日本研究演習(英語)A Chris Burgess (1号館1308研究室、内線164) cburgess@tsuda.ac.jp ・http://edu.tsuda.ac.jp/~cburgess
大谷 苑子
Next Class: Semester Review Test 25 multiple choice (2 points each) Select from a, b, c, or d (in groups!) 1 English composition (individually) Choose from 8 questions 50pts + = 100pts No electronic dictionaries, books, or memos…
Examples of Multiple Choice Questions
In 2050, the Japanese population is estimated to be… 145 million 120 million 100 million 70 million
Examples of English Composition Questions
Japan should recognise dual nationality: Discuss b) Permanent residents should be given voting and employment rights: Discuss c) Japan needs to bring in more migrants if it is to survive: Discuss d) Compensation should be given to ‘sex-slaves’ and ‘slave-labourers’: Discuss
Don’t say what you think “should” happen COMPOSITION HINTS Avoid “I think…” Present an argument not your opinion Don’t say what you think “should” happen Do present arguments and evidence in a balanced, logical way (like a debate) e.g. 1 paragraph each:賛成・反対・まとめ for against analysis/summary
There are two arguments against dual nationality. First, …. Second, There are two arguments against dual nationality. First, …..Second,.... There are two arguments for dual nationality. First, …..Second,.... In summary, the main arguments are…XYZ arguments are strong because…XYZ arguments are weak because. Overall, ….
Points to Remember Semester Review (test) Date June 15th (please come on time!) The test covers the whole semester Compositions can be as long as you like (assuming you have time to write!) Questions are from the lecture and powerpoints: you don’t need to review every word of the handouts If you want to check your test results, please drop by my office later in term 2 (if you want them earlier please contact me by e-mail) http://info.tsuda.ac.jp/HOME/lecture/
‘Oldcomers’ vs. ‘Newcomers’ Most ‘oldcomers’ neither old nor did they come from anywhere… Many ‘newcomers’ are not new, but have been settled in Japan for 20 or 30 years! カタカナ labels tend to emphasise foreign-ness and create distance
Newcomers 1970’s Indo-Chinese Refugees Late 70’s Female ‘entertainers’ from Asia -1986 Mid 80’s+ Migrant Workers from South & SE Asia, China, Korea, and Iran 1990 Nikkeijin from Brazil J took about 10,000 refugees – compare US taking 900,000 Before 1988 most newcomers were women Social visibility – new migration/second opening of Japan Also Chinese returnees and their families
Is gai(koku)jin an exclusionary or even racist label? 「移民」と呼ばれていない。。。 1970’s 難民 Late 70’s アジアから来た -1986 「エンターテイナー」 Mid 80’s+ 外国人労働者 1990 帰国者・日系人 Is gai(koku)jin an exclusionary or even racist label? Politicians and media studiously avoid the “i” word
Japanese & Foreign Population (1979-2009) 1.55% (2005) 2.01 million 1.63% (2006) 2.08 million 1.69% (2007) 2.15 million 1.70% (2008) 2.2 million 2009: First Fall since 1961! 1.6% (2012) 2.03 million 1.6% (2013) 2.07 million 1.7% (2014) 2.1 million Total Japanese Population peaked (128m) in 2008, now falling(2050 estimate 100m) http://www.immi-moj.go.jp/toukei/index.html =2009
Permanent (永住者) Non-permanent (非永住者) (2015) General PR (new-comers) spouse Special PR (old-comers) Long term resident Foreign Student Non-permanent (非永住者)
Registered Foreigners in Japan by Nationality (1991-2015) 万 (10,000) 万 (10,000) 1. ? 2. ? 4. ? 3. ? Right scale is total number of registered foreigners (grey bars); left scale is number of various nationalities http://todo-ran.com/t/kiji/11639 5. ?
Registered Foreigners in Japan by Nationality (1991-2015) 万 (10,000) 万 (10,000) Right scale is total number of registered foreigners (grey bars); left scale is number of various nationalities http://todo-ran.com/t/kiji/11639
外国人労働者問題 1980s Longer stays 1990s Steady Family Formation Putting down roots in communities Residency (居住) ・ Settlement (定住)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1kb1a3koQcc http://www.darling-movie.com/index.html
No. of International Marriages (5.8%) 2006 Peak 1 in 30 (3.2%)
Are national cultural differences really the most important? Play bookmarked scene in Darling
What is an ‘international marriage’? Marriage of a Japanese and a non-Japanese Including Koreans born and brought up in Japan ‘Original’ Japanese concept Concept ‘made in Japan’ in 2nd half of 19C Used to give Japanese nationality to non-Jap. & ‘build the nation’ through marriage to whites! Itsuko Kamoto
Who Marries Japanese? 4 out of 5 international marriages involve a foreign wife (妻外国人) 15,442 2013 2001
POST-WAR HISTORY Started off as a local government initiative in Yamagata in 1985 (rural depopulation) Companies (業者) gradually took over as kokusai kekkon boom took off Today there are thousands of agencies… 過疎化 Reaction to 過疎化(rural depopulation): koukeisha taisaku (measures to retain heirs)
PROBLEMS Human Rights Abuses (人権侵害) Commodification (商品化) Human Trafficking (人身売買) Baby Machines? Article on trafficking from DY 16.6.04: Japan no law on human trafficking… Cases of women being divorced because no baby without being told.
My Research "Paradoxically, the bride importing project, aimed at conserving the structure of Japanese society, will potentially have the effect of drastically altering it.” Nakamura (88:31) Newcomers have the potential to shape fundamental social change…
WHY YAMAGATA? High percentage of newcomers who marry and settle (定住) locally Well-developed support organisations Rapid pace of change 内なる国際化=uchinaru kokusaika (“grassroots internationalisation”)
MY PhD THESIS How do newcomers navigate, negotiate, and (re)construct their identities? Are they ready to be social agents? How are they able to exercise agency? How might their actions challenge stereotypes of ‘Japanese’ and ‘foreigner’, especially notions of Japanese identity as homogenous? ((ある結果をもたらす)力, 作用, 働き) What do I want to know?
SAMPLE 17 women (15 married to Japanese) from Korea, China, Philippines, Brazil Interviews took place between Sept. 2001 and March 2002 Recruited through local NGO and International Association Despite the image of the ‘Filipino bride’, 2/3 of foreign residents are Chinese and Korean http://www.ivyivy.org/
JAPANESE SUMMARY 博士論文の主なテーマは、現代日本における変革の可能性である。日本は転換期に入っているという点で議論する。日本にいる永住移民がこの変革をもたらしているという視点から究明するものである。この人達の日常生活での言動が日本の社会の変革に大変影響を与えており、日本の今後の発達と親密なつながりを持つ。
ツヨシ君に伝えたい~フィリピン花嫁たちは今 1995年5月 Full video available at: https://drive.google.com/a/gm.tsuda.ac.jp/file/d/0ByJYSUHutoTienR1bFpsRE5tNjg/edit?usp=sharing
About 10 mins (full video 24mins)
授業に関するアンケート よろしく!
日本研究演習(英語)A Chris Burgess (1号館1308研究室、内線164) cburgess@tsuda.ac.jp ・http://edu.tsuda.ac.jp/~cburgess
FINDINGS Newcomers constantly reconstruct their personal sense of national identity Newcomers also adapt to local norms Newcomers are very self-aware about identity construction Social capital, not ‘resistance’, is important Japan may be approaching a ‘critical mass’ in terms of Japanese identity being transformed from within
Marks 100 years since annexation in 1910