Finals Review Pre-AP Spanish 1
The Verb Ser María is very tall. María _____ muy alta. My friends are from Cuba. Mis amigos _____ de Cuba. You (Ustedes) are young. Ustedes _____ jóvenes. It's Saturday. _____ sábado. You (Tu) are very beautiful. _____ muy hermosa. My parents are doctors. Mis padres _____ médicos.
The verb tener Yo _______calor. I am hot. Nosotras ________hambre. We are hungry. Usted ______sed. You (formal) are thirsty. Tú ______sueño. You (informal) are sleepy. Ella ______dos gatos. She has two cats. Las chicas _______frío. The girls are cold.
The Verb Tener Usted ______un carro rojo. You (formal) have a red car. Nosotras _______carros nuevos. We have new cars. Tú ______un hermano. You (informal) have a brother. Victor y yo _______ocho primas. Victor and I have eight cousins.
Tener Que + Infinitive (phrase to indicate something has to be done) _____ sacar la basura. I have to take the trash out. _____ trabajar mañana. We have to work tomorrow. _____ practicar hoy. He has to practice today. _____ ir de compras esta noche. She has to go shopping tonight. _____ estudiar hoy. They (girls) have to study today
The Verb ir Yo _____a la playa. I go to the beach. Tú_____a la oficina. You (informal) go to the office. Nosotros _______a la biblioteca. We go to the library. Ana ______al parque. Ana goes to the park. Carlos y tú ____al correo. Carlos and I go to the post office.
Ir + A + Infinitive Yo _____ una hamburguesa mañana. I am going to eat a hamburger tomorrow. La familia ______ la universidad. The family are going to visit the university. Translate into Spanish: I am going to sing She is going to take notes Trincy and Jane are going to get good grades We are going to dance at the party Ms. V is going to give an exam tomorrow