Fusion Neutronics, Nuclear Data, Design & Analyses


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Presentation transcript:

Fusion Neutronics, Nuclear Data, Design & Analyses Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe Technik und Umwelt Fusion Neutronics, Nuclear Data, Design & Analyses - Overview of FZK Activities - U. Fischer Association FZK-Euratom Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Germany IEA International Workshop on Fusion Neutronics, Baden-Baden, Germany, 18 October 2001

Overview Nuclear Blanket Design Neutronics Research & Development Fusion power reactor & ITER/next step Neutronics Research & Development MC sensitivity/uncertainty computational technique Code system for 3D shut-down dose rate calculations Nuclear Experiments & Analyses ITER shut-down dose rate experiment (FNG) Cyclotron irradiation experiment on tungsten IFMIF Intense Neutron Source Neutronics, nuclear data, D-Li source term IEA International Workshop on Fusion Neutronics, Baden-Baden 18 October 2001

Blanket Design & Development European Fusion Technology Programme Helium Cooled Pebble Bed (HCPB) Blanket Water Cooled Lithium Lithium-Lead (WCLL) Blanket Fusion Power Reactor Power Plant Conceptual Study (PPCS) 2001: Near-term concepts (HCPB, WCLL) 2002: Advanced blanket concepts ITER/”Next Step” HCPB test blanket modules IEA International Workshop on Fusion Neutronics, Baden-Baden 18 October 2001

ITER Test Blanket Module HCPB test blanket modules in ITER-FEAT (MCNP model) IEA International Workshop on Fusion Neutronics, Baden-Baden 18 October 2001

ITER Shutdown Dose Rate Experiment (FNG) IEA International Workshop on Fusion Neutronics, Baden-Baden 18 October 2001

ITER Shutdown Dose Rate Experiment (FNG) IEA International Workshop on Fusion Neutronics, Baden-Baden 18 October 2001

IFMIF Neutronics D(Li,xn) source function Reaction models & evaluated data files MCNP  MC codes McDeLi, McDeLicious Data base development E 20 MeV INPE Obninsk /FZK co-operation Transport & activation data files ENDF-6 data format Design & optimisation irradiation test modules High flux test module (HFTM) Irradiation characteristics IEA International Workshop on Fusion Neutronics, Baden-Baden 18 October 2001

D-Li neutron source term 6,7Li + d cross-section evaluations (E 50 MeV)  A. Konobeyev et al, Nucl. Sci. Eng. 139, 1-23 (2001) Evaluation methodology Diffraction theory for elastic scattering & deuteron break-up Modified intranuclear cascade model for stripping reactions Code DISCA/3D & microscopic experimental data ENDF-6 evaluated data files DDX neutron emission cross-sections (MF=6) Processed with NJOY/ACER for use with MC-codes Advanced Monte Carlo procedure for source term calculations using d+ 6,7Li data files: “McDeLicous”  S. Simakov, this meeting IEA International Workshop on Fusion Neutronics, Baden-Baden 18 October 2001

IFMIF neutron flux spectrum IEA International Workshop on Fusion Neutronics, Baden-Baden 18 October 2001

Intermediate Energy Activation File Complete activation data library IEAF-2001 679 nuclides (1<Z<84),  130.000 excitation functions E  150 MeV; E  20 MeV: EAF-99 activation cross-sections ENDF-6 format, MT=5, LAW=0, MF=2 skeleton Processed with NJOY/GROUPR; full GENDF data library Applied to IFMIF HFTM activation analysis with ALARA activation code (P. Wilson, UW) IEAF-2001 to be distributed via NEA Data Bank IEA International Workshop on Fusion Neutronics, Baden-Baden 18 October 2001

Intermediate Energy Data Evaluations INPE Obninsk/FZK co-operation 1H, 56Fe, 23Na, 39K, 28Si, 12C, 52Cr, 51V (50 MeV); 6,7Li, 9Be (150 MeV) LANL 150 MeV data evaluations 1,2H, 9Be, 12C, 16O, 14N, 27Al, 28,29,30Si, 31P, 40Ca, 50,52,53,54Cr, 54,56,57,58Fe, 58,60,61,62,64Ni, 63,65Cu, 93Nb, 182,183,184,186 W, 196,198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 204 Hg, 206, 20, 208 Pb, 209Bi JENDL High Energy File for IFMIF (50 MeV) 12C, 23Na, 24,25,26Mg, 27Al, 28,29,30Si, 39K, 40,42,43,44,46,48Ca, 46,47,48,49,50Ti, 51V, 50,52,53,54Cr, 55Mn, 54,56,57,58Fe, 58,60,61,62,64Ni, 63,65Cu, 89Y, 92,94,95,96,97,98,100Mo,180,182,183,184,186 W NRG Petten/ CEA Bruyeres-les-Chateles co-operation 54,56Fe, 58,60Ni (150 MeV) IEA International Workshop on Fusion Neutronics, Baden-Baden 18 October 2001