Layout Main features… Magazine masthead located at the top of the cover, central Sell line and website below - Central figure - Main cover line - Secondary cover lines - Barcode
Layout The central figure has been placed in front of the masthead, giving the sense that the film “Inception” has taken over the front of the magazine, making it the most important feature of the magazine Everything has been situated in order to draw focus to the central figure (text orientation, layering of text) The website, selling line and barcode are lost within the cover, as to not distract the reader from the main focus of the front cover
One large image is used, filling the centre column of the front cover Use of Images One large image is used, filling the centre column of the front cover Main character of the film “Inception” Leonardo Dicaprio is shown dressed in a dark suit, carrying a handgun with a look of mystery on his face. These features have been carefully chosen to give the reader an idea of the feel and context of the film… The image is not in direct mode of address, in other words is not looking straight at the reader, adding to the sense of mystery behind the image
Use of text “ON STEROIDS” entices the action-loving reader, also appealing to fans of the Matrix and 007 as they will be able to relate to “Inception” “Dream, access to the movie event of 2010” is designed to draw the reader in, with prospects of winning a fantastic prize “The good, the bad and the really ugly” A comical twist on a classic film title. Entertaining for lovers of film “The Dark Knight returns” A short, almost menacing statement in which nothing is revealed; a tempting statement for readers to look further into inside the magazine
Colour and Font The red implies danger, action and violence. It is a “in your face” colour choice immediately capturing the reader’s attention The metallic blue background adds a futuristic theme to the front cover The black of the suit contrasts nicely with the red and blue,allowing the centre figure to dominate the cover. The same basic font is used throughout, however the use of capital letters allows the reader to differentiate between main cover lines and sub headings
Target Audience Target Audience: Male film enthusiasts Strong bold, primary colours will appeal to men References to latest film releases will attract other film enthusiasts even if they are not interested in “Inception” If women were the intended target audience, Leonardo Dicaprio would have been presented in a more sexy, appealing way; instead he is looking threatening and dressed in a crisp suit.