Welcome to Back to School Night Mrs. Ferrara and Mrs. Ryan’s Third Grade Class September 18, 2017 A community dedicated to inspiring life-long learners. Please fill out Student Information Card. Complete the “How Well Do You Know Your Child?” quiz. Write a “sweet” note to your child.
Our Class
About Mrs. Ferrara Education: Masters in Elementary Education K-8. Holy Family University BA in Communications. Rowan University Experience: I have taught preschool, third grade and fourth grades prior to joining Harker School as a third grade teacher. This is my 6th year teaching third grade in the Swedesboro-Woolwich School District. Facts About Me: I live in Mantua with my husband, Vince, and our two children. Our daughter, Ryann, is in 7th grade and our son, Trent, is in 4th.
About Mrs. Ryan Experience: Education: Masters in Special Education ~ Widener University BA in Elentary Education ~ Widener University Experience: This is my 9th year teaching in the Swedesboro-Woolwich School District. I have also taught Preschool and Kindergarten prior to joining Harker School as a third grade teacher. Facts About Me: I live in West Deptford with my husband, Nick, and our 2 year old daughter, Gia.
School Supplies 1 pencil case or pouch 4 marking pens 4 marble copybooks 5 pocket folders (red, green, blue, yellow, 1 color of your choice) 1 additional folder for World Language 5 Expo dry erase markers (1) 1 inch binders (1) 2 inch binder 24 pack of crayons 1 pair of scissors 12 glue sticks 2 boxes of Ticonderoga #2 pencils Erasers 2 packages of Post-it notes 2 boxes of tissues Multiplication flashcards Cleaning Wipes 2 highlighters Dividers 100 count construction paper 1 box of Crayola markers (2) black Sharpies Hand Sanitizer or baby wipes Gallon or Quart size Zip-loc bags
Additional Supplies Needed Thank you to everyone who already sent their class supplies in. We really appreciate all of your support at home. There are a few additional supplies your child will need for our classroom. Please send in with them at your earliest convenience. One 3-inch binder One large white poster board Earbuds (can be found at the dollar store) Please note: If you ordered your supplies through the PTO, the following items were missing: crayons and glue sticks. Sorry about the inconvenience.
Special Schedule Day A Music 1:29-2:09 Day B Technology 10:41-11:21 Physical Education 1:29-2:09 Day C Art 1:29-2:09 Day D World Language 12:05-12:45 Day E Gym 1:29-2:09 Day F Library 8:35-9:15
Behavior Management Individual Rewards: Extra stamps in assignment book Tickets Prize Box (**always looking for donations ) Homework Passes Praise notes Celebrity of the Week Class rewards: Table Points for extra tickets Movie Day Pajama Day Extra Recess Choice
Communication Email: jferrara@swsdk6.com or jryan@swsdk6.com Phone: 856-241-1552 ext: 4302 Communication Forms (Dismissal Changes) Website Assignment Book Homework Folder Red Test Folders Friday Folder Newsletter Classroom Dojo
Curriculum Information McGraw-Hill Wonders Reading Daily Five Accelerated Reader Raz-Kids McGraw-Hill My Math Daily 3 Math Reflex Math Accelerated Math Fundations Being A Writer
Curriculum Information Social Studies Communities and Geography New Jersey Native Americans Science (NGSS) Forces & Motion; Magnetism Weather, Climate, & Water Cycle Habitats, Heredity, & Change Over Time Life Cycles, Traits & Heredity
Classroom Schedule 8:15 ~ Morning Arrival/Homeroom 8:35 ~ Fundations/Reading/Daily Five Block 10:00 ~ Writing 10:41 ~ Math 11:23 ~ Lunch 12:05 ~ Daily 3 Math 12:47 ~ Science 1:30 ~ Special 2:10 ~ COMET Time (4x per 6 day cycle)
Homework Reading Read a book of their choice for 20 minutes Math My Math Homework
Birthdays Please adhere to the school district’s policy regarding food allergies and birthday/party celebrations. If your child celebrates his/her birthday in the summer, we can celebrate his/her half birthday during the school year. Please note that if your child would like to hand out birthday invitations, the invitations need to be for all the students in the class or all the boys or girls in the class.
Grading Standards-based grading system A score of 3 is what is expected. Ways to earn a 4: Challenging problems given on: Tests, Exit Slips, Classwork (What does the child know & understand beyond what is expected in third grade)…
Other Information Opportunities to volunteer ~ Please note, per school policy, only 5 parents allowed per party. Guest Readers ~ Email to be sent shortly. Class Parent(s) Report Cards December Conferences Celebrity of the Week Scholastic Book Club Orders Friday Journals
Thanks for coming! We are looking forward to a great school year!!!!