol to reduction of cytochrome c1 at heme propianate of the cytochrome
Schematic view of Q-cycle:
bc1 complex subunits of interest
Reiske (ISP) Binding Domains Cyt b ISP Cyt c1
Electron Transfer From ISP to cyt c1 and cyt b
Qo Site with Stigmatellin
Quinone, Q, vs Stigmatellin Oxidized by ISP Reduces bl Quinol, QH2, orthographic view ISP interaction Interference with proximate zone Stigmatellin, perspective view
Distances between redox centers proximal to Qo-site
an electrons view….
Ligation of hemes in Cyt b