AFC 2017 (and 2018) AFC-2017-1 timeline: Application of candidates: closed Candidates file to department : 4 April 2017 Selection by department : end April 2017 CERN selection committee : 16 May 2017
LIU general: none in AFC-2017 and 2 in AFC-2018 Machine Supervisor Group Candidate Profile LIU AFC date Group: AFC date request Start/End date Subject BC LIU EN-STI EN/STI T.b.d GET Fellow AFC-2018-2 PS Booster absorber/scraper (from Q3/4 2016) . o The candidate will be dedicated to the conceptual and technical design (plus prototyping and FEM calculations) of the new PS Booster absorber/scraper. - 1 FELL (replacement) starting towards end 2018 (AFC-2018-2) dedicated to PS Dump and PS Absorber/Scraper. Similarly to the configuration above, a superposition will be required with the current fellow, also to follow-up the commissioning of the device. 50% 62011 and EN/STI tbc TTE Fellow follow-up construction, mock-up validation (TIDVG5) & installation of LIU devices such as TIDVG#5, PS Internal Dump, TCDIL and PS Booster Absorber/Scraper 62011
LIU-IONS PS injectors – 1 request in 2017-2 Machine Supervisor Group Candidate Profile LIU AFC date Group: AFC date request Start/End date Subject BC LIU-ION R.Scrivens or G.Bellodi BE/ABP T.b.d GET Fellow AFC-2017-2 AFC-2018-1 Mid 2018->mid 2020 Linac3 beam dynamics 62011 LIU-PSB and PS : 5 in AFC 2017-1 – 0 in AFC-2018 Machine Supervisor Group Candidate Profile LIU AFC date Group: AFC date request Start/End date Subject BC LIU-PS Caterina Bertone EN/HE T.b.d GET Fellow AFC-2017-1 AFC-2016-1 Feb-March 2017 for 2 years Handling studies for LIU (PS, SPS, Ions) 62011 Serge Pittet TE/EPC TTE Fellow AFC-2016-2 07/2017-06/2019 LIU-PS injection power converter development, purchasing, tests and commissioning put LIU 62011 until they provide us with a material BC Richard Scrivens BE/ABP Space charge studies in the PS (Serluca leaving) Thomas Kramer TE-ABT A. Ferrero Colomo July 2017 Upgrade of Fast Pulsed Systems within the scope of the LIU-PS project LIU-PSB AFC-2017-2 Space charge studies in the PSB Merge the 2 BE/ABP requests into 1 and request it for AFC-2017-2 ?
LIU-SPS : 5 in AFC-2017-1 and 3 in AFC-2018 Machine Supervisor Group Candidate Profile LIU AFC date Group: AFC date request Start/End date Subject BC LIU-SPS Richard Scrivens BE/ABP T.b.d GET Fellow AFC-2017-1 AFC-2016-2 Studies for the Q22 optics. In practice this fellow will be shared between Kevin and Hannes, and Kevin will be involved in the studies for instabilities – eg. TMCI. We also are looking for other partial support options in the group, but given the work for Q22, someone to follow up simulation and measurement full time is needed 62011 Rhodri Jones BE/BI August 2017->January 2019 fellowship on radiation hard electronics for the new SPS BPM system Standby. we keep this additional Fellow request in the LIU Fellows list and let’s make a final decision in Q1 2017, when we have all the final ones, from all the groups and LIU machines Injector BLM system commissioning and qualification. This fellow would undertake a performance analysis of the system in L4, PSB and PS and then define the thresholds to be used for machine protection. It was noted that for the moment there is little support in the PSB in particular for such detailed analysis – another reason why we believe this to be essential manpower for the BI BLM team. Thomas Kramer TE/ABT AC-2017-1 Mid-2017-mid 2019 LIU-SPS SBDS (GTP stack development, integraton, testing. PFN testin, MKDV magnet follow-up, Pspoce simulation, Specs) and CONS LBDS 50% 62011 and 50% CONS Daniel Ricci EN/EL Jul-17 Preparation / Excecution LIU-SPS activities Simone Gillardoni EN/STI AFC-2018-1 TE/VSC LIU related activities. 50% of a fellow will be funded by LIU. The LIU 50% includes vacuum support/activities for the TCDIL mainly (plus some vacuum support for PS dumps and PSB scrapers). EN/STI will look with HL-LHC for the other 50%. 50% funded by LIU. EN/STI will look with HL-LHC for the other 50%. Nov-18 Support to BPM and other LIU fibre project AFC-2018-2 Jan-19