Acharya Motibhai Patel Institutes Of Internal Marks System Presented By: Group No - 17 Kuldeep Patel. (13034212052) Vishal Raval (13034212092) MCA (Sem-V) Submitted To: Acharya Motibhai Patel Institutes Of Computer Studies 01/08/2014
Project Profile Project Title Internal Marks System Objective The goal of this project is to create a system that will capture IA marks, calculate final marks. Front –end PHP 5.2.9-2 Back-end MySql 5.1.33 Tools & Technology Adobe Dreamweaver CS6, HTML5,CSS,Javascript,WAMPServer2.2.11, Jquery. Internal Guide Dr. J.N Dharwa Project Group No. 17 Institute Acharya Motibhai Patel Institute of Computer Studies Presented By Kuldeep Patel (13034212052) Vishal Raval (13034212092) 01/08/2014
Requirement Specification 1)Existing System: In various department the admission details of students are kept as manual records. So it is very difficult to maintain the data. At the same time does not provide security of data. Chance for getting error is more. 01/08/2014
Requirement Specification Cont. 2)New System: To store all the record on a computerized system. To provided username and password facility. Internal grade are evaluated from the grade obtained by the students for internal exams, assignment and attendance. In our system no two students can have the same registration number. 14/12/2013
Functional Specification.. 1)Modules: We can view system modules as following:- Master data – maintenance of student, faculty, Course details. Marks entry – entry and modification of internal marks by each faculty. Reporting and inquiry – Marks reports for display on notice board, knowing marks of a particular student, his other marks, better students in a class etc. 01/08/2014
Functional Specification Cont. 2) Expected Users of The System: Admin: A most imortant part is admin side it is handled expected user. >Admin. >Faculty. >Student. Should be able to view the marks of all students in the institution : but should not be able alter any marks. Finally institution generates student mark sheet & put on ours websites. 01/08/2014
Requirement Specification Cont. Faculty: Should be able to enter the marks of all students in his/her subject. Should be able to modify the already entered marks. Should be able to view the marks of a particular student in all subjects of the semester. Would like system to calculate Final IA marks and also list top marks scorers & students below average. 01/08/2014
Functional Specification Cont. Students: Students should be able to view their marks and marks of other students in their class. 01/08/2014
Hardware Requirement Server Side (Minimum Requirements) Processor Dual-core 2.5 GHz RAM 1 GB HDD 80 GB free space Client Side (Minimum Requirements) 512 MB 40 GB free space 01/08/2014
Software Requirement Server Side (Minimum Requirements) Operating System Window server 2003 Database Mysql5.5.2,Apache Server Client Side (Minimum Requirements) Windows XP,Window7 Browser Internet Explorer 5.0 and any 01/08/2014
UML Diagram 23/08/2014
Requirement Gathering Time line chart(Gantt chart) Development Phase 3 Month Duration 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-50 50-70 70-90 Requirement Gathering & Analysis 10 Designing 12 Coding 40 Testing 13 Documentation 15 Total 18 20 24 16 90 23/08/2014
Activity Diagram For Admin Login No yes Manage site Handle expected user Manage all record View feedback Update all record Show status Manage student/faculty detail View/update Student record Manage functionality Manage all students & faculty Logout 23/08/2014
Activity Diagram For Faculty No v Registration yes Login Manage profile information Update profile Manage record Request for Inactivate Confirm/Cancel Show status Edit profile information Provide details Show profile Logout 23/08/2014
Use case Diagram Admin faculty student Registration For Faculty & student Login Admin Create & View student record Update student & faculty record faculty Display Course info View profile & View marks student Logout 23/08/2014
E-R Diagram Admin 14/12/2013
Data Dictionary 23/08/2014
Name of Table: Admin Description: This table store the Admin information. Field Name Data type Size Cons. Description Validation admin_UserName Varchar(20) 20 Not Null Admin UserName for Login Not NULL admin_Password Admin Password for Login 23/08/2014
Name of Table: faculty_info Description: This table stores the Faculty information. Primary Key: faculty_ID Field Name Data type Size Cons. Description Validation faculty_ID Varchar 20 Primary Key Primary key and Auto Increment / Faculty ID Not Null and Numeric Value faculty_name Char 25 Not Null Faculty Name Not NULL faculty_password Faculty Password to Login faculty_email 30 Email ID of faculty Post Designation of faculty 23/08/2014
Name of Table: Stud_Info Name of Table: Stud_Info. Description: This table store the Student Information. Primary Key:std_Enroll Field Name Data type Size Cons. Description Validation std_Enroll Int 14 Primary Key PRIMARY KEY / Student Enroll No. Not NULL std_Fname Char 15 Not Null Student First Name std_Mname Student Middle Name std_Lname Student Last Name std_Gender Varchar 6 Student Gender std_Sem 2 Student Semester std_Div Student Division std_RollNo 3 Foreign Key Student Roll No.
Get/Set student mobile no std_Parent_Mno Get/Set parent mobile no std_Batch varchar 15 Not Null Student current Batch Not NULL std_Address 50 Student Address std_City Varchar Student Current City std_State Student State std_MNo Bigint 12 Get/Set student mobile no std_Parent_Mno Get/Set parent mobile no std_Email 30 Get/Set student email address 14/12/2013
Name of Table: Subjects Description: This table stores the Subject Detail Primary Key: sub_Code Field Name Data type Size Cons. Description Validation sub_Code bigint 8 Primary Key primary/subject Code Not NULL sub_Name varchar 20 Not Null Subject Name semester int 3 semester For Subject sub_Credits 2 Subject Credits 23/08/2014
Name of Table: Subject_Assign Description: This table stores the Subject Assign Foreign Key: faculty_ID & sub_Code Field Name Data type Size Cons. Description Validation faculty_ID Varchar 20 Foreign key Foreign Key/ Faculty ID Not Null Sub_Code Bigint 8 subject Code Division Char 2 Not Null Division to assign Subject semester Smallint Semester to assign Subject 23/08/2014
Foreign/ Student Enrollment No. for marks Name of Table: Marks. Description: This table stores the Student Marks. Foreign Key: std_Enrollment & Sub_Code Field Name Data type Size Cons. Description Validation std_Enroll Bigint 15 Foreign Key Foreign/ Student Enrollment No. for marks Not Null Sub_Code Int 10 Subject Code Mid_Term1 5 Mid Term Exam 1 Marks Mid_Term2 Mid Term Exam 2 Marks MidTerm Mid Term Exam Average Marks Remedial Remedial Exam Marks Internal Internal Exam Marks 23/08/2014
Name of Table: Marks_Allotment Name of Table: Marks_Allotment. Description: This table store the Marks Allotment. Foreign Key: std_Enrollment & Sub_Code Field Name Data type Size Cons. Description Validation std_Enrollment bigint 14 Foreign Key Foreign key / Student Enrollment No. Not Null batch varchar 10 Student Batch sub_Code Subject Code attendance Smallint 2 Student attendance Grade presentation Presentation Grade assignment Assignment Grade behavior Behavior Grade other Int Other Grade 14/12/2013
Sequence Diagram 14/12/2013
Class Diagram 14/12/2013
Collaboration Diagram 14/12/2013
Admin:- 14/12/2013
Faculty:- 14/12/2013
Description:-This page is show information about Institutes. Home Page: Description:-This page is show information about Institutes. Description:-This page is show information about Institutes.
Login with Username/Password Description:- this page is information about admin login.
Welcome admin 14/12/2013
Admin side Faculty Registration Menu: Description:- A page used to faculty registration through admin(institute). 14/12/2013
Admin side Faculty Registration Description:- A page used to faculty registration through admin(institute).. 14/12/2013
Faculty Name Must be Enter:- 14/12/2013
Description:- this page is used for subject assign to the faculty. Subject Assisgn: Description:- this page is used for subject assign to the faculty. 14/12/2013
Description:- admin can used to the page for update a faculty record. Faculty Update Description:- admin can used to the page for update a faculty record. 14/12/2013
Successfully Updated.. Description:- A Faculty record which is successfully updated by the admin(institute) 14/12/2013
Description:- this page used for Delete faculty record. 14/12/2013
Description:- this page is used to open a student menu by admin.. Student register Menu Description:- this page is used to open a student menu by admin.. 14/12/2013
Admin side Student Registration Description:- this page used for register the student by admin(institute). 14/12/2013
Successfully student Registration.. Description:- this page is used to student registration form successfully record message display. 14/12/2013
Description:- this page is used to student update record.. 14/12/2013
Student Record Update Process Description:- this page is used to student update record edit box. 14/12/2013
Successfully Updated Student Record… Description:- this page is used to display student successfully update record. 14/12/2013
Description:- this page is used to view subject menu. 14/12/2013
Subject Code Not Fulfill(Error Message). Description:- this page used for insert to the subject, if the admin cannot enter sub code its generate error message in a Dialog box. 14/12/2013
Successfully Insert Subject. Description:- A successfully inserted Subject to the page. 14/12/2013
Description:- this page is used to display and edit subject record.. 14/12/2013
Description:- this page is used to edit box for subject record. Edit Subject Record… Description:- this page is used to edit box for subject record. 14/12/2013
Subject Record Successfully Updated… 14/12/2013
Record Delete… 14/12/2013
Successfully Deleted Subject… 14/12/2013
Student Profile… 14/12/2013
Show Student Profile Particular Class (Semester 5 -A)… 14/12/2013
Show Student Profile Particular Class (Semester 5 -B)… 14/12/2013
Faculty Side 14/12/2013
Description:-this page is used to faulty login. Faculty login page: Description:-this page is used to faulty login. 14/12/2013
Description:- this page is used to enter faculty in a module. Welcome Faculty… Description:- this page is used to enter faculty in a module. 14/12/2013
Marks Menu… 14/12/2013
Insert Internal Marks… 14/12/2013
Midterm Marks Insert… Description:- this page is used to add midterm marks to the student through faculty. 14/12/2013
Insert Remedial Marks… 14/12/2013
Show Student Marks Status… Description:- this page is used to show student marks status. 14/12/2013
Student Failing Record… Description:- this page is used to show student fail record. 14/12/2013
Search Student Record (Using Enrollment No)… Description: This page used to Search student record using enrollment no. 14/12/2013
Search Student Record Successfully (Using Student Name)… Description: This page used to Search student record using student name. 14/12/2013
About Us Page: 14/12/2013
Contact us Page: 14/12/2013
Testing Unit testing:- Testing is vital to the success of the system test make logical assumption. That if parts of system are correct, the goal will be successfully achieved This system is tested by following test and prepare for final implementation. Unit testing:- In unit each and every program is tested individual using dummy record to see whether that program produce satisfied output and validation also. I.e. if we not input any value then proper massage will display in message box. 14/12/2013
Test cases generated using extremes of input domain. Sequential Testing:- The program its will affect for processing done by using another Program. Execution Test: This program was successfully loaded and executed. Because of good Programming there were no execution errors. Black Box Testing :- Acceptance Testing: In acceptance testing we have tested application and check whether our requirement is fulfill or not. Boundary Testing: Test cases generated using extremes of input domain. 14/12/2013
Future Enhancement We are thing to improve our system.. A module from where entities can communicate. In future system, Student can online view marks to the module. In future generate a student attendance report and then print it … Email on Personal ID 14/12/2013
14/12/2013 Sr No. Test Case Input Expected Output Actual Output Test Status 1 Validation Field value like mobile no, email id, etc. Proper validations should be p laced according to program specifications. As per expected output. Pass 2 Insert Record Add record with necessary details. T he record should be available in the Database. 3 Delete Record Delete record by clicking. Record should not be available in the Database. 4 Database field and size Check all the table’s field type and size. Fi field’s name, type and size should be consistent through out the database. 5 Getting prop location Token no for location. Getting location using satellite. 14/12/2013
Bibliography (By: Steve Suehring Tim Converse Joyce Park) WEBSITES:- During the development of project we have use the following books & websites. BOOKS:- PHP6 and MySQL (By: Steve Suehring Tim Converse Joyce Park) PHP Cookbook (By: David Sklar Adam Trachtenberq) WEBSITES:- Web references 14/12/2013
Thanking You… 23/08/2014