Role of the DA / Expectations
Objectives Provide an overview of the DA Position Provide Suggestions for Operation Provide Opportunities for discussion and Interaction with other DA – ADAs
Role of the DA Qualifications Status in Service Communications and Contact Responsibilities Tenure of Office Elections / Validity / By Mail / Appointments Assistant Administrators District Funds Should have served in local league, preferably League President Should be a resident of the District Area Have the time to devote to activities
Role of the DA Qualifications Status in Service Aware that they are representative of leagues to Headquarters Knowledgeable and support principles of program Understand policies, Rules, Regulations and have good judgment Qualifications Status in Service Communications and Contact Responsibilities Tenure of Office Elections / Validity / By Mail / Appointments Assistant Administrators District Funds
Role of the DA Qualifications Status in Service Communications and Contact Responsibilities Tenure of Office Elections / Validity / By Mail / Appointments Assistant Administrators District Funds Frequent contact with leagues Monthly meetings desirable, min. 3-4 annually Agendas well planned, allow time for discussions
Role of the DA Qualifications Status in Service Communications and Contact Responsibilities Tenure of Office Elections / Validity / By Mail / Appointments Assistant Administrators District Funds Form a district organization Call meetings Conduct district tournaments Delegate responsibilities (which are prudent and essential)
Role of the DA Qualifications Status in Service Communications and Contact Responsibilities Tenure of Office Elections / Validity / By Mail / Appointments Assistant Administrators District Funds Elected for a term of four years by league presidents If resignation / termination, successor is appointed by LLB for balance of unexpired term Elections by July 15, terms start October 1 All records to successor
Role of the DA Qualifications Status in Service Election Procedures Report forms and cards sent to DA in June Election held at time of tournament meeting before July 15 Qualifications Status in Service Communications and Contact Responsibilities Tenure of Office Elections / Validity / By Mail / Appointments Assistant Administrators District Funds
Role of the DA Qualifications Status in Service Notice to each league at least 7 days in advance of meeting date Current chartered leagues are eligible to nominate and vote Qualifications Status in Service Communications and Contact Responsibilities Tenure of Office Elections / Validity / By Mail / Appointments Assistant Administrators District Funds
Role of the DA Qualifications Status in Service Validity of Election Majority of leagues must vote (quorum) Majority of the leagues voting necessary to elect candidate Current DA should appoint election chairperson Qualifications Status in Service Communications and Contact Responsibilities Tenure of Office Elections / Validity / By Mail / Appointments Assistant Administrators District Funds
Role of the DA Qualifications Status in Service Current DA should Authorized league rep may nominate candidate Voting may be by ballot or show of hands Report signed by chairperson, and each league rep present, Two copies of report, one to DA, one to Little League Completed by July 15 Qualifications Status in Service Communications and Contact Responsibilities Tenure of Office Elections / Validity / By Mail / Appointments Assistant Administrators District Funds
Role of the DA Qualifications Status in Service Communications and Contact Responsibilities Tenure of Office Elections / Validity / By Mail / Appointments Assistant Administrators District Funds Election by Mail Where travel makes meeting impractical, or majority of leagues not present at meeting, Little League will conduct election by mail.
Role of the DA Qualifications Status in Service Communications and Contact Responsibilities Tenure of Office Elections / Validity / By Mail / Appointments Assistant Administrators District Funds Appointments If neither of the procedures result in legal election, Headquarters reserves the right to appoint DA
Role of the DA Qualifications Status in Service Communications and Contact Responsibilities Tenure of Office Elections / Validity / By Mail / Appointments Assistant Administrators District Funds Assistants may be appointed by DA
Role of the DA Qualifications Status in Service Communications and Contact Responsibilities Tenure of Office Elections / Validity / By Mail / Appointments Assistant Administrators District Funds District Funds All income deposited All payments by check signed by treasurer and countersigned by other district officer
Authority of the DA Interpretations limited to current Rules, Regulations and Policies Responsible to uphold philosophy of the program Counsel leagues regularly With unresponsive leagues, seek Regional Director’s assistance Annual Report to Regional Director League on suspension League with pending action Charter Waiver Process
Chain of Command / Service Little League Headquarters Regional Headquarters District Administrators Local Leagues
Assistant DA s Necessary Qualifications Duties Tenure
Assistant DA s Necessary Qualifications Duties Tenure Should have served in a local league, preferably league president Experienced in all facets of league operations Should be resident of district Have time to devote Attend training session Necessary Qualifications Duties Tenure
Assistant DA s Necessary Qualifications Duties Tenure If more than one ADA, one position must be designated to serve in DA’s absence. (acting DA) Attend seminars Carry out mission of service to leagues Promoting Little League to new communities Necessary Qualifications Duties Tenure
Assistant DA s Necessary Qualifications Duties Tenure Appointed by DA to serve at DA discretion
Suggested Organization – Committees District Administrator Advisory Board (League Presidents) Umpire Consultant Info Officer Safety Officer Treasurer ADA’s Secretary COMMITTEES Community Participation Public Relations Membership Training Treasurer Softball Safety Vol Screening Secretary Leadership
Approved District Fund Plan At the beginning of the fiscal year (October 1- September 30) financial statement from previous fiscal year presented. Copy to each league and LLI. Present a budget for the new fiscal year to the leagues. See sample district budget on LLU Audit of accounts – by independent auditor or three or more league officials
Insurance Coverage Available Travel Accident for District Administrators and their staff General Liability Insurance for District Administrators Association Directors and Officers Liability and Crime Insurance for District Administrators
International Congress History Purpose Procedure for Agenda Other functions of the Congress First Congress held in Chicago, March 22-24, 1956
International Congress History Purpose Procedure for Agenda Other functions of the Congress To give field personnel a voice in the affairs of Little League Baseball and Softball.
International Congress Leagues and DA are invited to send recommendations to Rules Committee Committee tabulates subjects and prepares agenda of subjects with greatest interest Delegates ( DAs or approved alternates) vote on subject following round table discussions. History Purpose Procedure for Agenda Other functions of the Congress
International Congress Final vote tabulated via computer Referred to International Board of Directors for implementation History Purpose Procedure for Agenda Other functions of the Congress
International Congress History Purpose Procedure for Agenda Other functions of the Congress Nominate New International Board – Field Representative Expense of delegates handled through escrow fund, created by part of charter fees Educational opportunities Convenes every 4 years
Expectations Exercise As a League Administrator, what expectations would have for a District Administrator?