Future Energy Landscapes workshop 2 (Phase C) [COMMUNITY NAME] Workshop run by [COUNCIL NAME] Centre for Sustainable Energy Campaign to Protect Rural England
Places and services [Summarise bullet points here from the flipcharts you collated in the Phase A sessions on Places and Services (Sessions B1 & B2)]
Landscape & Land Management [Summarise here the key points that the group made during the phase A workshop sessions on Landscape and Land management (sessions C1 and C2)]
People and organisations [Summarise here the key points that the group made during the phase A workshop sessions on People and Organisations (sessions D1 & D2)]
Energy: past, present and future [Summarise here the key points that the group made during the phase A workshop sessions energy (this may spread over more than one slide) (sessions E1, E2, F1 and F2)]
Homework Let’s go round the room – who did what for their homework?
CESAR tool outputs [needs populating] Your session with the CESAR tool resulted in a ‘plan’ to generate XX% of your buildings’ energy needs from renewable sources. You accounted for renewable energy producing XX% of electricity & XX% of heat. A further XX% reduction in energy use from energy saving and behaviour change activity was proposed. UK targets currently enshrined in law are looking to produce 20% of energy from renewable sources by 2020 (including transport). EU Renewables Directive. [remove if using after Brexit!] Longer term target to reduce carbon emissions by 80% by 2050 (will need huge upswing in renewables or major technological advances e.g. in CCS). – UK Carbon reduction plan. Whether in the EU or out, the UK ratified the Paris agreement in November 2016, committing UK to net zero emissions post 2050. Fill out the details here on the proportion of energy needs met by looking at the CESAR spreadsheet you filled in with this group in the Phase A workshop. (Note that the energy saving technologies automatically deduct from the total demand as they are added when the group is doing their CESAR session, so you will need to make a note of those and remove them from the workbook to see what the demand was before they were applied, then you can add them back once you have finished your calculations).
Energy game outputs - discussion Looking at the results from the original game and reflection after the workshop: Are you surprised at how much/little of the total you have got covered? Did you change your views on whether this was an appropriate mix? Were the changes to your views the result of your own reflection, or after talking to others? If you spoke to others, was it easy to explain why they chose the mix of technologies you did from the energy game? Was there opposition or concern to this plan? How do you feel about the landscape impacts of your energy game outputs – are you still comfortable with these? Why/why not? Have you thought any more about ownership models (community vs commercial)? Did others that you spoke to have any views on these? Have you thought any more about the mismatch between electricity and heat? Have you thought any more about the problems you foresaw in getting people to change behaviour or make other small changes such as changing lightbulbs?
Next steps- discussion
Thank you!