February 16, 2017 Warm-up Answer the following in a short paragraph. 1. Do you think The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn should be taught in high school? 2. Can you think of a reason why it should not?
MARK TWAIN 1835-1910 Real name: Samuel Clemens Grew up in Hannibal, MO (setting of HF) Worked as an apprentice for newspapers, on steamboats, and for his brother – a politician in NV Gained national attention for “Jumping Frog” Married Olivia Langdon, a rich girl from NY whose parents were outspoken abolitionists
MARK TWAIN (HUCK FINN) Published HF in 1885 14th most banned book in American libraries (2000-2009) Has been called the “greatest American novel” Some critics argue that the novel breaks racial stereotypes, while others argue that it reinforces negative stereotypes Twain’s reaction: the novel not meant for children, the Bible just as corrupt for youth to read
HF is one of the most controversial novels because of the “excessive” use of the N-word Recently, racial issues have stormed our media (Baltimore, Ferguson, Trayvon Martin, etc…)
RACIAL DIFFERENCE Does race matter? Why or why not? Why are people sensitive about talking about race? How do you feel about your own racial identity? Are you totally content? How is race portrayed in the media today? How does the media ask us to view race?
What is this conversation about? M R DUCS M R KNOT M R 2 C D BEEKS O M R DUCS Dialect - The language used by the people of a specific area, class, district or any other group of people. It involves the spelling, sounds, grammar and pronunciation used by a particular group of people and it distinguishes them from other people around them.
THE SANITIZATION DEBATE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nW9-qee1m9o Do you see any biases in this video? What does “slavery as a condition” mean? Is the n-word necessary in this novel? Reactions so far?
Point of View First person Effects of this type of narration What do we know about Huck?
February 21, 2017 Warm-up Get out your vocab and have it ready for me to check. Write a sentence about a major point in Huck Finn thus far using one of our Week 13 vocab words. Be prepared to read it out loud.
Plot Introduction Setting Time Place
Plot Introduction Setting Place
February 23 Warm-up Write down a superstition or superstitious belief that you are familiar with. Be prepared to share it with the class. What purpose does a superstition have?
Characterization Role of superstition in Huck Finn Motivation(s) of superstitious characters Motivation – the reason(s) behind a character's specific action or behavior. Types of motivation: intrinsic and extrinsic
Plot Introduction: Characters Huck Finn Tom Sawyer Widow Douglas Miss Watson Pap Jim Foils?
February 28 Warm-up: Characters Around the room are sheets of paper with the important characters thus far. Write an adjective or phrase that describes him or her on each one (with your initials next to it).
March 1 Warm-up: Conflict Around the room are sheets of paper with the important characters thus far. Take a slip that says Antagonist and Protagonist, put your name on the back of each, and tape or pin that sheet to the appropriate Character Sheet. ****If you don’t see a good choice – write one on the back board.
Plot Introduction: Conflict Protagonist vs. Antagonist Types Protagonist vs. another character Protagonist vs. self Protagonist vs. larger power (e.g. nature, fate, society)
Plot Introduction: Conflict Conflict: Think about what the protagonist wants – then what or who is keeping him or her from getting that or achieving that goal. That is the antagonist. What is the conflict in Huck Finn? Novel – more complex conflict(s)