Prepared by Kim Randall Development Officer Hastoe House Association Morris Close Burwash Progress Report March 2016 Prepared by Kim Randall Development Officer Hastoe House Association
Scheme Review Block A Scaffold now struck. Repairs to dpm will be implemented to achieve water tightness before re erecting scaffold to install roof coverings Insulation, breather membrane and counter battens complete to all roofs External wall insulation, breather membrane and battens 75% complete Instructions issued to PAGeoContracting for remedial works to external DPM and service penetrations to Block A Foxdown instructed to excavate in readiness for remedial works. Plot 6 sub floor has been dried out but water has reappeared, this is suspected to be rainwater ingress through the incomplete/defective edge DPM detail Order placed with drying out company to commence when water tightness is achieved Block B roof tiles stripped. Holes in breather membrane and insulation made good. Roof recovering and remedial works to roof lights Service penetrations and verge details will be completed prior to scaffold strike which will enable commencement of remedial works to external DPM
Remedial Works Water has been located in the void between the ground level and floor slab. Specialist engineer has been to site to inspect the issue and provide solution External insulation installed External wall insulation, breather membrane and battens 75% complete Roof tiles stripped. Holes in breather membrane and insulation made good. Roof recovering and remedial works to roof lights completed.
Key Project Dates Description Date Contract commencement date 29.06.14 Drying out plots and DPM integrity test 15.03.16 Complete insulation and breather membrane to block A elevations 18.03.16 Excavate in readiness for remedial works to block A external DMP 16.03.16 Complete remedial works to block B roof 25.03.16 Snagging & desnagging TBC Estimated handover date September 2016
Project Risk Risk Status change in period Standard of existing construction Structural remedial works complete, records to be sent to Canham Standard of existing construction Dampness/water ingress discovered to Block A plots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6; Block B Plots 7 and 10. Remedial works required to damp proof membranes. Air tightness Replacement membranes to be installed to all plots Defective roof coverings to Block A require remedial works Remedial works will address defects Defective roof detailing to Block B verge and penetrations discovered. Also deflection to Block B roof discovered, measurements provided to Canham. Report received from Canham, no issues with deflection. Remedial works in progress
Scheme Details 8 x affordable units 2 x shared ownership 10 units in total 1 x 1 bedroom bungalow 2 x 1 bedroom flats 2 x 2 bedroom flats 4 x 2 bedroom houses 1 x 3 bedroom house Site possession 08.04.14
Hastoe Housing Team - Burwash
Contact List Hastoe Kim Randall - Development Officer 020 8973 0427 Responsible for managing the development of the scheme RG Carter Nick Pitcher- Site Manager Contact details T.B.C Responsible for site management Rother Council Amy Fearn – Housing and Asset Development Officer – 01424 787514 Responsible for allocation queries and Rother Council waiting lists for local residents
Summary The scheme has been slipping behind schedule for several weeks and we have not had a revised handover date. Productive work during this reporting period has been confirmed as delayed due to the amended planned site works to accommodate the necessary repairs to the DPM. Without the basic building being weather tight and dry the airtight membrane works cannot commence. During the last four weeks little progress has been made due to the fundamental issues of water ingress to the ground floor void postponing and stopping progress on block A and having similar effects on the DPM on block B where the roofs are currently being stripped off to repair the membrane and resolve the issue of the dipping on the rear of block B. The specialist membrane engineer was on site to discuss options to resolve the issue with the membrane and I believe we have a solution. We will have to excavate around the outside of both block A & B to expose the membrane, this need to be made airtight and we will also need to ensure that the water ingress has fully dried out and this will take a minimum of 14 days. Once the membrane has been repaired we will hose test the external area to ensure that no water will penetrate the membrane to confirm we have resolved the water ingress issue.