Mrs. Sanchez & Mrs. Cahoon 4th grade! 2016-2017 Mrs. Sanchez & Mrs. Cahoon 4th grade!
Two Teachers? This year your student will have two teachers! Mrs. Sanchez will be here in the morning teaching Reading and Writing. Mrs. Cahoon will be here in the afternoon teaching Math and Science.
All About Mrs. Sanchez:
About Mrs. Cahoon My Family… Things I like
Communication Call and leave a voicemail: 801-402-2450 Send an email to Mrs. Sanchez: Send an email to Mrs. Cahoon:
Grading District wide Rubric based 3- meets or exceeds grade level standards 2- below grade level standards 1- far below grade level standards
Missing/Unfinished work Grades updated weekly Missing assignment reports sent home on Monday for the previous week. Missing assignments not completed by Friday morning will result in the loss of Fantastic Friday.
Fantastic Friday Every Friday Reward for having no missing assignments, or completing the assignments you were missing and for good behavior Need parents volunteers to bring games/activities to do with class
Homework Sent home Friday, students will have a week to complete and are expected to return all homework the following Friday Will be a part of students grade and on missing assignments What to expect: 20 minutes reading, 5 nights/week Reading tracker sent home Friday and due the following Friday. Vocabulary and Spelling study At least one math sheet per week Periodic science assignments
Birthdays Store bought treats only! We keep birthdays simple, we will sing and pass out treats if the student brought some. Weekend birthdays will still be celebrated. We have PEANUT and ARTIFICIAL SWEENTENER allergies this year. Please plan birthday treats accordingly.
Volunteers Fantastic Fridays! Friday Homework Helper Field trips Halloween and Valentine’s Day parties More to come
Attendance Very important part of student success Perfect attendance means students are on time and here every day with no early checkouts! Students will be expected to make up any work they miss, so help them be here every day. If your student arrives after the tardy bell, they need to check in at the office BEFORE coming to class.
Rules No put-downs! Keep hands feet and objects to yourself at all times Do not talk out of turn and use appropriate voice levels Follow directions from any adult the first time they are given Be in your assigned seat/area and ready to work
Rewards Following the rules will earn you money everyday. Above and beyond behavior will earn you extra money or a spin on the prize wheel.
Consequences Warning Teachers choice May include: losing recess, walking tickets, losing class money, writing apology note, etc. Parent contact, Office Referral or sent to a SNAP(student needs alternative placement) classroom
Donations Kleenex Snacks and toys for auction prizes Black dry erase markers Disinfecting wipes Pencils Glue sticks Crayola crayons Colored pencils