MY ECLAT ECLAT is an outcome of our years of experience in the VoIP area, providing solutions to and interacting with hundreds of customers with various business models. ECLAT is setting up a dedicated server or dedicated virtual server with static IPv4 address for the exclusive use of customers for rent ECLAT also provides Technical support with 24/7 NOC services. ECLAT is an outcome of our years of experience in the VoIP area, providing solutions to and interacting with hundreds of customers with various business models.
ECLATS TECHNICAL ASPECTS VOS 3000 Routing by ASR, LCR(least cost routing Available capacity are 1000/3000/5000 ports Switches are on dedicated servers. Support voice, fax and video calls NOC SUPPORT TEAM 24/7 noc support team Email,chat,telephone support are available Real-time monitoring for Call Performance Connect analysis, interruption analysis Best services and technical support
SERVICES Eclat offers A to Z wholesale and retail termination of voice traffic across the world. We have 3 choices for A to Z termination. Platinum routes Gold routes Silver routes
CALL CENTRE TERMINATION We are terminating millions of minutes to CHINA CC and HONG KONG CC monthly. Apart from the above destinations we also terminate CC traffic to Singapore,Germany,France and Russia. CALL CENTRE TERMINATIONS
WORKING WITH ECLAT Sign the agreement and we get you interconnected with us. We provides 3 sets of services: VoIP trade, server rent and NOC services. Protocol: Sip/H323 Codec:g729/g711/g723 Invoices raised are bi-weekly or monthly as per request 24/7 online account management, CDRs, balance alert, payments etc.
ECLAT’S NOC TEAM Our team possesses the experiences, expertise and skills set that are needed to provide the best of breed solutions for higher efficiency and lower costs. Our mission is to help customers achieve and sustain high performance by creating and exploring competitive advantage, delivering innovation, and driving business processes optimization and sustainable value creation
CONTACT US General Enquiry : Sales Enquiry : Technical Enquiry : Rates Enquiry : Billing Enquiry
THANK YOU By Eclat Team