Santa Ana College, School of Continuing Education Disabled Student Programs and Services Mary Stephens, Learning Disabilities Specialist
Learning Skills Program Overview Designed for students with learning disabilities who want to improve their basic skills for personal development, higher college placement scores, greater employability, or high school diploma completion.
Courses Offered: Skills for Success: Learn to set goals, get organized, study better and succeed in life.
Learning Skills and Strategies: Improve your basic reading, writing, and math skills. Learn to accomplish your own learning and career goals.
Disabilities and Success in the Workplace: Improve your employment skills; become prepared to get and keep a job.
High School Diploma Courses: Finish your high school diploma High School Diploma Courses: Finish your high school diploma. Accommodations and support services provided. (Recommended 6.0 reading comprehension and average to above average abilities.)
Take Charge of Your Education! If you’re a student with a disability who needs academic accommodations, it’s your responsibility to identify yourself to your instructor and to the Disabled Student Programs and Services (DSPS). To make arrangements for academic accommodations, contact the DSPS Office for the School of Continuing Education at Centennial Education Center in D-101, or call (714) 241-5768.
Contact a DSPS Specialist at 714-241-5768 ***All continuing education classes are free and flexible to meet your personal needs. You may begin at any time. Contact a DSPS Specialist at 714-241-5768