**Remember to wear tennis shoes on P.E. days** A Peek At The Week -In reading we are continuing to switch to our leveled reading groups. Students should be bringing home daily reading homework. -During math we will review the correlation between addition and subtraction. Students will take their end of the module test on Thursday. We will begin Module 2 on Friday, which focuses on an introduction to place value. -Writing time will be used on writing a story about an activity that we enjoy doing with our family. This week we will continue telling more in our stories and our illustrations. Students will work on labeling their illustrations to provide more details for the reader. -Our Core Knowledge time will continue with Social Studies this week with our unit on Early World Civilizations. We will finish Ancient Egypt by talking about the Great Sphinx, Hatshepsut, and Kind Tut. Homework Ideas -Please take time to read with your child every night for 10-15 minutes. -Continue work on the unfinished sprints that come home each day. Reminders Fall is here! Please send your kiddo to school with a jacket for that cold morning recess and those chilly afternoons. Looking Ahead -Monday October 31st is our Halloween Party from 1:30-2:15. * Students will change into their costumes at 1:30. Please send them to school in normal clothes where their costume can go over when time to change. Mrs. Hawkins’ First Grade News October 24th, 2016 ozweifel@greeleyschools.org Extra News - Please remember to check your email for the sign-up genius reminder for bringing in treats and helping out during our Halloween party! - Specials this Week Monday- Art Tuesday- Music Wednesday – P.E. Thursday- Computers Friday- Art **Remember to wear tennis shoes on P.E. days**